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Alive here and now. Live here and now. All you have to do is change HOW you do it.

Our consciousness has a wonderful way of interacting with the world - the mode of awareness. When we live consciously, we understand that we ourselves “distort” reality: we think, analyze and evaluate too much. Because of this, we cannot sleep or rest, we feel overwhelmed and uncollected. It is much easier when our consciousness is here and now. Here are some tips from books on mindfulness to make it easier for you to concentrate on the present moment and state of affairs.

Start your day mindfully

Open your eyes, pause for a moment, and then take five slow breaths. This will allow you to get in touch with your body. If you are tired, anxious, in a bad mood, or have any other feelings, try to treat them as events occurring in your mind that appear and dissolve. If something hurts, treat these sensations as sensations, nothing more. Try to accept all your thoughts, feelings and sensations as gently and carefully as possible. There is no need to try to change them. Accept them because they are already here in your body. By temporarily turning off your autopilot this way, you can take a few minutes to scan your body, focus on your breathing, or stretch before getting out of bed.

Use “breathing meditations”

Doing a “breathing meditation” throughout the day helps you focus on the present so you can deal wisely and compassionately with your own thoughts, feelings, and sensations. Here's an example of a 3-minute "break":

Step 1. You can do the exercise sitting or standing, but be sure to square your shoulders and straighten your back. Close your eyes if possible. Then pay attention to what is happening inside you and accept it. To do this, ask yourself the question: “What am I feeling now? What thoughts are in my head? Try to treat your thoughts simply as events that happen in your mind. If you feel discomfort or unpleasant sensations, admit it to yourself and do not try to change them. It's the same with physical sensations.

Stage 2. Concentrate your attention on one point and direct your attention to the sensations in the abdomen that arise during the breathing process, when the abdominal wall rises as you inhale and falls as you exhale. Notice how the air moves inside your body. Use every breath as an opportunity to anchor and stay in the present. If you get distracted, just continue to calmly monitor your breathing.

Step 3: Now try to expand your awareness around your breath to become aware of your body as a whole, including your posture and facial expression. Imagine as if your whole body is breathing. If you notice tension or discomfort, try focusing on these sensations by directing your breath there. By doing so, you help yourself explore these sensations and become friends with them, rather than trying to change them. If they no longer require your attention, return to the sensations in your body and continue to monitor them.

Make friends with your feelings

Whatever feelings you have, try to deal with them openly and kindly. Don't forget that even the most painful emotions - fatigue, fear, frustration, sadness, feelings of loss or guilt - need to be treated kindly. When we replay a situation in our heads, the brain reacts to it as a real threat. When we remember the past or think about the future, it is not real, but imaginary difficulties that arise in our minds. As a result, we shut down our ability to think openly, creatively, and we either feel trapped and cowered, or our body prepares to fight-or-flight.

Make peace with the imperfections of the world

Do not avoid contact with those who are suffering and do not turn a blind eye to suffering. Become aware of the fact that there is grief in the world. Don't put yourself in their shoes and don't dive headfirst into your own experiences. Instead, live simply and share your time, energy and material resources with those in need. Don't do things that harm people and nature. Don't invest in companies that deprive others of their chance to survive. Choose a career that helps you realize your ideal of compassion. Don't kill and don't let others kill. Respect others and help when possible.

Take conscious actions

Whatever you do, try to maintain mindful attention throughout the day for as long as you can. For example, if you are washing dishes, pay attention to the contact with water, the surface of the plates, and the changing tactile sensations. If you're walking, look around and take in the sights, sounds and smells around you. Can you feel the surface of the sidewalk through your shoes? Can you smell the air? Do you notice how the air moves through your hair and envelops your skin?

Do more sports

Try to walk, bike, garden, or go to the gym more. Try to develop a conscious and curious attitude towards your own body during sports activities. Notice the thoughts and feelings that arise. You may notice that you are gritting your teeth or experiencing the first signs of disgust or other negative thoughts and feelings. Try to follow them. Breathe with them and direct your breath towards them. Try gradually increasing the duration and intensity of your exercise while remaining mindful of your body.

Do not blindly follow or become attached to any doctrine, theory or ideology. All belief systems only point the way, but they are not the absolute truth. Avoid narrow-minded thinking, do not get attached to today's views. Do not force others, including children, to accept your views in any way - neither by authority, nor by threats, nor by bribery, nor by propaganda or even education.

Free yourself from inner noise

You no longer have to chase meaningless goals. We all need silence. Stop the noise in your head to enjoy the truly magical sounds of life that you need to listen to. Then you will live your true and deep life. You can feel your presence in the present, in the here and now, in solitude. This doesn't mean you need to move to a desert island or go into the forest. Practicing solitude means learning to be in this particular moment in time, without thinking about the past or the future. Just find an opportunity to spend some time each day in physical solitude. This will fill you with strength and help you look deeply inside yourself. Even in the city center, you are able to remain alone with yourself and not succumb to the distracting influence of the crowd. In order to establish a connection with the world, you must first turn to yourself and establish a connection with yourself.

Remember to breathe

Your breath is always with you, it helps you to be in the present. Breathe consciously when hugging a child or loved one. Breathe when you wash dishes or eat at the table. Breathing, like a good friend, constantly reminds you that you are loved for who you are.

Mindfulness brings inner peace, allowing us to look deep within ourselves and understand who we really are and what we want from life. The practice of mindfulness is very simple: stop, breathe and calm your mind. We return to ourselves and enjoy being here every moment. And at this point there are all the joys of life.

Life should not be stretched out, it should be filled

People think too much! Each of us has millions of thoughts running through our heads every day, most of which have nothing to do with the present moment. We think about why something went wrong, who said or didn’t say what, worry about what no longer matters or worry about the future, as if we can predict events... That is, most of the time we are in thought about the past or the future, and thoughts that do not bring any benefit, we scroll through the same thing a thousand times, while real life, the real moment “now” passes by. We absolutely do not know how to live here and now, but this skill is necessary for feeling inner happiness.

Sometimes we focus on a few moments when we see a beautiful sunset, or smell a gift of flowers, or take a hot bubble bath. But these moments pass, and we are again carried away by our thoughts somewhere far away, and our body continues to automatically carry out the tasks we have begun.

I mean, do you feel like your husband/job/government/your life used to be better than it is now?

Do you think that now you are no longer in the right health/age/social position to travel/make a radical career change/go to study/just run wild in a crowded place?

Do you expect that everything will get better soon, just that you will find a husband/have children/get a lot of money/buy an apartment?

Are you waiting for the weekend, or better yet, vacation, to finally arrive? Do you regret that summer has flown by so quickly again, and autumn is coming with rainy dark evenings, bare trees, dull streets?

Most likely, you are not living at all. Maybe there are glimpses when you catch yourself thinking that right now, this particular moment is amazing, and I would like to prolong it, and then the moment passes, and you are again mired in a semi-automatic existence.

This is how most people's lives go.

So what to do? We must strive to develop a sense of participation in life, to seize the present moment. More often, consciously throw all thoughts out of your head and focus on your feelings NOW. Don’t try to tune in to something good or bad in the future, but live now, enjoying life right now. Learn to enjoy everything around you, the situation, place, people. Develop sensual pleasure from the smell of cut grass, a cup of good coffee, and the touch of warm air. Show curiosity and curiosity about everything around you.

Yes, it's very difficult. It is difficult to be aware of yourself and the surrounding reality every moment. Thoughts constantly run away somewhere, preventing you from focusing on the current moment, but if you keep trying, it will eventually start to work out.

Why do you need to learn to live here and now?

The ability to live here and now is the path to happiness. This is an opportunity to have a fulfilling life, develop intuition, and become conscious.

People who know how to rejoice and live in the present moment no longer dream of vacation, but when it comes, they relax with pleasure. Also, they are no longer terrified that tomorrow is Monday, but are happy to go to work, maybe even earlier than necessary. And they return home with no less pleasure, anticipating a good evening, perhaps meeting a friend, or watching a movie under a blanket, or something else. And even if they have boring things to do, they expect them with joy or, at a minimum, calmness.

I have encountered (and let’s be honest, I myself have had) many doubts about joy and a positive attitude towards events. For example, it always seemed to me that if I expected something good to happen, I would definitely get something bad, as if some kind of evil eye was working. If you expect bad things, then maybe it will happen, and everything will be mediocre. But now I know that it’s better not to expect anything specific, just live in the moment now.

In the end, if we are doing well, we are rich and successful, but we do not know how to rejoice and enjoy the moment, then we will be a less happy person compared to someone who knows how, no matter how rich and successful he is.

We have a lot of things to do and responsibilities that we carry out with enthusiasm or not. But think about it, you’re already wasting your time on this! Don’t fly away in your thoughts into distant distances, concentrate and try to do as well as possible what you are doing now.

For example, you are preparing dinner. Turn on the music, forget about carelessness, try to catch inspiration and put it into the dishes you prepare, get creative, add new spices or decorate in some unusual way.

Or, for example, you came to the group classes for aerobics. You don’t really like to exercise, but it seems like it’s necessary, useful and all that. So try not to martyrically raise your legs and arms, but give your attention and energy to the training. Try to do your best, and even so that your movements turn out beautiful. This way you will get much more.

Every time you are involved with all your thoughts and soul in what is happening, be it work or a conversation with your husband, you concentrate on this with your whole being, listen to what exactly they are trying to tell you, you live, and moreover, this is what will allow you to get from every moment maximum life.

Try to greet the morning consciously and joyfully from tomorrow!

When you wake up, enjoy the new day, which will definitely bring something new and interesting. Set yourself up that today is a new day and today you will be happy in it, live it to the fullest and use it to the fullest!

And if you are in a bad mood during the day, try to smile and hold the smile for at least 3 minutes. This simple trick may not seem to change anything, but it is surprisingly effective.

Self-observation and control of thoughts can change your entire life.

Controlling your thoughts and feelings every hour, try every minute, understanding yourself and your desires, the ability to do what you really want is the path to success.

I have a friend who lives by an unusual principle: do only what you want. I mean, I want it with all my heart, just for him, even if those around him think that it is wrong and are trying in every possible way to prove it. He followed this principle in everything, in spite of everything - and he is doing much more successfully in life than he could ever have imagined. He simply does not listen to others, but listens to his heart and his desires. I try my best to adopt this principle into my life.

When you learn to observe yourself, you will be able to identify all your subconscious fears and blockages. Perhaps you will understand why you are afraid to be loved, happy or healthy, why you are afraid to have a lot of money and how you prevent it from appearing.

And then a creative channel will open up for you, and a huge number of ideas and opportunities to implement them will appear.

I am deeply convinced that everything that we approach with enthusiasm and involvement pays off handsomely, and vice versa, only that which we really succeed in and brings maximum pleasure and satisfaction to, which we have a genuine interest in. This applies to everything – to people, to actions, and to serious matters.

I have observed many, many times how completely ordinary, not particularly talented people came to a new job and in the shortest possible time became bosses, managers, leading specialists - and only because they approached their work with initiative and passion, and besides had their own opinion (not necessarily the correct one), but there are only a few such people, they hold on to them and encourage them.

Learn to be passionate about what you do every day. You will still do one thing or another - shouldn’t you push yourself a little harder and try to look at it from a new angle, figure out how to make it more interesting, show your imagination and not be lazy?

For example, I am now writing these lines with enthusiasm and passion :) It’s 2 o’clock in the morning, tomorrow I have to get up early - but I’m interested, and I really want you to understand and understand what I’m trying to tell you now, so that you too it worked.

Live here and now! Be involved in every event in your life.

What is man's biggest problem? Perhaps it is that he squeezes his tiny life into the dimensionless interval between the regrets of the past and the expectations of the future. With such a paradigm, there is simply not enough space to live here and now. If all of nature naturally and naturally lives in the here and now, then for us humans this is an unimaginable luxury...

But try wishing an ant, a bee or a tree to be successful. Will they understand you? They are already successful by birthright. They live in the present, they always have their own here and now. Why is it different for people? Why do they need to achieve what already does everything in Nature have? Or maybe This already does a person have it too?

What prevents a person from living here and now?

Let's try to figure it out. Let's start with expectations for the future. They are of two types: those that bring joy and those that bring fear. At first glance, it seems that the former are positive, and the latter are negative.

But what really? Here lies the biggest illusion or the biggest mistake of humanity. What does almost every person associate themselves with: the body? With consciousness? Or with the brain? Or maybe wisely?

The concept of “problem” has come into use and into everyone’s life solely with the help of the mind. Nature has no problems. There are situations that are resolved one way or another. If one dog chewed another, then the latter’s life did not stop there. Why? Yes, she just doesn’t think about it...

And the problem is when a situation begins an independent, mental life after the situation itself has passed. (So, dogs, if they thought like people, could easily turn the fact of their bickering into a problem.) A problem is a mental construction of the mind, which is stronger than reinforced concrete. Why superior? Yes, everything is very simple... The structure was made of reinforced concrete - and it is as it is, and the mental construction of the mind is constantly fed with energy.

So what am I talking about? About the expectation of success, and the joy that will arise when it is achieved. Here is the stumbling block... Why?

Firstly, success... Someone, for some reason, suggested that it must be achieved. And secondly, joy after achieving it. Well, if there is no joy in What How what you do if there is no joy in it How you live then what How can there be joy from achievement? Who has experienced joy from achieving what he set out to do that exceeded a day, two, a week? And it may have taken a long time to go... A year, two, ten... Why is that? Yes, joy is simply a skill or habit, like, for example, a foreign language. If you don’t speak, you forget... That is, if you don’t rejoice every day, if you don’t form a skill or habit, then in the end you just forget the language... After all, it doesn’t happen like this: you don’t teach, you don’t teach, but you come to England and talk? Success and failure are two sides of the same coin, or rather, an illusion. Illusions of the mind. And the mind is the core of the ego (according to Eckhart Tolle). And the ego is not us. Ego is also a personality with its roles: father and son, daughter and mother, sister, brother, boss, subordinate, successful and unsuccessful, friend and enemy... This is the alluvial noise of thoughts in the head... This is the constant comparison of oneself with someone ... This is an obsessive desire for something that you don’t have at the moment, but someone else has... Why not me?

Well, firstly, at the moment of the end of our earthly life, we, like clothes, will leave not only our body, but also our roles. And secondly: if we notice a voice in our head, then who notices it? Awareness, our awareness... Just like the mind is with the ego, so is awareness with the soul...

The deep Self, that which is our essence, is already perfect. As opposed to the ego, which needs to constantly compare itself with someone and become depressed from the results of the comparison.

Living in the past and future, we miss the present

Unfortunately, we constantly lose sight of the present moment of life - our here and now. Our entire life is subordinated to the “expectation of joy in the future” paradigm. This is “I’ll finish school or college - and I’ll be happy.” This includes “I’ll find a good job or get married - and I’ll be happy.” This is to complete the project, and earn money for an apartment, and instill the necessary qualities in children - and I will be happy. And many many others. This is global. I'm not even talking about washing in the shower, eating, walking in the park... Goal: wash, eat, walk for 30 minutes. We wash ourselves and plan the day, talking along the way in our minds with all the characters; we eat, watch TV, listen to the news - again we conduct dialogues in our heads; we walk - not enjoying every moment, but tune in to the end result of our planning - to walk.

Where is the dog buried? Why do we constantly intend to jump into the last car of the train? Maybe because we have a concept only of external goals, completely forgetting about the internal goal?

What is an internal goal? This is gaining experience. The only hard currency of our soul and deep self. Gaining experience in interaction with parents, children, relatives, employees and all other people.

What should be the result of the interaction? Perhaps harmony?

This is joy as the aftertaste of each such interaction. And what is most important is the separation of the process of “thinking” from awareness. We associate ourselves with a voice in our head... A voice that interprets most of the events in our lives as problems. The voice that does not allow us to relax after the event has already ended. A voice that feeds a huge amount of energy from the past, which already no... A voice that lives by fears: “What will happen if (this, that, the third) doesn’t happen?”

This separation of the voice in your head from the process of awareness is the key to a happy and joyful life. To a life of Abundance and Peace, Love and Gratitude. To life in the here and now. This is how all of Nature lives. This is why the ant will not understand the desire to be successful.

It is for this state that the following words are spoken: "Don't worry about tomorrow, it will worry about itself..." And further: “Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow, they do not reap, and they do not gather into granaries, but the Heavenly Father feeds them... How much better are you than the birds...”

To live here and now is to be in Joy

But what if we consider each day not from the position of “how long do I have to reach the (external) goal,” but from the position of gaining experience?

Experience - what? Let's answer ourselves: what are the “top” states in the life of each of us? Perhaps love, joy, serenity... And what does every person want most? Happiness. And when a person experiences happiness, what else does he experience? Joy, isn't it? And when does he experience love? Also joy. When is serenity? Deep calm against the backdrop of such quiet joy...

What happens? Joy is the “most-most” state of every person! What if we consider Joy as the experience of every day of our life?

Am I experiencing Joy at this moment? Here and now? When do I do this or that work? When do I wait in line? Do I walk to work, ride a minibus, eat food, wash in the shower, talk to a friend?

“What I find you in is what I will judge you in...” Is this about actions or about state?

But what’s most interesting is that actions are not performed continuously. Behind every action there is certainly a state or follows... Like a shadow behind a body in sunny weather.

This means that it’s all about our internal state. How do you feel about it today? Does it satisfy you? If not, just know that you can always change it. Always observe and track your inner state at every moment - this is called being here and now. Being mindful and alert to yourself in every moment is the beginning of awakening awareness.

Secrets of esotericism on the site

There are people who are ardent skeptics. Or those who believe in God. There is a person who doesn’t care, he doesn’t argue, he doesn’t prove. He has no time - he works, improves himself. What is esotericism? Religion? Faith in God? In people? To the supermind? Or maybe into yourself? Many people don’t think about such things, and when they think about it, they don’t find answers to their questions.

Esotericism is secret knowledge that is not accessible to people ignorant of magic, mysticism, and the occult. At least that's what they used to be. Knowledge and skills that not everyone could have. Only the chosen ones.

After reading various feeds on the Internet, you can only get scattered data and a weak idea of ​​what esotericism is. Only by deciding to change yourself and your life for the better, by gathering your strength and taking a course of video seminars designed by specialists so that everything falls into place, can you achieve success.

The concept of esotericism and why you shouldn’t be afraid of it

Esotericism is a huge section of human life, helping to find oneself through knowledge of the world. Studying it is not for everyone. After all, this is not just religion or science. This is the same thread that connects all the nuances and aspects of the ordinary world and the areas of unknown magic that surrounds us.

The very first such secret society was the Pythagorean school. It was divided into ordinary and esoteric. Her secret part took a lifelong oath of non-disclosure of what members of the society were taught. And what knowledge they received there is still unknown to humanity. Now esotericism is not hidden from everyone. There is accessible information presented in video seminars or master classes. Why are people afraid or unwilling to touch the unknown and explore unexplored areas of their own lives?

Let's consider the main criteria of human reluctance:

  1. Many people do not want to learn a new religion. In fact, esotericism is not only religion, although it is closely related to it. It helps you discover yourself and your own hidden inner potential. Yes, there is religion here - faith in yourself and the world around you.
  2. Lack of belief in the ability to change your life. Thought is always material. And wishes are always fulfilled. Everything is possible - you just have to believe and go through this difficult path to knowledge.
  3. Reluctance to gain new knowledge, since there is already success in your personal life. Esotericism makes it possible to gain success not only in one area of ​​human activity. It allows you to balance all the criteria that are extremely important. Achieve what you want and your deepest secrets in every possible way.
  4. Fearful attitude towards the concept of magic. It is worth noting that the unknown is not only magical. It's just unfamiliar. After completing the seminar, it becomes clear that what seems incredible and impossible is often considered magical.
  5. Lack of free time. Naturally, it takes time and a lot of time to complete the training. But in the end, the hours spent pay off handsomely. Life balances out, everything falls into place and everything happens in its own moment.

An already established branch, science, like psychology, has long taken into account esoteric opinion. He resorts to her methods. Favors the practice of secret knowledge.

What does esoteric knowledge give?

Why is it believed that esoteric knowledge is not given to everyone? Only a select few? Because not everyone is ready to say goodbye to the old world, three-dimensional space, or the feeling of the precarious stability of their life. Each person is the architect of his own happiness. Those who understand this strive for the best.

What is esotericism - answers to the site

To transform yourself. From the inside. Starting with thoughts. And thoughts are what happens to us. Esoteric practices give people not only knowledge. They help you feel the surrounding space. Start thinking differently than before. Wake up one day and realize what is happening. What you need to do to succeed in your desired industries. Understand that the world is not three-dimensional. It is completely limitless. Consciousness is omnipotent.

Why does a person come to esotericism?

Different roads can lead to one or another knowledge. Events, people, chance? In any case, esotericism appears in a person’s life when it is needed. The reasons may be different:

  1. Search for new, unprecedented sensations. When it becomes boring, the world loses its attractiveness, those around you do not bring the same joy. Esotericism will help you look at everything in a different light, see something new and believe in a miracle.
  2. Search for a treatment method. When traditional medicine is powerless. When the pills didn't help. And we are talking not only about habitual illnesses, but also about constant depression, about the disease of life itself, when, no matter how hard a person tries, he cannot achieve his goals. The man turns in desperation. And esotericism, magic, rituals help to heal.

Esotericism and magic are ancient sciences. This is knowledge accumulated over many years and centuries. This is great wisdom that anyone who really wants it can comprehend. And help yourself overcome difficulties. Free yourself from heaviness and become free. Achieve results and be happy.

It’s easier to say what esotericism is as follows. This is an attempt to explain the complex structure of the visible and invisible world and the processes that take place in these worlds and influence a person, his actions and even fate. Almost everyone has heard about the extraordinary experience of modified consciousness. Most modern commercial practices for achieving financial success, practices for fulfilling human desires or shaping events are built on this principle.

Esoteric practices are aimed at achieving a sustainable expansion of human consciousness, which would allow one to obtain a more perfect worldview. In a narrower, applied sense, all esoteric teachings are aimed at studying the inner world of man, his hidden capabilities and developing specific techniques for self-realization and spiritual development. There are esoteric movements in all world religions, although there are many independent esoteric systems.

There are theoretical worldview systems that consider only the spiritual development of the individual through the accumulation of special knowledge and meditative practices. There are movements aimed at achieving the final result with the help of ceremonies, rituals and other things. These include the occult, which involves the use of magic, appealing to the unrecognized powers of spirits, natural forces and inhabitants of parallel worlds. Representatives of religious systems have an interesting attitude to the question of what esotericism is. For example, there is an opinion that any esoteric practices are prohibited by Christianity, and turning to such knowledge or practices is regarded as a grave sin, for which severe punishments are provided.

But this attitude of the church does not stop those who see esotericism as a means to solve their life problems. This state of affairs, in our opinion, is also due to the fact that the official church imposes a strict ban without explaining the real possibilities of esoteric practices. At the same time, there are a huge number of specific rituals related to the so-called church magic, which are available for review and are widely used. It is useful for a modern person to know the answer to the question: “Esotericism - what is it?”, since this is an opportunity to learn more about one’s internal structure, nature and the world around us. Knowing about esoteric methods of cognition, a person will not be afraid to make mistakes, and problems will not seem to him an insurmountable obstacle to happiness.

One of the secrets to billionaire Peter Thiel's success is that he asks himself a rather unusual question. It sounds like this: “Which of my beliefs only a few agree with?” It is this belief that he considers true.

Almost a century ago, Mark Twain expressed a similar thought:

If you notice that you are on the side of the majority, this is a sure sign that it is time to change.

When you hear something or read about something, it's a good idea to train yourself to question it and consider the opposite point of view. In many, if not most, cases, when everyone is going to the right, it is smarter and safer to turn left.

Most motivation gurus tell us to live in the here and now. They say that only the present moment is important, so we should only do what brings us pleasure.

Instead of living in the present moment, it is better to live for the future and “take care” of your past. Do it in a way that you want to remember. It really flies by very quickly. The present cannot be grasped, it can hardly be felt. By the time you become aware of it, it will already be the past.

If you don't want to regret your actions, this article is probably for you. There is no point in analyzing what happened a long time ago. But the immediate past is directly related to your choice in the present.

How were the last two years of your life? What about the last two months? What about the last two days? Think about it.

Today is tomorrow's yesterday. How can what you do today help you tomorrow? Will today's decisions motivate you for tomorrow's work? Or are you simply postponing the necessary changes to some abstract day in the future?

Living for the future and taking care of the past means understanding that you are shaping your past now, and it determines the future that you would like to see.

By looking to the past, you will understand how you live in the present.

If you live only in the here and now, you act impulsively. In this case, your behavior is not a consequence of your conscious, but only of current circumstances. As a result, you often do things that you later regret.

Conversely, if you are mindful of the past and future and realize that you are creating your memories right now, you approach your life more consciously.

This may sound strange, but our memories of certain events are much more important than these events themselves.

Nothing lasts forever. You won’t even have time to notice how this day will come to an end. All you will be left with are memories of him. Perhaps we agree to certain things precisely for the sake of pleasant memories.

What would you like to remember about today? About the past year? From your whole life in general?

Life is a story that we write ourselves. The present moment is just a trace of a pen on paper. All we know for sure is that this pen cannot be stopped: it will continue to write again and again. In that case, why not take it in your hands and write your own story that will fill the book of our lives?

Your memories determine how confident you feel in the present.

If your morning is successful, there is a high chance that your entire day will be successful. Conversely, if you hit and snooze your alarm multiple times to give yourself an extra 15 minutes and end up not getting anything done that you planned for the morning, the rest of your day won't be great either.

The emotions that memories of the past evoke in us largely determine how confident we feel in the present moment. So, if you do things now that will make you proud in the future, you increase your likelihood of success in the future.

Taking care of the past allows you to build your ideal future

In the famous book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” Stephen Covey advises starting something with a clear idea of ​​the end result. To do this, he invites the reader to imagine celebrating his 80th birthday. At this party, all your loved ones should tell you how wonderful you are, express their feelings towards you, and toast to you for living your life well.

Imagine that you have received many compliments from your loved ones. What exactly would you like to hear about yourself and your life? What would they have to say about your character and your role in their lives? What accomplishments of yours would they like to remember? How have you influenced them?

According to Covey, keeping these questions in mind requires making decisions in the present. And this is completely justified.

In fact, the concept of “living in the moment” does not take into account the very nature of time. The past, present and future are not clearly separated from each other. One of them smoothly passes into the other. A mistake in the present instantly becomes a mistake in the past. It also affects your future.

An optimistic conclusion can be drawn from this. We can build exactly the future we want. And, just as important, we can have the past we would like to have. And be proud of who we have become.

Living for the future makes it easier to make the right decisions

Sometimes it's so easy to make excuses for yourself and not keep your promises to yourself. It happens that we cannot control our anger and take it out on our children. Sometimes cookies look so delicious that we can't say no. And sometimes we just lie on the couch instead of going to work out.

Sometimes we all allow ourselves some weaknesses. But if we do this too often, then our past will not be at all what we would like it to be.

Every person's life is a diary in which they are going to write down one story, but they write down a completely different one.

James Matthew Barrie, author of Peter Pan

If we always remember our past and future, then it will be easier for us to gather our will and make the right decisions. You will be able to work while others are having fun, save money rather than spend it, and not give up even when you really want to quit something.

You will take the path less traveled. And everything will be completely different. Everything will be the way you want it.

QUESTION: What is rock?
ANSWER: Rock, in fact, is not music or art, but some kind of religious action like shamanism - which exists in order to establish a certain attitude. A person involved in rock comprehends life, but not through affirmation, but through destruction, through death. Shamanism is a rhythm on which improvisation is superimposed. And the more shamanism, the more rock. And, conversely, if art begins to prevail over shamanism, music then rock dies.

Q: If we consider the history of world rock in this way?
A: There are several branches. Rock is originally animal music, a form of stream of consciousness. First rock and roll, then psychedelia of the 60s: THE DOORS, GRAFEFUL DEAD, JEFFERSON AIRPLANE - virtually all punk and post-punk came from them. Behind the psychedelia, the moment of comprehension begins, the formalization of KING CRIMSON and others. Rock dies. This line reached its peak by the mid-70s, and as a result, American punk RAMONES, N.Y, DOLLS and so on appeared as a protest. Basically, all this was led by people who were involved in the same psychedelia of the 60s, Iggy Pop, Patti Smith. And here we need to put forward a thesis: what society cannot destroy, it wants to eat. The same thing happens with punk in England. And not only with punk.

Q: In other words, England is constantly aestheticizing America's raw, primitive rock impulses? The same thing in hard rock: in America IRON BUTTERLY, GRAND FUNK especially early, in England DEEP PURPLE, LED ZEPPELEN
A: The point here is not even about England, but about the nature of the people who live everywhere. If we proceed from Dostoevsky, then with rock everything turns out like this: at some stage, Hesse published an article The Brothers Karamazov and the Decline of Europe. It stated the thesis: Dostoevsky is the first prophet of a certain movement, a clear movement, according to which humanity is divided into two types: potential suicides (people who have self-will at the forefront, who are not afraid of death, non-humans) and everyone else. Rock in its present form is a mass movement of non-humans, in which a person is only externally, but essentially crazy. What is happening in the world now is a kind of critical situation: entropy is growing, and an apocalyptic moment is brewing, after which either non-humans will survive, or vice versa. Grotto, there is also this point: if earlier all this was carried by the concept of fashion (mass of people who, in fact, had nothing to do with the movement, joined rock), now all this has fallen into place. And it turned out that there are very few non-humans. And one more thing about rock: he, in general, died, did everything that was necessary. Now there are only loners left, who often don’t even know each other, but they are more dangerous for society than the whole movement. And society is fighting against these loners - the festival, for example, which Komarova organized. All festivals destroy what was created by man in his struggle with himself.

Q: Why did you nevertheless want to participate in this festival?
A: All that remains for the man of fate is to manifest his essence, nature. All a non-human can do is be a non-human. You need to understand that the war is lost, and be true to your nature nonetheless. And nature pushes us to play, and it doesn’t matter whether everyone accepts it or not... There is a big element of pop in this whole festival. And, probably, I won’t play at such festivals anymore, only in halls of about a hundred people who feel everything is right. I watched the concert of VOPLI VIDOPLYASOVA at this festival - a great team, but only a few truly understand it.

Q: How would you like to exist without it causing you inner protest?
A: Engage in creativity here, in this reality, affirming your truth, your truth, your value system. To quote the SURVIVAL INSTRUCTIONS, your rock and roll front, in which Morrison, Roma Neumoev and others each have their place.

Q: At the beginning of our conversation you said that a rock man comprehends life through death. What is the value system here?
A: In my understanding, rock is an anti-human, anti-humanistic movement, a certain form of the elimination of man as a psychologically viable system. Man is a creature that is endowed with logical consciousness and, because of this, cannot live HERE AND NOW. Therefore he is immersed in the past or in the future. HERE AND NOW only children live.
Q: That is, the positive here is this: rock and especially punk affirm a person, more precisely, a non-human HERE AND NOW.
Oh yeah. If absolute knowledge appears, a person can no longer live. Either the tram will run him over or something else. And if human art affirms life, prolongation of the race, etc., then fate affirms self-destruction as a certain path to God, higher knowledge. Hence a special school of virtues: in particular, hatred of man in himself.

Q: Does punk in Russia have a special form, a mission?
A: There is no punk and Russia. We have punk attributes. Like at this festival: huge crowds of people with combs, etc., walk everywhere, but there is no essence... When I spoke with people from the Tyumen Memory Society, they said that, in their opinion, everything large and spiritual is born in Russia. In fact, we do not and cannot have a single movement. There are units of CIVIL DEFENSE, SURVIVAL INSTRUCTIONS, PUTTI, DK, and they may hate each other. In the West there really is a real unified movement, but with us everything usually hangs out at the level of symbolism.

Q: What is your attitude towards the Pig?
A: Very bad. This is just a typical representative of a person. Rock is when everything is done to the end: lives like this, lives like this, no, no. And the Pig is the opposite: it seems to be living, but it seems to be not... A rocker is an overly lively person in the sense of HERE AND NOW, like a child or an animal. In this regard, Kolya Rock and Roll is remarkable; today he can say that he is right, tomorrow that he is left, and when he goes on stage, he is able to slash himself with a razor - so that blood will flow if he feels that at that second it is need to. He is completely out of his mind, beyond the instinct of self-preservation.
Q: How do punk and post-punk compare in this aspect? And who would you classify as one of them?
A: Punk EXPLOITED, SEX PISTOLS, GBN, we have SURVIVAL INSTRUCTIONS, SECOND ECHELON, we, Manager, ANARCHY, Novosibirsk FOOD WASTE, PYGMIES, POGO. Post-punk BIRTHDAY PARTY, CURE, we have GREAT OCTOBERS, i.e. Yanka and her group. Here is the point: if punk consists of truly natural, animal instincts, then post-punk is people who realized that they cannot live HERE AND NOW. I would like to. Therefore, post-punk is very sick music.

Q: What do you think about BG?
A: In general, he is a smart person. But why film? Of course, it’s good for the Soviet to replicate Bolan and Morrison, but sometimes it’s pure interlinear translations and there’s zero music. Sergei Ilyich, for example, was removed from CAT BLACK TREX outright. And I don’t like what he’s doing now at all.
Q: Petya Mamonov?
A: I liked the SOUNDS OF MU, but when I started talking to Mamonov, I was very upset. He immediately understood what I meant and answered this way: there are certain frameworks of the human, and what lies beyond them is not given to man to know. Behind them is agony, depression (JOY DIVISION, THE DOORS). And that's bad. You need to be happy within human boundaries and not go beyond them. For going beyond the limits you pay with death JOY DIVISION is inhuman and therefore it is not good. And Pushkin is human - good.

Q: Very similar to Lipnitsky... By the way, what do you think of his works?
A: This is terrible. Russian rock came from Galich, it’s terrible... SOUNDS MU in general, it seems to me, is a rather small group, say, in comparison with DK. DK is truly something outstanding.

A: In general, I like it. Although they are more academic than DK, this is already a step towards music.

Q: What is the correct way to implement the idea of ​​non-art in rock: through atonality or through dynamically primitive rock and roll.
A: All the same... Although, generally speaking, freedom is needed, and in tonality there is more of it. There is freedom to mess up, for example, and therefore there is no fear of messing up.

Q: But atonality is good, probably as an impulse within the artist. But a rock audience, perhaps, would be more likely to be rocked by a strong drive?
A: Christ said: He who has ears, let him hear. He who hears the salt of atonality hears it. The doors of her perception are open to him.

Q: What role does drive play then?
A: Absolutely.

Q: Doesn’t the tonality ruin it?
Oh no. Atonality is what gives drive. For example, EINSTURZENDE NEUBAUTEN

Q: Best GO album.
A: Trivial: it seems to me that the best is yet to come. Now in Leningrad we will be recording a new album, Armageddon - Pops, judging by the material, it will probably be the strongest. And of those that have already been recorded, the best is probably The Mousetrap. Naive, but very lively. Then some darkness begins at the GO.

Q: Does Marcuse like it?
A: I really like it. But he is a strange person: he wrote and wrote, and then in his last work he suddenly said: everything I wrote before was fucked up. Philosopher, what can you do... He probably encountered May ’68 and got scared.

Q: Why did Siberia and especially Novosibirsk become the center of gravity for our punk?
A: I don’t know... Probably the following explanation: a European person (Moscow, Leningrad) is basically always either a snob or a popster. And in Novosibirsk there was such an Akademgorodok. And there, somewhere in the mid-60s, the authorities decided to conduct an experiment: what would happen if you took all the child prodigies and brought them to one place. And it happened: everyone immediately began to write in defense of Sinyavsky, women stood up with posters for sex, etc. And then: perhaps because of Siberian naivety, the movement was perceived from the very beginning not as a fashionable paraphernalia, but as an idea.

Q: Is there too much logic in Moscow and Leningrad?
A: It’s not even the logic that’s important here, but just the external aspect. These are simply very human cities and therefore a lot of human affairs interfere with the worldview of their population. When life is too good, you always begin to irrepressibly grasp at human things. But a Siberian person, in general, has nothing to lose.