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The main dates of the life and work of I.S. Turgenev. Biography of Fyodor Dostoevsky briefly the most important Dostoevsky biography briefly by dates

Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich - Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818-1883). Biography in dates and facts

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818-1883). Biography in dates and facts

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev- Russian writer-

November 9, 1818 -

1827 g.
From 1838 to 1840, listened to at the University of Berlin. In Germany, the writer became close to talented young representatives of the Russian intelligentsia: N.V. Stankevich, who later created the Moscow philosophical circle, from which many prominent figures of Russian culture emerged, the future revolutionary M.A. Bakunin, as well as the future famous historian and idol of Moscow students in 1840 -50s T.N. Granovsky. Upon returning to Russia, he entered the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but soon left it, deciding to devote himself to literary creativity.

1834 year


1847 g.

1843 g.

1852 g.- the appearance of a collection of stories "", perceived not only as a literary, but also as a social and cultural event in the life of Russia.

1850s- the heyday of the talent of the writer. At the beginning of this decade, the stories "Diary of an Extra Man" (1850), "Lull" (1854) and others were written, which served as approaches to the first novel "" (1856). The model of love relationships outlined in this work was further developed in the stories "Asya" (1858), "First Love" (1860) and "Spring Waters" (1872), which form a kind of trilogy about love; and the theme of the ideological and spiritual quests of the intelligentsia developed in Rudin became the basis for the novels “Noble Nest” (1859) and “On the Eve” (1860). The discussion about the last novel was the reason for Turgenev's break with Sovremennik, with whom he had long-term close relations.

1862 g.

1867 g.

1877 g.- the publication of the novel "" further deepened the misunderstanding between the writer and the Russian public.

1878 g.


September 3, 1883

ivan sergeevich turgenev (1818-1883). biography in dates and facts

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev- Russian writer-
Realist, performing the mission of a mediator between Russian and Western European cultures. His prose, which raised the topical issues of modern life and presented a gallery of various human types, reflects the historical path of Russia in the 40-70s of the nineteenth century, illuminates the ideological and spiritual searches of the Russian intelligentsia and reveals the deep features of the national character.

The life of I. Turgenev in dates and facts

November 9, 1818 - Born in Oryol, in a noble family. Childhood years passed in the estate of Spasskoye-Lutovinovo, which became the prototype of the noble "family nest", which the writer subsequently recreated many times in his works as a specific phenomenon of Russian culture.

1827 g. The family moved to Moscow, where the systematic education of young Turgenev began. After completing training in private boarding schools, he continued his studies at Moscow and St. Petersburg universities, and then,
From 1838 to 1840, attended lectures at the University of Berlin. In Germany, the writer became close to talented young representatives of the Russian intelligentsia: N.V. Stankevich, who later created the Moscow philosophical circle, from which many prominent figures of Russian culture emerged, the future revolutionary M.A. Bakunin, as well as the future famous historian and idol of Moscow students in 1840 -50s T.N. Granovsky. Upon returning to Russia, he entered the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but soon left it, deciding to devote himself to literary creativity.

1834 year The first great literary experience of I. Turgenev is dated, the poem "Steno", which was not published during the life of the author, but attests to his literary inclinations.

1840s- appears in print as the author of poems, poems, dramas and the first stories, approved by the public and literary criticism. Among those who enthusiastically embraced the writer was V.G. Belinsky, who had a significant impact on the development of I. Turgenev's talent.

1847 g.- The Sovremennik magazine published Turgenev's story "Khor and Kalinych", to which the editorial staff sent the subtitle "From the Notes of a Hunter". This story was a resounding success.

1843 g. Turgenev met the singer Pauline Viardot, who became the love of his life.

1852 g.- the appearance of a collection of stories "Notes of a Hunter", perceived not only as a literary, but also as a social and cultural event in the life of Russia.

1850s- the heyday of the talent of the writer. At the beginning of this decade, the stories "Diary of an Extra Man" (1850), "Lull" (1854) and others were written, which served as approaches to the first novel "Rudin" (1856). The model of love relationships outlined in this work was further developed in the stories "Asya" (1858), "First Love" (1860) and "Spring Waters" (1872), which form a kind of trilogy about love; and the theme of the ideological and spiritual quests of the intelligentsia developed in Rudin became the basis for the novels “Noble Nest” (1859) and “On the Eve” (1860). The discussion about the last novel was the reason for Turgenev's break with Sovremennik, with whom he had long-term close relations.

1862 g.- the novel "Fathers and Sons" was published, which caused fierce disputes among representatives of different socio-political camps and trends. Offended by tactless polemics, Turgenev went abroad, where he spent the last 20 years of his life. In France, where the writer lived mainly, he was accepted into the selected literary community, to which belonged V. Hugo, P. Merimet, Georges Sand, E. Goncourt, E. Zola, G. de Maupassant, G. Flaubert.

1867 g.- the novel "Smoke" was written, which sharply differed in mood from those previously created and reflected the extremely Westernizing views of the writer. In Russia, this work was received with irritation.

1877 g.- the publication of the novel "Nov" further deepened the misunderstanding between the writer and the Russian public.

1878 g.- together with V. Hugo I. Turgenev chaired the International Literary Congress in Paris.

1880s was marked by the appearance of the so-called "mysterious" stories - "P
The Thing of Triumphant Love ”(1881) and“ Klara Milich ”(1882), as well as the collection“ Poems in Prose ”(1877-1882), which became the writer's swan song.

September 3, 1883- due to a serious illness, Turgenev died in Bougival in the south of France. The writer was buried at the Volkovo cemetery in St. Petersburg.

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The presented material is a collection of important dates in Yesenin's biography.

Convenient both for academic research and for replenishing personal knowledge, Yesenin's biography in the table will become an indispensable assistant to every lover of Russian poetry.

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin was born in the village of Konstantinov, Ryazan province on October 3 (September 21), 1895 in the family of wealthy peasants Alexander Nikitich and Tatyana Fedorovna Yesenin. Because the poet's mother was not given in marriage of her own free will, then soon, together with her young son, she went to live with her parents. After a while, Tatyana Fedorovna went to work in Ryazan, and Sergei remained in the care of the Titovs' grandparents. Sergei Yesenin's grandfather was a connoisseur of church books, and his grandmother knew many songs, fairy tales, ditties, and as the poet himself claimed, it was his grandmother who pushed him to write his first poems.

1904 - Yesenin was sent to study at the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School, and then a church teacher's school in the town of Spas-Klepiki.

1912 - Yesenin moved to Moscow.

In 1912, after leaving school, Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin went to work in Moscow. There he got a job in the printing house of I.D. Sytin as an assistant to the proofreader. Working in a printing house allowed the young poet to read many books, made it possible to become a member of the literary and musical Surikov circle. The poet's first common-law wife, Anna Izryadnova, describes Yesenin in those years as follows: “He was known as a leader, attended meetings, distributed illegal literature. I pounced on books, read all my free time, spent all my salary on books, magazines, did not think at all how to live ... ”.

1913, autumn - Acquaintance with Anna Romanovna Izryadnova.

In 1913, Sergei A. Yesenin entered the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the Moscow City People's University. Shanyavsky. It was the country's first free university for audiences. There Sergei Yesenin listened to lectures on Western European literature and Russian poets.

But, in 1914, Yesenin quits work and study, and according to Anna Izryadnova, everything is given in poetry. In 1914, the poet's poems were first published in the children's magazine "Mirok". In January, his poems begin to be published in the newspapers Nov, Parus, Zarya.

1914, December 21 - The birth of the first son of Sergei Yesenin Yuriwho was shot in 1937.

1914 - The first publication of poems in the newspaper "Nov" and the magazines "Parus", "Zarya".

1915, spring - young Yesenin leaves Moscow and moves to Petrograd, where he meets N.A. Klyuev, Z.N. Gippius, D.S. Merezhkovsky, A.A. Block. At this time, Sergei Alexandrovich joined the group of so-called "new peasant poets" and published the first collection "Radunitsa", which made the poet very famous.

1916 - The first collection of poems "Radunitsa".

1916 January - Yesenin is drafted into the army. In the spring, the young poet is invited to read poetry to the empress, which in the future will help him avoid the front.

1917, spring - Sergei Yesenin meets Zinaida Reich in the editorial office of the newspaper Delo Naroda. And in July of the same year they got married.

From 1917 to 1921, Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin was married to actress Zinaida Nikolaevna Reich. From this marriage, Yesenin had a daughter, Tatyana, and a son, Konstantin.

Already in April 1918, Yesenin parted ways with Z. Reich and moved to Moscow, which by that time had become a literary center.

At this time, the October Revolution was unfolding, which the poet accepted unconditionally.

1918 - The second book of poems by Yesenin "Dove", then "Transfiguration" is published in Petrograd.

1919 - Yesenin turns out to be one of the organizers and leaders of a new literary group - the Imagists.

1920 - Acquaintance with Nadezhda Volpin. While living together with the translator Nadezhda Volpin, Sergei Yesenin had a son, Alexander.

1920 - Poems "Departing Rus", "Song of the Great Campaign", "Soviet Rus", "Anna Snegina", "Black Man"; dramatic poems "Pugachev" and "Country of scoundrels".

1920 - The collection of poems "Moscow tavern" is published.

In 1921, the poet went on a trip to Central Asia, visited the Urals and the Orenburg region.

1922 - Yesenin married the famous American dancer Isadora Duncan.

1922-1923 - Yesenin and Isadora make a long trip to Western Europe and the USA. The newspaper "Izvestia" published the notes of Sergei A. Yesenin about America "Iron Mirgorod".

Chronological table of the life and work of Turgenev set out in this article.

Ivan Turgenev chronological table

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev- Russian realist writer, poet, publicist, playwright, translator, One of the classics of Russian literature.

28 of October
Turgenev was born into a noble family in Orel. He spent his childhood in the mother's estate Spasskoye-Lutovinovo.
1827-1829 studied at a private boarding school in Moscow, where his whole family moved.
1833 P entered Moscow University at the Faculty of Literature, but a year later transferred to St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of Philosophy. Created his first romantic poem "Steno".
1836 Turgenev began to be published, his poems and poems were published.
1837 Ivan Sergeevich successfully, with a Ph.D. degree, graduated from the Philology Department of the Philosophy Faculty of St. Petersburg University.
Turgenev attended lectures at the University of Berlin. Visited Germany, Italy and Austria.
1841 He returned to Russia and soon joined the Ministry of the Interior.
1843 He wrote the poem "Parasha". I.S. Turgenev met V.G. Belinsky, who highly appreciated his work.
1846 Participates together with Nekrasov in updating Sovremennik. Written novellas "Brether" and "Three portraits"
1852 More than 20 essays from the "Notes of a Hunter" have been published.
1856 the novel "Rudin" is published.
1859 The novel "Noble Nest" was created.
1862-1882 the works "Fathers and Sons", "Smoke", "Nov", "Faust", "Asya", "Ghosts" were written.
1879 The writer was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Oxford.
August 22
Turgenev died (from myxosarcoma). His body, according to his will, was transported to St. Petersburg and buried at the Volkov cemetery ..

Turgenev's chronological table is summarized in this article, but you can expand it yourself.

1818 , October 28 (November 9) - was born in Oryol into a noble family. Childhood was spent in the family estate of the mother of Spasskoye-Lutovinovo, Oryol province.

1822–1823 - an overseas trip of the whole Turgenev family along the route: with. Spasskoe, Moscow, Petersburg, Narva, Riga, Memel, Konigsberg, Berlin, Dresden, Karlsbad, Augsburg, Konstanz, ... Kiev, Orel, Mtsensk. The Turgenevs lived in Paris for six months.

1827 - The Turgenevs move to Moscow, where they acquire a house on Samoteka. Ivan Turgenev was placed in the Weidengammer boarding house, where he stayed for about two years.

1829 , August - Ivan and Nikolai Turgenev are placed in the boarding house of the Armenian Institute.
November- Ivan Turgenev leaves the boarding school and continues his training with home teachers - Pogorelov, Dubensky, Klyushnikov.

1833–1837 - studies at the Moscow (Faculty of Literature) and St. Petersburg (Philology Department of the Philosophy Faculty) universities.

1834 , December - completes work on the poem "Steno".

1836 , April 19 (May 1) - attends the first performance of The Inspector General in St. Petersburg.
The end of the year- submits the poem "Wall" for consideration by P. A. Pletnev. After a condescending response, he gives him a few more poems.

1837 - Alexander V. Nikitenko sends his literary works: "Wall", "The Old Man's Tale", "Our Century". He reports that he has three completed small poems: "Calm at Sea", "Phantasmagoria on a Midsummer Night", "Dream" and about a hundred small poems.

1838 , the beginning of April - the book comes out. I "Contemporary", in it: the poem "Evening" (signed: "--- in").
May 15 / May 27- went abroad on the steamer "Nikolay". E. Tyutcheva, the first wife of the poet F.I. Tyutchev, P.A.Vyazemsky and D. Rosen departed on the same steamer.
Early October- leaves the book. 4 "Contemporary", in it: the poem "To Venus of the Medici" (signed "--- in").

1838–1841 - training at the University of Berlin.

1883 , August 22 (September 3) - died in Bougival near Paris, buried at the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg.