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Female images of farewell to mother. The system of images in the story "Farewell to Matera" by VG Rasputin Generational connection: is it important?

The plot of Rasputin's "Farewell to Matera" is based on parting with the "small homeland" where grandfathers and great-grandfathers used to live. And now this piece of land, which has its own invisible Master, must disappear due to the construction of a hydroelectric power station. The author shows talentedly how the new world gradually highlights spirituality and what was created by the ancestors, as well as the memory of them.

The only character who remembers his obligations to his ancestors and is not ready to part with his homeland are the old people. And “the oldest of the old women” is Daria Pnigina. It is she who becomes the main character of the story. Despite her already middle-aged years, she is still quite strong, she still has strength in her arms and legs. In addition, the woman skillfully copes with "a lot of housework."

With the image of Daria, the problem of generations, memory and family ties is raised. In this regard, the episode in the cemetery clearly stands out when they began to ravage the graves. Here one could clearly see the extraordinary strength of mind that the old woman showed. Unafraid of a "hefty man like a bear," the woman rushed to defend the holy place. After all, a cemetery is a sacred place to honor ancestors, and to destroy it is a sin and blasphemy. But the order from above is more important to the new generation, and the attachment of older residents to the land and respect for other people's memory are alien to them.

Daria is the embodiment of spiritual ideals. It is she who constantly talks about loyalty, about the meaning of human life, the continuity of generations and the human soul. The heroine had a chance to live a difficult life, full of losses: the loss of her husband and the death of three children. However, this did not embitter her, did not drive her to despair, but on the contrary, gave her strength, experience and the ability to understand the main thing in life. The main thing for a person is his soul. It's not for nothing that the heroine often starts conversations with her grandson Andrey. True, it is difficult for them to understand each other.

Creating the image of Daria, her son Pavel and grandson Andrei, the author shows how from generation to generation a person degrades mentally. And if in Paul we see at least some kind of sympathy and pity for Matera, then Andrei doesn't care. Leaving the village, he did not even want to walk around the places of his childhood and say goodbye to his "small homeland".

Daria has a completely different attitude towards Matera and every house and corner in the village. This is her native, living and full-fledged world. They burn the mill, the heroine goes to see her off, thinking how much good she has given her. Before going to burn the heroine's hut, she whitewashed it, tidied it up, as if performing a ritual over the deceased. And before leaving her home, the woman locks him up so that strangers do not defile him.

The author endowed his heroine with true national strength and spirituality. This unimaginable power of character is in touch with the past, in reverence for ancestors, in gratitude to the native land. It is these values ​​that V.G. Rasputin.

Time does not stand still. Society and life itself are constantly moving forward, making their own adjustments to the already established rules. But it happens in everyone in different ways and not always in accordance with the laws of morality and conscience.

The story "Farewell to Mother" by V. Rasputin is an example of how new trends run counter to moral foundations, how progress literally "swallows" human souls. The work, which appeared in the mid-70s of the last century, touches on many important problems that have not lost their relevance today.

The history of the creation of the story

The second half of the 20th century was a time full of changes in the history of the country. And the achievements of the scientific and technical industry, which contributed to the transition to a higher degree of development, often led to serious contradictions in society. One such example is the construction of a powerful power plant, not far from the writer's native village, Atalanka. As a result, it got into the flooded zone. It would seem what a trifle: to destroy a small village in order to bring considerable benefit to the whole country. But nobody thought about the fate of its old inhabitants. And the ecological balance was disturbed as a result of interference in the natural course of development of nature.

These events could not but touch the soul of the writer, whose childhood and youth passed in the outback, in direct connection with the prevailing traditions and foundations. Therefore, Rasputin's story "Farewell to Matera" is also bitter reflections on what the author himself had to endure.

The plot basis

The action begins in the spring, but the symbolic understanding of this time as the birth of a new life is inapplicable in this case. On the contrary, it was at this moment that the news of its imminent flooding spreads around the village.

In the center of the story are the tragic fates of its indigenous inhabitants: Daria, Nastasya, Katerina, "old old women" who dreamed of ending their life here and sheltered the useless Bogodul (there are associations with a holy fool, a wanderer, a godly man). And now everything falls apart for them. Neither stories about a comfortable apartment in a new village on the banks of the Angara, nor the fiery speeches of young people (Andrei - Daria's grandson) that the country needs this, can convince them of the advisability of destroying their home. The old women gather every evening for a cup of tea, as if trying to enjoy communication with each other before parting. Say goodbye to every corner of nature, so dear to the heart. All this time Daria is trying to restore her life bit by bit, her life and her village, she tries not to miss anything: after all, for her "the whole truth is in her memory."

All this is majestically watched by the invisible Master: neither he is able to save the island, and for him this is also a farewell to Matera.

The content of the last months of the old residents' stay on the island is complemented by a number of eerie events. Burning down of Katerina's house by his own drunken son. Unwanted move to the village of Nastasya and watching how the hut without a mistress immediately turned into an orphan. Finally, the atrocities of the "officials" sent by the SES to destroy the cemetery, and the resolute opposition of the old women - where did the forces come from when protecting their graves!

And the tragic ending: people in a boat who got lost in the fog, got lost in the middle of the river, lost their bearings in life. Among them is the son of the main character, Pavel, who has never managed to wrest his home from his heart. And the old women who remained on the island at the time of its flooding, and with them an innocent baby. Towering, unbroken - neither fire took it, nor an ax, nor even a modern chainsaw - larch as proof of eternal life.

"Farewell to Matera": problems

Unpretentious plot. However, decades pass, and still does not lose its relevance: after all, the author raises in it very important issues related to the development of society. The most important ones are:

  • Why was a man born, what answer should he give at the end of his life?
  • How to maintain mutual understanding between generations?
  • What are the advantages of the “rural” way of life over the “urban” one?
  • Why can't you live without memory (in a broad sense)?
  • What should be the government so that it does not lose the people's trust?

And also what is the threat to humanity of interference in the natural development of nature? Will not such actions become the beginning to the tragic end of his existence?

Questions, initially rather complicated and not implying a definite answer, are raised by Rasputin. "Farewell to Matera" is his vision of the problems, as well as an attempt to draw the attention of everyone living on Earth to them.

Daria Pinigina is the oldest resident of the village

The keeper of centuries-old traditions, faithful to the memory of her family, respecting the places where her life passed - this is how the main heroine of the story sees. The son and his family left for the village, one joy - their arrival once a week. The grandson for the most part does not understand and does not accept her beliefs, since this is a person of a different generation. As a result, lonely old women, like herself, become family people for her. She spends time with them and shares her worries and thoughts.

The analysis of the work "Farewell to Matera" begins with the image of Daria. It helps to understand how important it is not to lose touch with the past. The main conviction of the heroine is that there is no life without memory, since as a result the moral foundations of the very existence of a person are lost. Thus, an unremarkable old woman becomes for Rasputin and his readers a measure of conscience. It is these inconspicuous heroes, according to the author, who attract him most of all.

The scene of farewell to home

An important moment in understanding Daria's inner world is the episode in which she “prepares” her home for death. The parallel between the decoration of the house, which will be burned, and the deceased is obvious. Rasputin includes in Farewell to Matera a detailed description of how the heroine “washes” and whitens him, decorates him with fresh fir - everything as it should be when parting with the deceased. She sees a living soul in her house, addresses him as the most dear creature. She will never understand how a person (meaning Petruha, the son of her friend) can burn down the house in which he was born and lived with his own hands.

Cemetery protection

Another key scene, without which the analysis of Farewell to Matera is impossible, is the destruction of graves at the local cemetery. No good intentions can explain such a barbaric act of the authorities, which is taking place in front of the inhabitants. To the pain for leaving the graves of dear people to be drowned, another one was added - to see how the crosses are burned. So the old women had to stand up to protect them with sticks. But it was possible “to do this cleaning at the end” so that the residents would not see.

Where did the conscience go? And also - simple respect for people and their feelings? These are the questions asked by Rasputin ("Farewell to Mother", by the way, is not the only work of the writer on this topic) and his characters. The merit of the author is that he was able to convey to the reader a very important idea: any state restructuring should correlate with the peculiarities of the people's way of life, the peculiarities of the human soul. This is where trust in each other and any relationship between people begins.

Generational connection: is it important?

Where do people like SES and Petruha come from? And not all of its inhabitants treat the destruction of Matera in the same way as these five old women. Klavka, for example, only rejoices at the opportunity to move into a comfortable house.

Again, I recall Daria's words about what it means for a person to remember about his roots, about ancestors, about the laws of morality. The old people are leaving, and together with them the experience and knowledge accumulated for centuries, which are of no use to anyone in the modern world, disappear. Young people are always in a hurry somewhere, making grandiose plans, very far from the way of life that their ancestors had. And if Pavel, Daria's son, still feels uncomfortable in the village: he is burdened by the new house built by someone “not for himself”, and the stupidly located buildings, and the land on which nothing grows, then her grandson, Andrei, no longer understands at all that he can keep a person on such an abandoned island like Matera. For him, the main thing is progress and the prospects that he opens up for people.

The connection between generations is a rather hackneyed topic. “Farewell to Matera” by the example of one family shows how she is lost: Daria sacredly honors her ancestors, her main concern is to transport the graves to the ground. Pavel thinks such a thought is strange, but nevertheless he does not dare to immediately refuse his mother. Although the request has not been fulfilled: there are enough other problems. And the grandson does not understand at all why this is necessary. So what can we say about those who “just do their job” to clean up the territory - what a word they have invented! However, one cannot live in the future without remembering the past. That's why history is written. And they are stored so that mistakes are not repeated in the future. This is another important idea that the author is trying to convey to a contemporary.

Small homeland - what does it mean for a person?

Rasputin, as a person who grew up in the countryside, Russian in soul, is also worried about another question: will society lose its roots, which originate in the father's home? For Daria and other old women, Matera is the place where their clan originated, traditions that have developed over centuries, the covenants given by ancestors, the main of which is to protect the land-nurse. Unfortunately, young people easily leave their homes, and with them they lose their spiritual connection with their home. The analysis of the work leads to such gloomy reflections. Farewell to Matera can be the beginning of the loss of the moral support that supports a person, and an example of this is Paul, who found himself in the final between two banks.

The relationship between man and nature

The story begins with a description of the beauty of the island, untouched by civilization, retaining its primordiality. Landscape sketches play a special role in conveying the author's idea. Analysis of the work "Farewell to Matera" allows us to understand that a person who has long considered himself the master of the world is deeply mistaken. Civilization can never prevail over what was created before it. The proof is an unbroken, mighty larch that will protect the island until the moment of its death. He did not succumb to man, retaining the dominant principle.

The meaning of the story "Farewell to Matera"

The content of one of the best works of V. Rasputin sounds like a warning even after many years. In order for life to continue further, and the connection with the past is not lost, it is necessary to always remember our roots, that we are all children of the same mother earth. And everyone's duty is to be on this earth not as guests or temporary residents, but as keepers of everything that has been accumulated by previous generations.

The plot of Rasputin's "Farewell to Matera" is based on parting with the "small homeland" where grandfathers and great-grandfathers used to live. And now this piece of land, which has its own invisible Master, must disappear due to the construction of a hydroelectric power station. The author shows talentedly how the new world gradually highlights spirituality and what was created by the ancestors, as well as the memory of them.

The only character who remembers his obligations to his ancestors and is not ready to part with his homeland are the old people. And “the oldest of the old women” is Daria Pnigina. It is she who becomes the main character of the story. Despite her already middle-aged years, she is still quite strong, she still has strength in her arms and legs. In addition, the woman skillfully copes with "a lot of housework."

With the image of Daria, the problem of generations, memory and family ties is raised. In this regard, the episode in the cemetery clearly stands out when they began to ravage the graves. Here one could clearly see the extraordinary strength of mind that the old woman showed. Unafraid of a "hefty man like a bear," the woman rushed to defend the holy place. After all, a cemetery is a sacred place to honor ancestors, and to destroy it is a sin and blasphemy. But the order from above is more important to the new generation, and the attachment of older residents to the land and respect for other people's memory are alien to them.

Daria is the embodiment of spiritual ideals. It is she who constantly talks about loyalty, about the meaning of human life, the continuity of generations and the human soul. The heroine had a chance to live a difficult life, full of losses: the loss of her husband and the death of three children. However, this did not embitter her, did not drive her to despair, but on the contrary, gave her strength, experience and the ability to understand the main thing in life. The main thing for a person is his soul. It's not for nothing that the heroine often starts conversations with her grandson Andrey. True, it is difficult for them to understand each other.

Creating the image of Daria, her son Pavel and grandson Andrei, the author shows how from generation to generation a person degrades mentally. And if in Paul we see at least some kind of sympathy and pity for Matera, then Andrei doesn't care. Leaving the village, he did not even want to walk around the places of his childhood and say goodbye to his "small homeland".

Daria has a completely different attitude towards Matera and every house and corner in the village. This is her native, living and full-fledged world. They burn the mill, the heroine goes to see her off, thinking how much good she has given her. Before going to burn the heroine's hut, she whitewashed it, tidied it up, as if performing a ritual over the deceased. And before leaving her home, the woman locks him up so that strangers do not defile him.

The author endowed his heroine with true national strength and spirituality. This unimaginable power of character is in touch with the past, in reverence for ancestors, in gratitude to the native land. It is these values ​​that V.G. Rasputin.


"Farewell to Matera" is a realistic work, the plot is based on the flooding of the island with the village located on it, which was usual for those years, since a dam for a power plant was being built on the river. But the writer uses in the story some mythological images that expand the meaning of the work, give ordinary things the depth of the symbol.
The very first phrase of the story sets the theme of the "last spring". “The last spring” is an obvious contradiction, considering that in folklore symbolism, spring is the beginning of a new life. This spring is the “last” for Matera. The name of the island and the village is also symbolic, since the word is etymologically related to the word "mother", and the dictionary of VI Dal indicates the meaning of "mainland". Rasputin Mater has an island, that is, "a piece of land surrounded on all sides by water." Water is one of the key symbols of the story: it will flood the village. In folklore there is an image of "living water", but in "Farewell to Matera" water becomes a symbol of death. According to the author, a person distorts the foundations of being, turning life into death. Water also points to the biblical theme of the worldwide flood sent to mankind as a punishment for sins. But if in the Bible the righteous are saved, then in Rasputin it is they (grandmother Daria, Bo-godul, Sima, Katerina and the boy Kolka - an innocent child) who choose death, preferring death to existence in an unrighteous world. The flood theme is also emphasized by the multiple descriptions of protracted, "all-encompassing" rains at the beginning of the story. Water is opposed to © 2001-2005 All So ch.R The element of fire, fire "devouring", is also a symbol of heavenly punishment: houses set on fire by dissolute Petruha are burning. Before the flood, signs come, miracles happen. So, grandmother Daria is talking to God: “I have come to my senses, and I am talking aloud. It seems like someone was next to me, asked me, and I talked to him. " Another time she hears the voices of dead ancestors.
The episode with the cemetery is also symbolic.

They call their godless, blasphemous deed "cleaning up the territory." The old women drive them out as they drive out evil spirits, calling them infidels. Let us recall Pushkin's lines:
Two feelings are marvelously close to us - In them the heart finds food: Love for the native ashes, Love for fatherly graves.
Life-giving shrine! The earth would be dead without them, Like a desert “without sources” And like an altar without a deity.
Alien people, "by order of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station", encroached on the very foundations of human existence. They do not see the dead as living, but Grandma Daria even sees a living soul in her hut.) "Before the inevitable burning of the house, she decides to clean up a hundred." And how can you give up your native hut for death, from which they carried their father and mother, grandfather and grandmother, in which she herself lived almost all her life, denying her the same outfit? " According to Rasputin,
in Daria lies the moral ideal, in the story it is she who acts as the keeper of folk traditions.
The mythological images are most vividly manifested in the story of the "royal larch". The word “larch” is feminine, but the author, obviously, is important to show the masculine principle of this symbol of Matera: “... no, it was he, the“ royal larch ”- so eternally, mighty and imperiously he stood on a hillock, noticeable almost from everywhere. -washed by all ". Of course, this image is associated with the image of the World Tree, connecting heaven and earth. "It is not known how long the belief has lived that it is by them, the" king's larch ", that the island is fastened to the river bottom, one common land, and as long as it stands, Matera will also stand." Since ancient times, it has been treated as a shrine, and only in modern times has the tradition of holiday offerings been forgotten - this is how the connection with the origins is lost. The death of Matera and the death of the "World Tree" are inextricably linked.

They chop it down with axes, burn it, douse it with gasoline - but it stands. Even the product of human civilization - the chainsaw - failed to lime the larch. Old birch - the only tree that larch allowed to grow next to it - undoubtedly personifies the feminine principle. This is evidenced by the phrase: "... perhaps their roots are underground and converged." Unable to cope with the larch, the peasants, out of anger, "dropped" the birch, which was only guilty of standing nearby. The feminine principle, which gives life, has been destroyed. The larch remained unbroken, "but it was empty around it."
The days of Matera also end with emptiness, nothingness - this is manifested in the theme of the fog that enveloped the village. And only one can hear the Master mourning his island: "... through the open door, as from a gaping void, a fog swept and a distant, melancholy howl was heard - that was the Master's farewell voice."
Thus, we see that the use of mythological symbols turns the death of one village into the death of the entire God-given world.

Other compositions on this work

"For Whom the Bell Tolls" by V. Rasputin? (based on the works "Farewell to Matera", "Fire") Author's attitude to the problems of V. Rasputin's story "Farewell to Matera" Ideological and artistic features of V. Rasputin's story "Farewell to Matera". The image of Daria Pinigina in Rasputin's story "Farewell to Matera" Images of the inhabitants of Matera (based on the story "Farewell to Matera" by V. Rasputin) The story "Farewell to Matera" Nature and man in one of the works of modern Russian prose of the story (based on the story of V. N. Rasputin "Farewell to Matera") The problem of memory in V. Rasputin's story "Farewell to Matera". The problem of ecology in modern literature based on the story "Farewell to Matera" by V. G. Rasputin Problems of V. Rasputin's story "Farewell to Matera" Problems of culture, nature, man and ways to solve them Ecological problems in one of the works of Russian literature of the XX century Review of the story "Farewell to Matera" by V. G. Rasputin The role of antithesis in one of the works of Russian literature of the XX century. (V. G. Rasputin. "Farewell to Matera.") Symbolism in the story "Farewell to Matera" by V. Rasputin The fate of the Russian countryside in the literature of the 1950s-1980s (V. Rasputin "Farewell to Matera", A. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor")

"Country of birch chintz" -

dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia

"The image of the House in Valentin Rasputin's story" Farewell to Mother "

Project participants:

Students of grade 10 "A". Head - T.V. Rodionova

Objective of the project:

Preservation of historical memory and the establishment of moral values ​​and the connection between generations through literature.

Project objectives:

1. Literary and environmental education of schoolchildren.

2. Development of the creative potential of students.

3. Promotion of literature and reading.

4. Education of morality, respect for the literary and historical heritage of our country.

5. Fostering respect for nature.

Project implementation:

February 2017

Description of the project:

In the most difficult periods of life, people strive to find answers to their questions. And the easiest way to do this is through fiction, since the talent of a writer lies in the ability to comprehend and convey to the reader the history of the country through examples of artistic images.

The contradictory 60-70s of the twentieth century, when industrialization proceeded at a tremendous pace, sometimes to the detriment of nature, became the heyday of village prose. The writers talked about ordinary people living on earth, taking care of the departing Russia, keeping the traditions of Ancient Russia. Undoubtedly, one of the brightest representatives of this genre was Valentin Rasputin.

on which your house stands.
V.G. Rasputin

The image of the House in the story of Valentin Rasputin

"Farewell to Matera"

Two feelings are wonderfully close to us
In them, the heart finds food:
Love for the native ashes,
Love for fatherly coffins.
Life-giving shrine!
The earth would be dead without them,
Like ........ desert.
And like an altar without a deity.
A.S. Pushkin

Four props in a person in life:
home with family, work, people with whom together
rule the holidays and weekdays, and the earth,
on which your house stands.
V.G. Rasputin

Homeland, like parents, is not chosen; it is given to us at birth and absorbed with childhood. For each of us, this is the center of the Earth, regardless of whether it is a large city or a small village. Over the years, growing up and living our destiny, we add more and more new lands to this center, we can change our place of residence and move ... But the center is still there, in our “small” homeland. You cannot change it.

Each person has his own small homeland, that piece of the Earth that remains in the heart of a person for eternal memory. Rasputin also has such a "piece" - this is his native village Atalanka, which the writer embodied in the story "Farewell to Matera", where her fate during the years of construction of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station, which fell into the flooded zone, is easily read.

Matera is both an island and a village of the same name. For three hundred years Russian peasants lived in this corner of the Earth. Life on this island goes on leisurely, without haste, and over those three hundred plus years Matera has made many people happy. She accepted everyone, became a mother to everyone and carefully fed her children, and the children answered her with love.

But one day a sad event happened not only for the inhabitants of this village, but also for Matera herself. They decided to build a powerful power plant on the river. But, paradoxically, the island fell into a flood zone, and the whole village had to be relocated to a new village on the banks of the Angara River. What a grief it is for old people. Having lived all their lives in their native Matera, now they need to leave their home, leave everything that they have lived with for so many years.

The soul of Darya's grandmother was bleeding, because she was not the only one who grew up in Matera. This is the homeland of her ancestors, and Daria herself considered herself the keeper of the traditions of her people. And others, strangers, really do not understand the feeling of losing their native, beloved place on the whole planet? No, for them this island is just a territory, a flood zone. First of all, the newly-minted builders tried to demolish the cemetery on the island, losing all human respect not only for the dead, but also for the inhabitants of the village, because this is their place of worship for their ancestors.

As if from father and mother, Daria receives the order to carry out the hut, wash it like a dead man, dress it up in all the best. Izba connects her with her father, mother, with their fathers and mothers. She does not leave the feeling of this connection with the departed.

Daria whitewashes the hut, greases the stove, washes the windowsills, floor, windows. All night Daria mourned her hut, and the hut seemed to understand what they were doing to her."She senses, oh, she senses where I'm dressing her."

The fate of Katerina's house is especially bitter. His fire illuminates the fate of all mothers. And therefore the inhabitants of the land doomed to death are going to conduct the first "dying" hut with the whole world.

“People forgot that each of them is not alone, they lost each other, and there was no need for each other now. It is always like this: in an unpleasant, shameful event, no matter how many people there are together, everyone tries, not noticing anyone, to remain alone - it is easier to get rid of shame later. In their souls they were uncomfortable, embarrassed that they were standing motionless, that they had not even tried at all, when it was still possible to save the hut - there was nothing to try. The same will happen with other huts, soon too, - Petrukhina is the first.

And they looked, looked, not missing anything, how it is, in order to know how it will be - so a person with frenzied attention pierces the dead with his eyes, trying to imagine himself in that position, which he cannot escape. "

The burning hut predicts the fate of those who remain. "The chasm on the roof suddenly rose upright in the fire and, black, coal, but still burning, bent towards the village - there, there will be fires, look there."

Life is harsh and the result is sad ... So a whole village disappeared from the map of Siberia, and along with it - traditions and customs, which for centuries have shaped the human soul, his unique character.

The way of life is changing, the mores are changing, and with the change of morals, everything is more alarming for the person. The old wisdom says: do not cry for the deceased - cry for the one who has lost his soul and conscience. The most important conclusion that can be drawn after reading this story is that you need to protect not only your soul, but also preserve the spiritual values ​​of the people.

Stanislav Kunyaev "Valentina Rasputin"

At home, as in space, it is countless
Fire and forest, stone and space,
You can't fit everything, isn't it because there is
Each of us has our own Matera,
Own Eye, where the chill pulls
On a pre-winter day from thickened moisture,
Where sand still crunches under your feet
Coarse and frosty ...
Goodbye Matera! To be or not to be
To you in the coming human life -
We cannot decide, but we cannot stop loving
Your destiny, incomprehensible things.
I know that the people are boundless,
What is in it, as in the sea, light or turbidity,
Alas, do not count ... Let there be ice drift,
May there be other people after us!
Goodbye Matera, goodbye to my pain
Forgive me that the cherished words are not enough,
To utter everything that is over the edge
Shimmering, melts into the blue abyss ...