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I dreamed of black long straight hair. If you dreamed about long hair, what would the dream book say? I dreamed about long hair on my head, what does that mean?

Why do you dream about long hair? In a dream, they can be associated with vitality and profit, promising a journey or a long-term relationship. To find out the exact decoding, let’s turn to various dream books.

Vanga's Dream Book

Dreams about hair symbolize peace, warmth and spiritual harmony. If you dream that you have very short hair after cutting it, this means that you may go astray. Sweeping cut hair means revealing a mystery or a mysterious secret.

Lush, long hair signifies spiritual growth. Very tangled hair symbolizes distrust of people. It's time for you to learn to trust them. Braiding your hair is a harbinger of a long journey.

Freud's Dream Book

In a dream, all actions with hair are in any case connected with a person’s sexuality and his genitals. Long hair symbolizes isolation and self-doubt.

Very short hair or the absence of it on the head, on the contrary, means a lack of complexes and strong sexual promiscuity. A dream in which you comb your long hair is a sign of regret about missed opportunities and opportunities.

Aesop's Dream Book

According to Aesop's interpretation, hair is a rather meaningful symbol; it personifies wisdom, prudence and vitality. Having long and luxurious hair in a dream means good health. Combing your hair means putting your thoughts, deeds and actions in order. Cutting hair means great losses, misfortune and deliberate slander.

If you dreamed of a girl whose hair keeps growing, this sign indicates that you have an impossible dream. In addition, this dream may be a warning that you will soon meet an unintelligent and unreasonable person.

If you have curly hair, such a dream portends good changes in life. To dream of a girl having her long hair braided is a sign that you want to be useful and needed by others. In ordinary life, you do not live one day at a time; serious plans for the future are an important point for you.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Seeing hair in a dream is a good sign. But this applies only to those dreams in which the hair is well-groomed, beautiful and healthy-looking. If, on the contrary, they are confused and have a faded appearance, expect many failures and quarrels.

Smooth, combed hair symbolizes true friendship. Long hair means profitable profits. A dream about increased hairiness on the body indicates material well-being and good health.

If your hair is falling out a lot in a dream, expect financial loss soon in the form of a loss or robbery. If you dream that while combing your hair you broke the comb, then such a dream promises nothing but trouble.

Loff's Dream Book

Seeing gray hair on your head is a sign of thoroughness and wisdom. Long hair dreams of health problems. Combing or styling your hair in a dream is a sign of a quick recovery.

If you dream that you are taking care of your hair, this means that you spend too much time at work and do not pay enough attention to your loved ones. Cutting your beautiful hair and feeling pity at the same time means serious quarrels.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Loose, long hair symbolizes travel and long journeys. Gray hair means minor troubles. Combing your hair in a dream means major changes in life. Braiding a pigtail means overcoming a barrier with obstacles. Baldness dreams of losing a friend due to betrayal or betrayal on his part.

Miller's Dream Book

Combing your own lush hair in a dream is a sign of frivolity in your actions, which you will have to repent of later.

Black, white, blond long hair in a dream

If a woman dreams that she has dark and light hair on her head at the same time, then according to Miller’s dream book, she needs to be careful in her upcoming choice. Black curls mean that you may fall into a captivating love trap.

If during a dream you saw a girl with blond hair, this is a sign that your loved one is not worthy of you. White hair means good news and pleasant meetings. Golden hair is a harbinger of deep fidelity to your lover. Chestnut curls are work-related failures. Red hair color promises great changes in your relationship with your loved one.

Hair that is too short symbolizes unbridled extravagance. Do not allow it to abstain from the foreseen misfortune. If in a dream you had an incredibly beautiful hairstyle, then fortune is on your side, and pleasant and interesting changes await you.

Thick, beautiful long hair on the head - interpretation of sleep

If you dreamed that you had thick, beautiful and long hair on your head, this means that success, prosperity and the fulfillment of all your plans await you ahead. If a woman dreams that her hair is longer in a dream than in reality, such a dream promises incredible wealth, an easy life and prosperity.

A dream in which a girl dreams of long, well-groomed and healthy hair foretells the appearance of a faithful and honest friend. If a man has a dream in which he sees a woman with long and shiny hair, this is a harbinger of strong deception.

Sometimes at night we see scenes that we just can’t ignore; we need to read the dream book. Beautiful long hair is one of them. The vision in which they appear speaks of many things. This is the life span measured by the stars, and important relationships, and the journey that you secretly dream about. When deciphering, it is important to remember all the nuances. Sometimes some little thing completely changes the interpretation; more than one dream book speaks about this. Beautiful long hair is a multifaceted and very important symbol. Let's try to figure it out.

yourself with long beautiful hair

Let's start with visions in which a person observes extraordinary hair on his own head. If the hair was good, healthy, silky, then there is nothing to worry about. Such a dream foreshadows long years of life, according to the Modern Dream Book. Beautiful long hair generally symbolizes the path. This is both a trip planned for the near future and the fate of a person. When looking for the meaning of a dream, it is necessary to remember this duality. Firstly, long hair indicates that the upcoming trip will be pleasant and interesting. If it worries you, then you need to calm down and not bring trouble into your life with negative thoughts. This is exactly the first advice of sleep. Secondly, such a vision is interpreted as a symbol of a long and happy life. What is the hair - such is fate, they said in the old days. The Russian Dream Book agrees with this. He interprets beautiful long hair as a harbinger of a comfortable, happy and calm life. Probably, the person has already completed all the lessons, worked out his karma, and now he has to enjoy being in this world. But this is only one part of the meaning of our symbol. Let's understand further.

Compare with real hair (color)

Some commentators claim that a virtual hairstyle only matters if its color is very different from the real one. If, for example, a brunette sees herself with long blond hair, it means there is a sharp turn ahead. A person’s worldview will radically change under the influence of events or a person. But he will no longer be the same, says the Ukrainian Dream Book. Long, beautiful, thick hair for a short-haired person portends the fulfillment of plans and confidence in the future. If you are surprised to find a red mane on your head almost reaching your waist, get ready for difficult events. This hair color, as a rule, foreshadows deception, and betrayal for lovers. To be a redhead is to reveal intrigue, identify a traitor, and the like. But golden hair does not lose its usual interpretation. That is, a person will have the opportunity to live in peace only after he has dealt with the deceiver, gets rid of the fraudster who is doing evil and is nearby.

The waviness of the curls also matters

It is not for nothing that interpreters warn that any nuance of a vision with hair is important. So, if in reality a person has straight hair, but in a dream he has wavy hair, anxiety awaits. This is a sign that life will be striped, then events will surge, then silence will form. Moreover, you will have to deal with both the good and the not so good. For lovers, seeing curly hair, if it does not exist in reality, means that the partner is cheating, and this will soon be revealed. If, on the contrary, you see straight, straw, curls, some problem will be solved. The way out of a difficult situation is on the surface, or rather, it is in the truth. Straight hair appears in night vision as advice: no need to be cunning and dodge. Whatever happens in life, be honest, those around you will support you. This is what the English dream book tells us. Hair long, beautiful, braided is a sign of bonds. If you are married, it will be long and strong. There is no couple yet - you will soon meet your fate.

Dream Interpretation: beautiful hairstyle with long hair

Such a vision often ends up in girls' dreams. It predicts wonderful events, miracles similar to those encountered by Cinderella in the fairy tale of the same name. If the hairstyle was neat, beautiful, and pleased the dreamer, it means that she will be invited to a celebration where the girl will have a chance to amaze the male half of society with her beauty and charm. It feels bad when your curls are disheveled. This is a sign of trouble where nothing foreshadowed trouble. For example, you go to a ball, but it turns out to be boring and uninteresting, and it will be inconvenient to go home. You'll have to look longingly at your watch and yawn. A broken hairstyle indicates that a person perceives reality too enthusiastically, through such an immature worldview only leads to disappointment. For a man to see his hairstyle with long curls - a sign of a long journey. How it will go is judged by the appearance of the hair. Disheveled curls and loose curls speak of snags and obstacles along the way.

Seeing another person's long hair

If a young man stroked the curls of his beloved, who in reality wears a haircut, it means that his hopes for happiness will be justified. The girl dreams of a closer relationship, reports the Modern Dream Book. The interpretation of dreams (dreams of long beautiful hair) depends on the personality of the dreamer. For a mother to see gorgeous hair on her child’s head, she is happy about how his fate will turn out. The offspring will be able to reach the heights of success, no matter how he imagines them. For a girl to see long curls on the top of a guy’s head - a sign of his interest. However, there is no need to delude yourself. The young man is attracted to girls in general, including the dreamer. If her partner suddenly acquired long hair, then he cannot be trusted. This person has not yet found his destiny; at any moment he can go to the “call of blood”, that is, change.

Stranger with long hair

If your attention is attracted by a person with thick hair, then pay attention to its color. to good events, brunettes - to obstacles. If the hair was red, there would be a fight with the enemy. The length of the curls indicates the strength of the person with whom fate will connect in the near future. Sometimes absolutely fantastic images appear in the land of Morpheus. So, if you see a stranger with hair down to his toes, then you will meet an unusual person. You will make friends with some person who will help in everything. His wisdom, strength and kindness will leave a lasting impression on you. Moreover, if you met a black-haired man in a dream, it means that you will take advantage of the cunning of your new friend and the ability to weave incredible intrigues. In any case, sleep is favorable. He predicts the appearance of a very strong, intelligent and agile friend on whom you can rely in the future.

Combing long hair

If you had to do your hair, clumsily handling the curls, then you will put things in order. There are some important events coming up. This vision speaks of the need to prepare for them. Combing tangled curls in night dreams means suffering from many small worries that need to be addressed at the same time. It will not be possible to shift at least part of the responsibilities onto someone else’s shoulders. You will be able to sort out what you haven’t done before. It is quite possible that the dream promises a check at the place of duty or an unexpected exam. Combing someone else's long locks means helping a friend if they were light. But beware if you are putting things in order on a dark head. This dream portends danger. Some cunning person will decide to involve you in his foul-smelling affairs by deception. Try not to use such qualities as responsiveness, gullibility and excessive kindness in the near future.

Cut long locks

Cutting hair in a dream is always bad. If you happen to cut off the hair that you have in reality, it means that you will have to spend money. The vision in which unexpectedly grown curls were shortened is interpreted quite differently. Cutting beautiful long hair - Miller's dream book speaks about this clearly - suffers from a lack of funds. Poverty will literally exhaust you, put you in a stupor or cause hysteria, but you won’t be able to improve the situation quickly. For lovers, such a vision also foreshadows a break in the relationship. It is likely that both will happen. A loved one will find another, and the grief will be further aggravated by the terrible lack of money even for the most necessary things. Those who are planning a trip should also think about it if they cut off their long locks in a dream. This plot foreshadows unexpected changes that will not allow you to set off on your journey.

Animals with long hair

Animals with strange fur, which is not found in reality, do not promise peace. You should be guided by the type of animal. For example, cats with long hair foreshadow enmity with a very strong person. You should be more careful in your words and actions so as not to cross the path of any significant person. You won’t be strong enough to cope with such an opponent, but you will be overwhelmed with grief. A dog with long hair is a sign of the appearance of a charismatic, cheerful friend who can get you out of any trouble. In any case, an animal with disproportionate fur promises strange events that require close attention.

Why do you dream about black hair?

If in a dream a person sees black curly locks, then this dream may promise a seductive love trap set by someone.

dreamed of black hair

Seeing dark curly hair in a dream means imminent unfavorable changes in life, changing it for the worse.

Why do you dream about black hair?

If a sleeper sees in a dream a single white hair among his own black hair, then soon a child may appear in his family; if a married lady sees exactly the same dream, then she will have to worry about her husband and show care for him.

black hair according to the dream book

If a female representative sees herself in a dream with black hair, then the man with whom she is now in love is not worthy of her affection.

what does it mean if you have black hair in a dream?

If a sleeping person sees beautiful black hair, then most likely someone loves him.

black hair according to the dream book

If a person sees black, short, curled or very tangled hair in a dream, this could mean impending bitterness, boredom, and possibly a quarrel or strife with someone.

dream interpretation black hair

If a person sees black hair instead of his usual hair color, this may mean that he is loved by someone or that he will soon receive a profit.

dreamed of black hair

To see someone's short-cropped black and curly hair in a dream means immediate sadness and loss due to the lies or betrayal of someone around them. If in a dream the hair of the person seeing this dream becomes dark and long, then this may mean an upcoming increase in money and prosperity. Seeing black beautiful and well-groomed hair means that the love feelings that the person seeing this dream is now experiencing are mutual.

It has long been the custom among people to interpret dreams in which there is abundant vegetation, be it on the head or on the body, as a sign of increased wealth and profit. On the contrary, dreaming of yourself having your hair cut or shaved means losing money. However, in reality, not everything is so simplified.

I dreamed about long hair on my head, what does that mean?

The hairstyle that we see in a dream always attracts the attention of the sleeper: sometimes the curls are tangled and cut, and sometimes they are silky and shining. Let us consider the meaning of this vision below:

  • The dream book interprets long hair as a possible quick trip, which promises adventures and pleasant acquaintances.
  • Beautiful long hair symbolizes success, possible quick enrichment and a prosperous life. Such a dream generally has a positive meaning.
  • Seeing long hair in a dream is clearly interpreted as a lie and deception, which in life you can receive from loved ones and acquaintances.
  • If you dream about long hair on your head, according to Miller’s dream book, this means that a person in life is prone to rash actions. This dream warns a person and gives a reason to think about his life.
  • Beautiful long hair on your head is interpreted as a good omen; you are lucky, fate smiles on you, and you will be incredibly lucky in business.

Why does someone dream about long hair?

Someone else's curls, which were vividly etched into memory in a dream, are also a special sign.

  • The dream of a young girl having curls, wavy or curly, that have grown just before our eyes, is interpreted as the unrealization of your hopes and desires.
  • A woman dreams of long hair on her head - for a man this is a sign that the woman he loves is cheating on him.
  • But when a man dreams that he is buying a wig, this is interpreted as a quick meeting with his love.
  • The modern dream book interprets long hair on a man as a very blissful vision for boys and girls in love.

What does it mean to dream about combing your hair?

Combing curls is interpreted differently in different dream books, and the differences are often diametrically opposed.

  • So, according to Miller, when you dream of having long hair, combing it can only mean that the person sleeping in life is very frivolous and does not think about the consequences of his actions.
  • Vanga, on the contrary, gave a different interpretation to such a dream - combing curls means that a person is engaged in spiritual development in reality. There is a constant growth in knowledge and intelligence.
  • If the curls are thick, impossible to comb, and the comb gets stuck in them and breaks, expect trouble.
  • A girl caring for the curls on her head in front of a mirror means her frivolous, frivolous attitude towards life.
  • Combing someone's curls and braiding them - you are putting pressure on this person, forcing them to live a life that is not their own.
  • Stroking silky curls means having clear success in the field of romantic love.

Why do you dream of black and blond hair?

The color of the curls is also crucial in a dream. This fact is important if your attention is focused on it.

  • When you dream of long black hair, this may mean a warning: a love trap awaits you, which can promise either just a sparkling passion, or will result in trouble in the future.
  • Seeing two contrasting colors on your head at the same time is interpreted as a warning before making a choice. You should weigh everything well and think it over before you act one way or another.
  • Seeing a girl with light-colored curls idealizes your loved one; he is not worthy of you and your love.
  • Seeing a gray head means receiving good news. Perhaps pleasant meetings await you ahead.
  • The golden hue promises fidelity to your other half.
  • But the red color, on the contrary, means the changeability of love relationships.

Analyzing the dream book, we can safely say that a light color mainly promises good news or joyful meetings.

Dark color, in turn, has a fatal meaning. But the red color and its shades are all the meanings of love.

And, of course, it is very important in what form they are seen in a dream; if well-groomed, beautiful, silky, then this is a very good omen, and dull, brittle means failures and failures in business.

Seeing long hair in your dream▼

To dream about long hair on your head means that in reality your health will not let you down. In addition, long hair also represents financial well-being and material stability.

Why do girls dream about long hair▼

Why do you dream about long hair? In reality, she is not serious enough in matters of the heart. It is possible that the time has come to settle down and seriously think about further collaboration.

Why do men dream about long hair ▼

The dream book interprets long hair as. You should be careful when communicating with the opposite sex - you may be deceived. To see hair as long as a girl’s - in reality you can become indecisive and cowardly.

I dreamed that another person had long hair▼

If you see another person’s long hair in a dream, work on your character in reality. We need to get rid of timidity and gullibility. In the near future, someone may take advantage of the presence of these qualities in you.

Dreaming of a girl with long hair▼

A dream about having long hair foreshadows the beginning of a romantic love relationship. If you already have a lover, receive a marriage proposal from him. The longer a girl's hair is, the longer the relationship will last.