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Creating a tabletop theater from disks with your own hands. Master class "Puppet theater from disks" presentation for a lesson on speech development (middle group) on the topic. It's better not to throw away plastic spoons

Do-it-yourself puppet theater is a favorite pastime for all kids. For them, communication with dolls has the same meaning as relationships with living people.

Meeting children with handmade theatrical characters helps them relax, relieve tension, and create a joyful atmosphere.



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MBDOU kindergarten "Chechek" s. Torgalyg Master class “Puppet theater from disks” Educator: KHOVALYG DOLAAN VALERIEVNA 2015

Do-it-yourself puppet theater is a favorite pastime for all kids. For them, communication with dolls has the same meaning as relationships with living people. Meeting children with handmade theatrical characters helps them relax, relieve tension, and create a joyful atmosphere. Relevance:

GOAL: development of speech in children, communication, artistic and aesthetic qualities, as well as musical and creative abilities.

Using the example, we will make the hero of fairy tales, THE RUNNER BUNNY. To make it we will need: colored cardboard, glue stick, wooden sticks, tape, scissors and CD discs.

Glue a wooden stick to the disk.

Take white cardboard and cut out the bunny's face and make cuts for the antennae

We make ears from gray cardboard, and a red tongue.

We make a spout from brown cardboard.

And one by one we glue all the details onto the disk, starting with the eyes, nose, ears and mouth.

Our bunny is ready.

Fairy tale "Kolobok"

By participating in theatrical games, children get acquainted with the world around them through images of colors and sounds. The great and diverse influence of theatrical games on a child’s personality allows them to be used as a strong but unobtrusive pedagogical tool, because the child feels relaxed and free during the game. In order for children to show creativity, I try to enrich their life experience with vivid artistic impressions and give them the necessary knowledge and skills. The richer the children's experience, the brighter their creative manifestations will be.

Thanks a lot!!!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Master class for children "Puppet theater from disks" as part of the "Gifted Children" program

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Puppet theater plays a big role in shaping a child’s personality. It brings a lot of joy, attracts with its brightness, colorfulness, dynamics, and affects the audience. It begins to attract children's attention early and contains great opportunities for their comprehensive development.

The puppet theater has a whole complex of means: artistic images-characters, design, words and music - all this taken together, due to the child’s figurative and concrete thinking, helps the child understand the content of a literary work easier, more clearly and more correctly, and influences the development of his artistic taste. A doll playing on stage does not live conventionally for a child, it is reality, a fairy tale come to life.

Unlike television programs and animated films, it is really visible in three-dimensional space and materially tangible, present nearby, you can touch it.

Preschoolers are very impressionable and quickly succumb to emotional influence. They actively get involved in the action, answer questions asked by the dolls, and willingly carry out their instructions.

The importance of puppet theater was emphasized and studied in the studies of T. N. Karamanenko, Yu. G. Karamanenko, A. P. Usova, D. V. Mendzheritskaya, U. A. Karamzina.

An emotionally experienced performance helps determine children’s attitude to what is happening, to the characters and their actions, and evokes a desire to imitate positive characters and be different from negative ones.

Puppet theater has existed for a very long time. Ancient peoples believed that different gods, evil and good spirits, and supernatural beings lived in heaven, on earth, underground, and in water. To pray to them, people made images of large and small dolls from stone, clay, bone or wood. They danced around such dolls, carried them on stretchers, carried them on chariots, on the backs of elephants, and arranged cunning devices for the dolls to open their eyes, nod their heads, and bare their teeth. Gradually, such spectacles began to look more and more like theatrical performances. For a thousand years, in all countries of the world, with the help of dolls, legends about gods, demons, genies, angels were played out, and human vices were ridiculed: stupidity, greed, cowardice, cruelty. In Russia in the 17th century. The most popular puppet theater was the Petrushka Theater. Parsley is the favorite character among the buffoons who gave performances for the audience. He is a daring daredevil and a bully who maintained a sense of humor and optimism in any situation. In the 18th century Petrushka appeared in Russia - a glove puppet controlled by a wandering puppeteer.

Puppet theater, a type of theatrical performance in which puppets (volumetric and flat) act, driven by actors-puppeteers, most often hidden from the audience by a screen. Many forms of performances are determined by the difference in types of puppets, their control systems: puppets (puppets on strings), so-called riding puppets (glove puppets), cane puppets, mechanical ones, etc. Sometimes puppets are replaced by a conventional object (cube, ball, stick, etc.), metaphorically depicting a living being. Dolls range in size from a few centimeters to twice human height.

There are several classifications of puppet theater games for preschool children.

For example, teachers L.V. Kutsakova, S.I. Merzlyakov is considered:

Tabletop puppet theater: flat (figures made of cardboard, thick paper, plywood), sewn (from pieces of fabric, fur, leather, foam rubber), knitted (crocheted or knitted from various types of yarn so that they keep their shape, they are put on plastic bottles or children's skittles), molded (made of clay, similar to the Dymkovo toy), wooden carved (similar to the Bogorodskaya toy), foam plastic, boxes, natural material, conical, papier-mâché, and also the base of a desktop doll can be a cylinder, cube, pyramid .

    stand theater (flannelgraph, shadow, magnetic stand, stand-book);

    theater on the hand (finger, pictures on the hand, mitten, glove, shadow theater);

    puppet theater (made of papier-mâché, foam rubber, polystyrene foam, fabric, fur on the principle of a soft toy), set in motion using a vaga - a cross, to which the doll is attached using threads;

    puppet theater with a “living hand”. These dolls have bright, expressive capabilities and can perform actions that are unusual for dolls of other systems. They consist of a head, a loosely hanging cloak, into the cuffs of which the child inserts his hands.

    cane dolls (the basis of such a doll is a gapit - a wooden rod on which the doll is attached. The gapit is the “spine” of the doll. The shoulder frame is installed on it. The doll’s arms are set in motion using canes attached to the doll’s hands.

    dolls of the “people-dolls” system. The child puts on a costume: a huge head - a mask, large hands, huge boots - and turns into a living doll. The head, palms, boots are made of foam rubber and covered with fabric. People-dolls have bright stage capabilities. Controlling such dolls gives children great joy.

G.V. Genov classifies the types of theaters for preschoolers as follows: cardboard; magnetic; desktop; five fingers; masks; hand shadows; "living shadows"; finger shadow; theater book; puppet theater for one performer.

To organize theatrical activities, teachers at our preschool institution use toys and dolls produced by industry (table theaters, bibabo). But toys made by children themselves have the greatest educational value, which develops visual skills, manual skills, and creativity. Toys for tabletop theaters: paper, foam cardboard, boxes, wire, natural materials, etc. Next, we offer you theaters made by the hands of teachers and children.

For younger preschoolers 3-4 years old, the most accessible type of theater is puppet theater. Playing with dolls has an indirect and imperceptible, comprehensive therapeutic and educational effect and helps to gain a sense of success precisely in the area in which the child feels most vulnerable. Playing with a doll provides children with the opportunity to fully reveal their individual characteristics. In the game, the child’s words should revive the dolls and give them mood and character. When playing with dolls, a child reveals his hidden feelings not only verbally, but also through facial expressions and gestures.

Sock dolls

It is at this age that interest in theatrical games is formed, which develops in the process of watching small puppet shows that teachers show, taking as a basis the content of nursery rhymes, poems or fairy tales familiar to the child. In order to maintain interest in theatrical activities, we use different types of puppet theater. For example:

Knitted finger theater “Kolobok”

Spoon Theater “Three Bears”

By the age of 4-5, the child gradually transitions from the theatrical performance of an adult to independent play activities. Children master different types of table theater: soft toys, knitted theater, cone theater, theater of folk toys and flat figures. And also made by teachers: theater on disks, theater on clothespins.

Theater on discs “Kolobok in a new way”

Theater on clothespins “Under the mushroom”

In older preschool age, children free themselves from inhibitions and actively participate in theatrical games. The puppeteering skills acquired by children over three years make it possible to combine several types of theatrical puppets of different systems in one theatrical game.

Theater made of pompoms “Zayushkina Hut”

Sponge theater “Turnip”

In the preparatory group, theatrical games are distinguished by more multifaceted characteristics of the characters, difficult mise-en-scenes to stage, and they feature puppets that are the most difficult to control. Children are of great interest in making dolls, masks, decorations, posters and other attributes.

Making masks for the fairy tale “The Fox and the Rooster”

Making the bas-relief theater “Kolobok”

When engaging in theater with preschool children, we set ourselves the goal of making the lives of our students interesting and meaningful, filling it with vivid impressions, interesting activities, and the joy of creativity.


1. Karamanenko T.N., Karamanenko Yu.G. Puppet theater for preschoolers. M.: Education, 1982.

2. Sorokina N.F. We play puppet theater. M.: ARKTI, 1999.

3. Tarasenko S. Fun crafts with crochet and knitting. M.: Education, 1992.

Olga Asylgareeva

The most popular and exciting direction in children's

age is theatrical activity. By participating in

theatrical games, children become participants in various events from

the lives of people, animals, plants, which gives them the opportunity to gain deeper knowledge

the world. At the same time, theatrical play instills in the child

sustainable interest in native culture, literature, theater. Huge and

educational value of theatrical games. Children develop

respectful attitude towards each other. They will know the joy associated with

overcoming communication difficulties and self-doubt. Passion

children with theatrical play, their inner comfort, relaxedness,

easy communication between an adult and a child. It is obvious that the theatrical

The activity teaches children to be creative individuals.

Dear Colleagues! For theater discs you will need:

*glue moment;

*eyes purchased from stationery stores:

*self-adhesive paper;

*clothes pegs;


Text step-by-step description of the master class

Foxy sister

1. Let's prepare stencils - ears, eyes, cheeks, mustache, nose, tongue, bangs, paws and “pads”.

2. Place the stencils on self-adhesive paper and cut them out.

3. Nose for a fox – let’s do this:

Cut out a semicircle from self-adhesive paper;

We connect one end of the paper to the other and get a cone.

We glue black self-adhesive paper onto the tip of the nose.

We bend the paper around the nose.

Apply glue to the bent edge of the nose and glue it to the disc.

4. Glue the cut out templates onto cardboard.

5. Glue the prepared parts and eyes onto the disk.


"Frog - frog

1. Let's prepare stencils - eyes, nose, eyelashes, tongue, paws.

2. Place the stencils on self-adhesive paper, trace them and cut them out.

3. Glue the prepared parts and eyes onto the disk.

4. Cut out the body and legs from green paper and glue it onto the disk.

5. For the stand you will need green clothespins.

Dog Bug






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Objectives: Develop fine motor skills, develop imagination in children, cultivate accuracy when doing work, patience and perseverance.

Home puppet theater is a good way to develop a child. In particular, the project promotes the development of speech, imagination, and fine motor skills. At the same time, dolls have an excellent psychotherapeutic effect, since they can help a child cope with his fears and worries, as well as receive the attention that is sometimes so lacking. You can make a puppet theater for kindergarten with your own hands, and this applies not only to dolls, but also to screens and decorations.

Making dolls

Dolls can be made from completely different materials, including scrap materials. However, their size is not important. They can be finger-shaped, in the form of gloves or stationary figures.

Felt finger characters

Finger puppets allow you to develop your child’s fine motor skills, thinking and speech. Making miniature dolls is very simple. To do this, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • felt;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • pattern paper;
  • pencil.

You can draw the pattern for the character yourself. To do this, it is first recommended to choose a fairy tale or story that will be staged, and then carefully think through its characters. After this, you can start making characters:

When making finger puppets, you should immediately decide who will wear them. If this is a child, then the holes in the dolls should be such that the characters do not fall off during the performance.

Modeling paste

A special modeling paste can be a good material for making dolls. It can be replaced with salt dough or plasticine. The advantages of this material are that it can be used to make both finger puppets and stationary puppets. To make characters you need to prepare:

The sculpting process is quite difficult for a child, so an adult needs to be shown step by step how to make this or that figurine. At the same time, it is still worth leaving the child the opportunity to express his imagination. If a human figurine is needed for staging, you can sculpt it as follows:

  1. From a piece of pasta measuring 2*3 cm you need to roll a sausage and then form it into a cylinder. His figure should resemble a matryoshka doll with a torso and head. Make a notch at the bottom of the cylinder for your finger.
  2. Separately sculpt the arms that need to be attached to the body.
  3. All facial features can be made using a plasticine stack or knife.
  4. You can paint the character after the paste has dried and hardened.

Paper fairy tale heroes

Paper dolls are very easy to make, but they can be disposable because they tear easily during use. The size of the dolls depends on personal preference. They can be worn on a finger or the entire hand. To make a paper doll, you can cut out special templates along the contour, and then glue them in pairs so that both the back and the back sides match the characters. There is an easier way to make paper dolls:

  1. You need to glue a small tube from a sheet of colored paper by twisting the sheet and gluing it along the edge. Its dimensions depend on the type of puppet theater. The doll can be worn on a finger or be stationary
  2. On the resulting blanks you need to glue elements of the face and hands depending on the character.

It's better not to throw away plastic spoons

You can also make dolls from scrap materials. Plastic spoons do an excellent job of this. For such characters you need to prepare:

Additionally, you may need ready-made plastic eyes, as well as felt-tip pens or markers. After preparing all the necessary tools, you can proceed directly to making dolls. To do this you need:

  1. Glue or draw eyes on the convex side of the spoon.
  2. Wrap the fabric around the handle of the spoon and tie it with a ribbon to make a dress. If a male character is being made, then a bow tie can be glued at the junction of the handle and the convex part of the spoon.
  3. Make hair from colored paper. To do this, cut a fringe on one side of the strip, and then glue the whole part to the convex part of the spoon.

You can also use other available materials. For example, you can make smeshariki from disks with your own hands or take ice cream sticks.

Socks will help

You can very quickly make a puppet theater out of socks with your own hands. To make such characters, you must adhere to the following instructions:

Decorations for performances

Particular attention must be paid to the decorations. The easiest way to make them is from thick cardboard. To do this, you need to draw the required element on cardboard and then cut it along the contour. Additionally, you need to glue clothespins to the decoration, which will be used to attach the decorations to the screen. It is recommended to disguise them, since the fasteners cannot spoil the appearance of the stage or attract attention to themselves. Therefore, the clothespins should be disguised as part of the decoration, for example, as a figurine of a flower or mushroom. The number of clothespins depends on the size of the decoration itself.

Theater screen

The screen is the basis of the puppet theater in kindergarten. Its appearance depends on the type of theater. This could simply be a fabric curtain that can be used to cover the hole under the table. In this case, all actions will take place at the level of the table top. You can also make a dollhouse out of fabric with your own hands, the patterns for which you can draw yourself. If you are making a finger puppet theater with your own hands or using glove puppets, then you will need a table screen. It can be made from different materials.

A plywood screen will turn out to be very light, and it will last for many years. To make it you need to prepare:

  • plywood;
  • jigsaw;
  • wallpaper or fabric;
  • door hinges.

  1. Cut 3 blanks from the main material, that is, one central part and two sidewalls. They need to be covered with fabric or wallpaper.
  2. After all three parts are dry, they need to be connected using door hinges. This will allow you to close the screen and fold it.

In a similar way, you can make a screen from cardboard. However, it is recommended to make it three-layer, which will significantly increase the strength of the structure. It is not necessary to connect the parts with door hinges; they can simply be sewn together.

The age of children who go to kindergarten places special demands on the action itself. For a theatrical performance, it is recommended to choose simple, uncomplicated plots that are nevertheless capable of teaching important life things. Gradually, the repertoire can be increased, while periodically returning to already staged performances. The peculiarity of children is that they quickly get tired and stop paying attention to some subject. This means that the duration of the performance should not exceed 10-15 minutes. Additionally, you can use musical accompaniment.

A puppet theater in a kindergarten will help not only to reveal the talents of each child, but also to unite the team. And not only at the stage of staging fairy tales, but also in the process of making dolls. The children will definitely be delighted and will definitely not forget the emotions they felt at these moments.

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