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Sergei Prokofiev. Symphonic tale “Petya and the Wolf. Instruments petia and the wolf Petya and the wolf symphonic tale children's drawings

Natalia Letnikova collected 10 facts about a piece of music and its creator.

1. The musical story appeared with the light hand of Natalia Sats. The head of the Children's Musical Theater asked Sergei Prokofiev to write a musical story told by a symphony orchestra. So that children do not get lost in the wilds of classical music, there is an explanatory text - also by Sergei Prokofiev.

2. Violin melody in the spirit of a pioneer march. The boy Petya meets almost the entire symphony orchestra: a bird - a flute, a duck - an oboe, a cat - a clarinet, a wolf - three French horns. The shots are played with the sound of a big drum. And the grumbling bassoon acts as a grandfather. Ingenious is simple. Animals speak with musical voices.

3. "Fascinating content and unexpected events." From concept to implementation - work for four days. It took exactly so much for Prokofiev to make the story sound. The tale was just a pretext. While the children follow the plot, willy-nilly, they learn the names of the instruments and their sound. Associations help you remember this.

“Each character of the fairy tale had its own leitmotif assigned to the same instrument: the oboe depicts the duck, the bassoon depicts the grandfather, etc. Before the performance, the instruments were shown to the children and the themes were played on them: during the performance, the children heard the themes many times and learned to recognize the timbre instruments - this is the pedagogical meaning of the tale. It was not the fairy tale itself that was important to me, but the fact that the children listened to music, for which the fairy tale was only an excuse. "

Sergei Prokofiev

4. The first cartoon. Petya and the Wolf was filmed by Walt Disney in 1946. The score of the yet unpublished work was handed over to the cartoon magnate by the composer himself at a personal meeting. Disney was so impressed by Prokofiev's creation that he decided to paint a story. As a result, the cartoon entered the studio's gold collection.

5. "Oscar"! In 2008, the short film "Peter and the Wolf" by an international team from Poland, Norway and Britain won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film. The animators have done without words - just a picture and music performed by the London Symphony Orchestra.

6. Petya, a duck, a cat and other characters of the symphonic fairy tale became the best instruments in the world. The musical history was performed by the USSR State Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Evgeny Svetlanov and Gennady Rozhdestvensky, the Philharmonic Orchestras of New York, Vienna and London.

7. Petya and the wolf on pointe shoes. A one-act ballet based on a work by Prokofiev was staged in the middle of the 20th century at a branch of the Bolshoi Theater - the present-day Operetta Theater. The play did not take root - it was shown only nine times. One of the most famous foreign productions was the performance of the British Royal Ballet School. The main parts were danced by children.

8. The 40th anniversary of the symphonic tale was celebrated with a rock version. Well-known rock musicians, including Genesis vocalist Phil Collins and ambient father Brian Eno, organized a production of the rock opera "Peter and the Wolf" in the UK. The project featured guitar virtuoso Gary Moore and jazz violinist Stefan Grappelli.

9. Voiceover for "Petit and the Wolf". Only recognizable timbres: the first performer was the world's first woman - opera director Natalia Sats. The list includes Oscar-winning English actors of the knighthood: John Gielgud, Alec Guinness, Peter Ustinov and Ben Kingsley. She also spoke on behalf of the author and Hollywood film star Sharon Stone.

“Sergei Sergeevich and I fantasized about possible plots: me - in words, he - in music. Yes, it will be a fairy tale, the main goal of which is to acquaint junior schoolchildren with musical and instruments; it should have captivating content, unexpected events, so that the guys listened with continuous interest: what will happen next? We decided this: it is necessary that there are characters in the fairy tale who can vividly express the sound of this or that musical instrument. "

Natalia Sats

10. 2004 - the Grammy Award in the nomination "Children's Album in the Spoken Genre". The highest American music award was taken by the politicians of the two superpowers - ex-presidents of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev and the USA Bill Clinton, as well as the star of Italian cinema Sophia Loren. The second tale of the disc was the work of the French composer Jean Pascal Beintus. Classics and modernity. The challenge, just like decades ago, is to make music understandable for children.

Sections: Music

Lesson type: Learning new material.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Educational: to teach to distinguish between musical instruments visually and by ear.
  • Developing: develop students' ear for music and memory.
  • Educational: to educate musical culture, aesthetic taste, emotional perception of music.


1. Organizational moment

Musical greeting.

2. Updating knowledge

Teacher: Which composer's music did we meet in the last lesson?

Children: With the music of the Russian composer S.S. Prokofiev.

On the screen - a portrait of S.S. Prokofiev.

W: What do you know about the composer, what works did you listen to?

D: "Waltz" from the ballet "Cinderella", the song "Chatterbox". S. Prokofiev began composing music at the age of 5. He wrote his first opera "The Giant" at the age of 9.

Homework check. Drawings for the ballet "Cinderella" (exhibition is being prepared on the board).

D: Find on the slide the title of the new work of S.S. Prokofiev.

D: "Peter and the Wolf".

Slide 3 (On the screen - the name of the tale)

W: Why do you think the tale is called "symphonic"?

D: Probably a symphony orchestra is playing it. Symphonic means from the word symphony. This is a fairy tale, like a symphony.

D: Right! This is a piece of music for a symphony orchestra. The composer, creating a fairy tale, wanted to help children understand symphonic music. Even adults find symphonic music difficult and incomprehensible. S.S. Prokofiev was the first who decided to introduce children to the instruments of a symphony orchestra in a fascinating form, in the form of a fairy tale.

Lesson topic: "Instruments of a symphony orchestra in S. Prokofiev's fairy tale" Petya and the Wolf ".

Each hero of the tale has its own musical theme and its own instrument with a certain "voice".

D: In the lesson, we will get acquainted with the instruments of the symphony orchestra, with the musical themes of the heroes of the fairy tale.

What will we learn in the lesson?

With the help of a teacher, children formulate tasks: We will learn to distinguish musical instruments by voice, by their appearance, to determine the heroes of a fairy tale by the nature of the music, to compose their own melodies for some of the characters.

U: Petya is the main character of the tale. This is a boy your age. What melody would you compose for him if you were composers? Try playing your melody with your voice.

Polina B .: "I would have composed a joyful, merry melody" (Performs a melody).

Danil M .: "It seems to me that Petya is a mischievous boy, I want to show Petya in my melody like this:" (Sings the melody).

Nikita B .: "I would have composed a serious melody for him" (Performs a melody).

W: Thank you! We listen to the theme of Petya S.S. Prokofiev. What is Petya's character after all? What does the music represent?

Children: Petya is cheerful, joyful, boy. He walks, hums something. The melody is smooth, sometimes "jumping", as if Petya is jumping up, maybe dancing.

W .: In what genre was Petit's theme written: in the genre of song, dance or march? (Answers).

D: What instruments perform the Petit theme? Show with hand movements how they are played. (Children get up, imitate playing the violins to the music).

W: You showed violins, but the Petya theme is performed by a group of stringed instruments: violin, viola, cello, double bass.

D: Petya came to rest on the holidays with Grandpa. (On the screen - Grandpa). If you were composers, what kind of melody would you write for Grandpa?

D: Kind, cheerful, angry, tender. Children play their melodies.

W: What instrument would you choose for your grandfather if you were composers? (Answers of children)

D: Listen to the theme of Grandfather from S.S. Prokofiev, define the character. (Hearing).

Polina B .: "Grandpa is angry, strict. He's probably angry with Petya.

W: Indeed, Grandpa is unhappy with his grandson's behavior. He is worried that Petya went behind the gate and did not close it behind him. ": The places are dangerous. And if a wolf comes from the forest? What then?"

D: The instrument performing the Grandfather's theme is the bassoon. Let's define what "voice" the bassoon has: low or high?

D: Angry, grumpy, low


On the screen - Cat, Duck, Bird.

W .: Who do you think is the theme of this theme song? (Hearing).

D: This is a bird. The melody sounded fast, merry. One could imagine how it flies, flutters, flaps its wings.

D: Listen to the theme of the Bird again, identify and show her instrument.

Rehearing. (Children imitate playing an instrument to music).

W: What tool can represent a bird? (Answers)

D: The instrument performing the theme of the bird is the flute. How is the flute played?


W: The flute is a woodwind instrument.

D: What is the mood of Birdie?

D: Cheerful, joyful, happy, carefree.

On the screen - Petya, Cat, Grandfather, Wolf.

W: Which of the heroes of the fairy tale belongs to this music? Show with gestures, movements of this hero of a fairy tale. (They depict a cat to the music).

At: Why did you decide it was a cat?

D: The melody sounded carefully, quietly. In the music, the footsteps of a cat could be heard, as if it was sneaking.

W: The theme of the Cat was performed by the clarinet instrument. What is the "voice" of the clarinet?

D: Low, soft, calm.

W: The clarinet is a woodwind instrument. Listen to music and see how the clarinet is played.

On the screen - Cat, Hunters, Wolf, Duck.

W: Which of the heroes of the fairy tale does this melody represent? (Hearing, analysis).

D: Duck! The melody is unhurried, smooth; the duck walks awkwardly, waddles from foot to foot, quacks.

D: An instrument performing the Duck theme is called an oboe. What is the "voice" of the oboe?

D: Calm, quiet, quacking.

D: The oboe belongs to the group of woodwind instruments. Watch and listen to the Duck theme

D: Let's play a game "Learn a Musical Instrument". On the screen you will see the characters of fairy tales and musical instruments. It is necessary to name the instrument of the hero depicted on the screen. Children answer questions orally.

5. Anchoring.(Explanation of the order of practical work ).

All the heroes of the fairy tale appear on the screen.

D: Find on the screen the heroes of the fairy tale, whom we will meet in the next lesson.

D: Wolf, Hunters.

The Wolf and the Hunters remain on the screen.

D: In the next lesson, we will continue our acquaintance with the instruments of the symphony orchestra, listen to the themes of the Wolf, the Hunters, and learn the content of the fairy tale.

D: What new have you learned in the lesson today? What did you learn in the lesson?

7. Homework (Invitations to a fairy tale).

Sign your invitations and complete the assignment.




see also

  • Peter and the Wolf, album (1966) by American jazz organist Jimmy Smith
  • (English) Peter and the Wolf, 2006 Oscar-winning short film

Notes (edit)

See what "Petya and Wolf" is in other dictionaries:

    - "Peter and the Wolf", a symphonic tale for children by Sergei Prokofiev, written in 1936, shortly after his return to the USSR for staging at the Children's Musical Theater by Natalia Sats (premiered on May 2, 1936). Work ... ... Wikipedia

    Wolf: The Wiktionary contains an article "wolf". Wolf is a predatory mammal. Wolf (constellation) constellation of the southern hemisphere of the sky ... Wikipedia

    Petya and Little Red Riding Hood ... Wikipedia

    Petya and Little Red Riding Hood Type of cartoon drawn by Regi ... Wikipedia

    Type of cartoon drawn Director Evgeny Raikovsky Boris Stepantsev Scriptwriter Vladimir Suteev The roles were voiced by ... Wikipedia

    The wolf and the seven kids in a new way ... Wikipedia

    Wolf and Calf ... Wikipedia

    Soyuzmultfilm, the largest studio of animated films in the USSR, began its work in Moscow in 1936 with the creation of the cartoon “It's Hot in Africa”. For more than 70 years of history, the studio has released more than 1,500 hand-drawn ... Wikipedia

    Soyuzmultfilm * 25th, first day, (1968) * 38 parrots, (1976) * 38 Parrots. What if it works! (1978) * 38 Parrots. The grandmother of the boa constrictor, (1977) * 38 Parrots. The Great Closure, (1985) * 38 Parrots. Tomorrow will be tomorrow, (1979) * 38 Parrots. Charging for ... Wikipedia

    This page requires significant revision. It may need to be wikified, supplemented or rewritten. Explanation of the reasons and discussion on the Wikipedia page: For improvement / September 3, 2012. Date of staging for improvement September 3, 2012 ... Wikipedia


  • Petya Ivanov and the magician Tik-Tak, Suteev Vladimir Grigorievich. Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev composed not only fairy tales for kids, he also invented instructive stories for schoolchildren. The book "Petya Ivanov and the magician Tik-Tak" includes fairy tales "We are looking for ...

Who with what instruments (musical) are Petya and the wolf indicated in the tale? and got the best answer

Answer from Єloyd [guru]
Yes, in the same Wikipedia everything is there, someone is even too lazy to go there ...
Orchestra composition:
Flute; Oboe; Clarinet (in A); Bassoon; Three French horns; Pipe; Trombone; Timpani; Triangle; Tambourine; Castanets; Big and Small drums; Plates; First and second violins; Violas; Cello; Contrabasses.
Each character is represented by a specific tool and a separate motive:
Petya - bowed string instruments (mainly violins), C major, free and open melody in the spirit of a pioneer march;
Bird - flute in high register, G-dur, virtuoso passages;
Duck - oboe, Es-major / As-major, "quacking" melody in the lower register;
Cat - clarinet, G-dur, the theme depicts the grace and soft gait of a cat;
Grandfather - bassoon, theme in h-minor, dotted rhythm in lower and middle register, imitating grunt;
Wolf - three French horns, theme in g-moll;
Hunters - timpani and bass drum (shot), wind instruments (final march)

Answer from Oleg[active]

Answer from Yumensky reg branch * KPRPR *[newbie]
Petya violin Bird flute Gaboy duck Cat clarinet Grandfather bassoon Wolf 3 French horns Hunter liter and big drum

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Who with what instruments (musical) are Petya and the wolf indicated in the tale?

Music lesson in grade 1.

Lesson topic: Symphony Orchestra Instruments in S.S. Prokofiev "Peter and the Wolf".

Lesson type: Learning new material.

Lesson Objectives:

    To acquaint with the instruments of the symphony orchestra (appearance, timbre coloring), with the themes of the heroes of S.S. Prokofiev "Peter and the Wolf".

    To develop the components of ear for music (pitch, timbre), creativity, the ability to analyze musical images of the heroes of a fairy tale.

    To foster a culture of listening to symphonic music.


    multimedia equipment;

    a stand with posters;


    poster "Symphony Orchestra";

    cards with the names of musical instruments;

    lesson presentation;

    game "Learn a musical instrument"


    verbal method (conversation using visual and auditory visualization tools: examining presentation slides on the topic of the lesson);

    contrast comparison method;

    method of improvisation (performance of vocal, motional improvisations on the themes of the heroes of S. Prokofiev's fairy tale "Petya and the Wolf");

    a method of stimulating musical and creative activity through creating a surprise effect using information and communication technologies.

Forms of work: individual, steam room, frontal.

Lesson activities:

    Choral and individual singing (performance of a musical greeting, farewell, song repertoire, vocal improvisations).
    2. Listening to music, analysis of the means of musical expression.
    3. Performing creative tasks (vocal, motional improvisation).
    4. Work of students with visual aids (poster, poster "Symphony Orchestra").


1. Organizational moment

Musical greeting

D: The bell rang -

D: Hello!

D: The lesson has begun -

D: Hello!

2. Updating knowledge

Teacher: Now, to tune in to a new topic, I suggest you play a game called "Guess."

One presenter comes out, stands with his back to the class. The rest of the guys pronounce his name one by one. The leader needs to say the name of the student, not seeing him, but hearing only the voice. Students play several times.

Teacher: Good! How did the host manage, without seeing you, to pinpoint your names?

Teacher: Right! And how were our presenters able to determine exactly whose voice sounded?

Sample student responses:

Teacher: Good! What fellows you are! That is, each voice has its own color, or it would be more correct to say its own timbre.


Now you know that every human voice has its own specific timbre. What do you think, is there a certain timbre for each musical instrument?

Sample student responses: Yes, I have!

Teacher: Right! Each musical instrument has its own certain timbre. And there are a huge number of musical instruments. And today we will get to know some of them, as well as learn to distinguish them from each other, not only in appearance, but also in timbre.

Teacher: Now listen carefully to the poem and try to name the musical instruments mentioned in it.

From a swamp overgrown with duckweed,

From the fields, from the forest hollow,

Singing, kind fairy tale

I went down the musical paths.

To the board house under the spruce,

The path will lead you

Tells about Pete and the Wolf,

Oboe and clarinet and bassoon.

Tucked away in the pages of music

Glades, meadows and forests.

For every beast and bird

The flute will enlighten with the birdie,

Quacking an oboe with a duck,

And the evil, despicable wolf,

French horns will replace themselves,

However, why rush?

Your this fairy tale, take it,

Magic doors are pages

Open it quickly.

Sample student responses: oboe, clarinet, bassoon, flute, French horns

Teacher: Good! And what is the name of the fairy tale about which the poem speaks, who can say?

Sample student responses: “ Peter and the wolf "

Teacher: Right! And this tale was written by Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev. (Slide 4 - portrait of the composer). This was in 1936. This is not an ordinary fairy tale - it is a musical symphonic fairy tale. And it is called "symphonic" because it was written for a symphony orchestra.

    S. Prokofiev was the first composer who decided to introduce children to the instruments of a symphony orchestra in a fascinating form, in the form of a fairy tale.

W .: Guys, can any of you suggest what the topic of our lesson will be?

D: Instruments of a symphony orchestra

Lesson topic:“Instruments of the symphony orchestra in S. Prokofiev's fairy tale“ Peter and the Wolf ”.

(On the blackboard there is a poster "Symphony Orchestra").

The teacher draws the attention of children to the poster "Symphony Orchestra"

Teacher: Look, guys, how many different instruments are collected in a symphony orchestra. There are strings, winds, percussion, and keyboard instruments. There are a lot of them. But today we will get acquainted only with some of them, with those who participate in our fairy tale.

Each hero of the fairy tale has its own musical theme- leitmotif.


He wanted children to learn to listen to symphonic music. And before the start of the performance of this music, the children were shown the instruments and the leitmotifs of the characters of the fairy tale played on them. During the performance, children heard these leitmotifs many times and learned to distinguish between the timbres of the instruments.

(Slide 6 - pioneer Petya)

Early in the morning Petya opened the gate and went out onto a large lawn. The brave pioneer Petya is the protagonist of the tale. Its theme sounds like a merry march. A string-bowed group of instruments is performing the Petya theme: 2 violins, viola and cello.

(Slide 7 - bowed strings) - listening to the topic.

Teacher: What do you think, what kind of character does Petya have? How did the music depict him?

Sample student responses:

Cheerful, mischievous, joyful.

He walks, hums something and jumps.

Petya is a brave and kind boy.

Petit's melody is friendly, carefree.

Teacher: Good! Further, the next character of the fairy tale appears - this is a bird. (Slide 8 - bird, flute). “Everything around is calm,” she shouted cheerfully. Its leitmotif is performed by a flute. This instrument belongs to the woodwind group. Listen carefully to her topic so that you can answer my questions later. Listening to the topic.

- What is the mood of the bird? How can you imagine this bird?

Examples of children's answers:

Cheerful, joyful, happy.

You can imagine her sitting high on a tree branch and singing.

Or as if the bird very often flaps its wings and flies above the ground, not knowing where to land.

The theme of the bird is light, agile, fluttering, fussy.

Teacher: Not bad!

Following Petya, waddling from side to side, a duck appeared. The duck theme is performed by the oboe - this is also a woodwind instrument (Slide 9 - duck, oboe). The oboe timbre sounds "nasal" and the duck "quack-quack" is heard - listening to the topic.

How does the music depict a duck?

Examples of children's answers:

She is slow, calmly walks along the road, waddling from one paw to another, and quacks.

The melody of the duck is slow, clumsy.

The duck goes to the transshipment, awkwardly.

Teacher: Suddenly Petya became wary. He noticed a cat creeping across the grass, its leitmotif being played by the clarinet, another of the woodwind family. (Slide 10 - cat, clarinet) - listening to the topic.

What can you tell about the cat by listening to its theme?

Examples of children's answers:

The cat on soft paws carefully sneaks up to the bird.

Sometimes she stops.

The cat is cunning, cunning.

Sounds are low, insinuating.

Teacher: Petya's grandfather appears after the cat. (Slide 11 - grandfather, bassoon) He is worried that Petya has gone out of the gate, because “the places are dangerous. If a wolf comes running from the forest, what then? " His theme is also performed by the instrument of the woodwind group - the bassoon. This is the lowest sounding instrument of this family. It was not for nothing that Prokofiev portrayed their grandfather for them. The bassoon, playing the theme of the grandfather, sounds like an old man's grumpy and hoarse. Listening to the topic.

Sounds like a grumpy grandpa?

Examples of children's answers: Yes!

- The old grandfather is portrayed by a leisurely, grumpy melody.

- Grandfather walks slowly, with difficulty.

Teacher: And indeed. Before Petya and his grandfather had time to leave, a huge gray wolf appeared from the forest. (Slide 12 - wolf, French horns). Its leitmotif is played by French horns - instruments of the brass-wind group. Listening to the topic.

What can you say about this character's leitmotif? What did you hear in the music, how does the Wolf appear before us? Is this a positive or negative character in this tale?

Examples of children's answers:

The music portrays the Wolf as a dangerous predator.

This is the angry Wolf!

You can hear him howling.

The music of the wolf is terrible, terrible.

Teacher: Quite right! And finally, the hunters appear, who follow in the footsteps of the Wolf (Slide 13 - hunters, percussion). Now let's listen carefully to their theme and try to determine which instruments perform it. Listening to the topic.

Examples of children's answers:

These are drums!

Percussion instruments!

Teacher: That's right, the theme of the hunters is performed by a group of percussion instruments. Namely timpani and drums.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the cards that are scattered on the floor.

- Guys, the composer painted the image of a wolf and hunters with musical sounds so believable that I was even a little scared and scattered the pictures that I wanted to show you. It depicts the heroes of the fairy tale and the musical instruments that performed them. I ask you to help me and find a pair for each character.

Musical and didactic game "Pick a Pair".

For the final procession from the fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf", children select a musical instrument that performs the main part of each character.

At: Well done guys, coped with the task!

Have: Listen to a joke song about a musical instrument. Which one - guess!

Sings very merrily,

If you blow into it,

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

This is how she always sings.

Not a stick, not a tube,

What is this? (Answer: pipe)

Listening to the song "On a green meadow"

At: Determine the nature of the piece.

D: A cheerful, playful song, very rhythmic, danceable.

At: You are absolutely right.

W: Did you like the song? (Answers)

At: Let's learn it, but first let's sing it out.


    Work on breathing.

    Articulation work.

    Work on diction.

R Work on the song "On a Green Meadow".

The beginning of the text of the song "On a Green Meadow" is being unlearned.

On a green meadow - wow!

Once I have found a pipe - their-wow!

That was not a pipe - wow!

The fun was - wow!

W: Please note that unusual words are often used in Russian folk songs. For example, in the song “There was a birch in the field” there were the words “lyuli-lyuli”, but here - “them-voh”. Such words will be found in folk songs and beyond.

W: To make it easier for you to remember the rhythm of the song, repeat the words and simultaneously clap your hands.

(Children repeat the text, duplicating its rhythmic pattern).

W: Listen to the melody of the song and identify. How sounds move there.

(The teacher performs the melody of the song, the students show the movement with their palm - first up, then down.)

D: Pay attention: at first the sounds move one after the other - up and down. Show this movement of the melody with your palm - smooth. But to make the song more fun, each phrase in it ends with a special exclamation - "wow!". At this exclamation, a high-pitched sound sounds first. And then low. Now sing the words you've learned.

(Children sing).

To make it more interesting to perform, let's stage a song and add dance moves - a side step. Stand with your hands on your belt.

We step to the side with a side step.

Together with steps forward, it is necessary to perform turns with the shoulders, putting one or the other shoulder forward.

(Children learn movements).

D: Now sing the beginning of the song, at the same time do the movements.

(Students complete the task).

When learning and performing a song, you should pay attention to:

    Diction (clear pronunciation of the text);

    The nature of the piece (cheerful, joyful, singing with a smile);

At: In our performance, this song “played” with new colors, became close and understandable to us.

4 repetition

At: Guys, today we talked a lot about the heroes of the fairy tale "Petya and the Wolf". We listened to musical portraits of these characters, collected cards on which these characters were depicted with paints, and these characters can also be drawn plastically. To convey in motor sketches the characteristic features of each of their characters. And again the magic of music will help us.

Plastic improvisation

For each of the musical themes, children perform motor improvisations, trying to convey in the dance the plasticity, facial expressions and characteristic features inherent in one or another character.

At: Guys, did you like our musical journey to the fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf"?

Children: Yes.

At: What do you think, if I just read a fairy tale to you, told the plot in words, would it be so bright, colorful, magical?

Children: Not!

At: Quite right. Today we are once again convinced of the magic power of music, which helps us to more vividly and colorfully get acquainted with many interesting things. I invite you to be friends with music and carry this music through your whole life, and it will give you many more unforgettable encounters with beauty.

Have: Soon we will have a holiday "Farewell to the ABC", for which we learned the song "Comic lesson". Let's fulfill it.

Performance of the song "Comic lesson".

6. Lesson summary.

At: Our lesson is coming to an end. Tell me, what instruments of the symphony orchestra did we meet today?

Examples of children's answers:

At: What are the names of the instruments that have strings? (strings)

What do we call the tools we can hit? (drums)

What do we call the blowing instruments? (winds)

At: Which instruments did you like the most?

Children's answers:

At: Now let's play Orchestra.

Children choose instruments and play this instrument to the music.

Orchestra game.

8. Musical farewell.

At: I want to thank you for your work, you tried very hard today - Well done!

At: The bell rang -

D: Goodbye!

At: The lesson is over -

D: Goodbye!

Have: Thank you all for your attention. Until next time!