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Katya Gordon - biography, family and personal life. Katya Gordon

Our heroine is a bright girl, a well-known TV and radio host, singer and director. And all this is Ekaterina Gordon. Information about her career and personal life is contained in the article. We wish you happy reading!

Ekaterina Gordon: biography (short)

She was born on October 19, 1980 in Moscow. Her maiden name is Prokofieva. Katya studied at the humanitarian gymnasium No. 1507. In high school, she transferred to an economic school opened at the International University.

Behind our heroine is training at the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Lenin (Faculty of Social Psychology). The girl also successfully completed courses for screenwriters and directors. She worked as a host of entertainment programs at the following radio stations: Mayak, Moscow Speaks, Megapolis, Kultura and others. He is the director of commercials, music videos and documentaries.

Musical career

In 2009, Ekaterina Gordon created her own group Blondrock. The group performed in the style of pop-rock. In October 2010, the debut album "Love and Freedom" was released. The author of all texts and music is Katya. Sound producer Andrei Samsonov helped the band record the album.

In April 2012, the second album went on sale. It was called "Tired of being afraid!". And after 3 months, Ekaterina presented a solo disc, which includes 8 compositions.

Personal life

Our heroine has never been deprived of male attention. Boys have been chasing after her since she was young. Each of them dreamed of connecting fate with a slender blonde with an explosive character.

In 2000, Katya married her teacher Alexander Gordon. They were in awe of each other. And even the big difference in age did not bother them at all. Unfortunately, this marriage lasted only 6 years. Alexander parted as friends. The girl left herself his sonorous surname.

The famous lawyer became the new chosen one of the blond beauty. The couple got married 3 weeks after they met. The celebration took place in the summer of 2011. Already in September, the couple had a scandal with a fight. Our heroine was taken to the hospital with a concussion. The girl did not forgive her husband. Divorce followed. In September 2012, Katya gave birth to a son, whom she named Daniel.

In April 2014, S. Zhorin and E. Gordon signed again at the registry office. And this time, family happiness did not last long. In June 2014, they divorced.

  • Ekaterina Gordon created the first trade union of bloggers in Russia.
  • The TimeOut edition included her in the TOP 50 beautiful people in Moscow.
  • Our heroine cannot imagine her life without extreme sports. She skydived 3 times and also traveled to Antarctica.
  • Katya was born after doctors diagnosed her mother with a terrible diagnosis - infertility.
  • Gordon has an English translation diploma.
  • At home, the girl lives a mongrel dog named Kif.


Now you know that Ekaterina Gordon is not only a professional TV and radio host, but also a talented singer, songwriter and author of various ideas. We wish her creative inspiration and great family happiness!

Telediva, singer, businesswoman and lawyer Katya Gordon announced in the spring of 2017 that she had decided to get married for the fourth time. She did not name the chosen one, but in a joint selfie on social networks, fans quickly figured out the groom.

It turned out to be a successful businessman Igor Matsanyuk, who made his millions in the field of international Internet business.

Marry early, give birth - please

Katya Gordan was married three times, and the last two times - for the same person. From her first marriage, she got a high-profile surname, from her second - a beautiful son, Daniel, and treatment in a neurosis clinic.

She did not advertise her current relationship. and even carefully concealed.

She said that she did not want to repeat her mistakes - to marry hastily, as she did with lawyer Sergei Zhorin. However, caution did not prevent her from becoming pregnant and giving birth to a child, who, at the insistence of his father, was named Seraphim.

A difficult, dramatic birth, after which Katya lost 4 liters of blood and experienced a clinical death, took place in October 2016. The father of the child met Katya from the hospital, and was very happy about the birth of his son. But the finally happy parents decided to unite only six months later.

Then, in April 2017, when Katya's coming out on social networks took place, the Secret for a Million program was aired with the participation of the TV presenter. In it, Gordon has not yet revealed the name of the child's father, calling him simply "Egor", but, most likely, Yegor is the same Igor, who is Matsanyuk.

On this broadcast, she quite frankly said that relations with Seraphim's father were not easy. When it became known about her pregnancy, her lover rushed about, began to doubt whether they should have a baby now.

Katya, with her characteristic categoricalness, put him out. Throughout her pregnancy, she led an active lifestyle, worked hard, was engaged in business. Katya willingly takes up the protection of the rights of women whose maternal rights are infringed (the ex-wife of Vadim Kazachenko and the ex-wife of the football player Kerzhakov.).

Childbirth caught her driving a car, and a friend who was traveling with her in a car filmed Katya's labor that had begun and posted it on Instagram.

The woman in labor independently drove 16 km to the maternity hospital, where she underwent a caesarean section.

After giving birth, Katya continued to live in her three-room apartment, which she bought herself. In the Secret for a Million program, she invited the group to her home, and the audience could make sure that the life of a star is no different from the life of most Russians.

Meanwhile, the father of the child, a man far from being poor, was in no hurry to propose to Katya. She didn't wait. As she admitted, her chosen one had some kind of unfinished relationship with women, or with a woman, she did not delve into. How this situation was resolved, we know - the father, Serafima, made an offer to the television personality, and they revealed their relationship.

Interesting Notes:

Difficult groom

So, the mysterious Yegor is Igor Matsanyuk, who, according to the results of 2014, ranked 24th in the Forbse list among Internet millionaires. Interestingly, his ex-wife, Alisa Chumachenko, with whom they created a business, occupies 23rd place in the same rating.

Igor Matsanyuk was born in Murmansk in 1971
.Graduated from the Murmansk Higher Marine Engineering School with a degree in electromechanical engineering.

In 1994, Igor went into business with his brother. They drove used cars from Sweden, repaired, refurbished and sold them.

On one of the trips, we met a Swedish firefighter who worked part-time by selling used cars to Russian sailors. They began to carry Russian buyers for a small commission, the amount of which Matsanyuk himself characterizes as “three rubles”.

By the end of the 90s, the Matsanyuk brothers had a large business by Murmansk standards- three car dealerships, a company supplying spare parts for large industrial enterprises such as Norilsk Nickel, and the official Peugeot showroom. In 2001, Igor made a very lucrative deal, seizing control of the company that owns the premises of the Aeroflot ticket office. Having spent $ 110,000 on the share buyback, he received $ 700,000.

At that moment, he realized that he was cramped in Murmansk, and decided to move to Moscow.

This turning point in Matsanyuk's business mind coincided with his passion for online computer games.

He became interested in the Fight Club game, having invested about $ 10,000 in character development. His future wife and main business partner Alisa Chumachenko played the same game.

The entrepreneurial vein played, and he wanted to sell his character for $ 50-60 thousand. However, the developers opposed, as they opposed other large donations of the game in concluding any deals.

And here Matsanyuk decided to create a game that would “break” Fight Club, either in retaliation, or simply did not want to lose his ten, regarding it as an investment in his own life experience. Teaming up with Sergey Zhukov, the lead singer of Hands Up, who was also in conflict with the Fight Club, they created the Territory game. On launch day, 50,000 players signed up and the server crashed.

The creators simply were not ready for such an influx of users. By the end of 2004, IT Territory was earning $100,000. For comparison, all of Matsanyuk's businesses had previously brought in $100,000 a year.

In 2005, Mail.ru buys out Sergey Zhukov's share and begins to promote the company's games with all the strength of its resources. The next big success for Matsanyuk and his new partners was the browser game Legend: Legacy of the Dragons (a clone of World of Warcraft), bringing in $5 million per month by the end of 2007.

By that time, his relationship with Yuri Milner, the main shareholder of Mail.ru, had deteriorated. He decided to leave Mail.ru, and went out for a long three years. Matsanyuk hired the best London lawyers, and as a result, in 2010, Mail.ru holds an IPO in London, during which Matsenyuk sells all his shares for $85 dollars.

If we add up the parts that were obtained during the three-year multi-way operations, Matsenyuk estimates the sale of his stake at $110 million. No one has ever had such an effective way out.

Today Matsanyuk is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the gaming company Game Insight and the managing partner of the IMI.VC fund. By the way, the founder of Game Insight was Alisa Chumachenko, with whom Matsanyuk lived in a civil marriage for many years and officially got married in 2015. Perhaps this alliance became the main obstacle to Igor's decisive actions in relation to Katya Gordon.

It is clear that the new groom, Katya's future husband, is not an easy, large-scale and very strong person. The one that Katya Gordon was looking for.

Katya Gordon is a versatile creative person who takes an active life position and is not distinguished by a calm complaisant character. Perhaps it was her complex nature that caused her failures in her personal life. First Katya Gordon's husband TV presenter Alexander Gordon, who lived with her in a legal marriage for five years, was her teacher and gave Catherine his loud last name, which played a significant role in Katya's successful career. They parted without high-profile scandals and did not advertise their breakup.

In the photo - Katya and Alexander Gordon

The second husband of Katya Gordon was the lawyer Sergei Zhorin, whom she married three weeks after they first met. But a few months later, Katya ended up in the Botkin hospital with bruises and injuries. At first she tried to hide the reason for their appearance, referring to the accident, but later admitted that her husband had beaten her. Apparently, great love made the presenter forgive her husband in the hope of their bright and happy future. But the miracle did not happen and Catherine decided to leave Zhorin.

However, Katya's husband Gordon did not let his wife go just like that, and a loud scandal broke out between them again after Catherine came to pick up her things. According to the presenter, Sergey beat her again, and he did it right in the parking lot, not embarrassed by prying eyes. Without justifying Katya's husband Gordon, who decided to raise his hand against a woman, it's worth saying that he had his own version of everything that happened. Zhorin claimed that his ex-wife decided to turn their divorce into a farce, using it for her PR.

In the photo - the second husband of Katya Gordon Sergey Zhorin

Remembering these high-profile scandals, it was a huge surprise for many that the news that two years after the divorce from Sergei Zhorin Katya was going to marry him again, moreover, being already deeply pregnant from her ex-husband. Katya commented on this step as follows: “Today Sergey Zhorin, my ex-husband, a pugnacious bastard, again called me to marry. And stupidly, I agreed. Because we love each other."

Ekaterina Viktorovna Gordon (Katya Gordon, nee Prokofieva, also bore the name of her stepfather Podlipchuk). She was born on October 19, 1980 in Moscow. Russian TV and radio presenter, journalist, songwriter, frontwoman of the Blondrock group.

Katya Gordon admits that she is a complex person. But this is also its pluses. About her main advantages, Katya says the following:

“As a friend and as a partner in any business, I am the most honest and decent person.

If we have agreed on something, then no matter how the weather-fashion changes, I will be in the position that I was originally in. Because of this, I sometimes have conflicts.

Someone considers me a little "wooden", "chopped" in behavior. This, I consider, in our times is my very great dignity.

Katya's personality causes a lot of controversy. Some admire her, pay tribute to the pressure and inner strength of a woman, the strong-willed qualities that she demonstrates in her profession and private life. Others consider her a brawler. But everyone agrees that Ekaterina Gordon is a fighter in life and fights for her positions to the last.

Katya Prokofieva was born on October 19, 1980 in Moscow. Mom is a mathematician, she taught at Moscow State University. Dad is a physicist, at one time he lectured in Germany. She has a younger brother Ivan.

At first I studied well at school. However, when her parents separated, she turned into a hooligan and a threesome.

“I was more worried about my mother. Even then I understood that their divorce was natural, as I saw difficulties in the relationship. Moreover, she herself approached her mother when she was already completely tired of this painful atmosphere in the house, and said what she needed with dad to get a divorce, and on the same day we packed our bags and left. I immediately somehow matured, began to feel responsible for my mother and brother. I announced a boycott to my father, which lasted two years, "said Katya.

Soon, her mother remarried and Katya - as part of the boycott of her father - took the name of her stepfather Podlipchuk.

Since childhood, I wanted to become a star. This is what he says about himself: "born with a star disease".

"For as long as I can remember, I was sure that I would become a star, accomplish a feat and become famous. I knew this one hundred percent, that's why I prepared, trained. To be honest, even now I think that I was born for some significant act" she says.

I tried a lot of different activities - I was looking for where to find a use for myself in order to become famous.

She studied at the humanitarian gymnasium No. 1507 and at the same time at the economic school for high school students at the International University. In 2002 she graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University. Lenin, where she studied at the Faculty of Social Psychology.

Much in her life changed after her first marriage in 2000 - she became the wife of the famous TV presenter Alexander Gordon, who is 17 years older than her. Thanks to him, she made a career in show business. Katya herself admits that "I really wanted to be on TV". And she did everything possible for this.

After graduating from Moscow State Pedagogical University, she entered the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors (VKSiR) in the workshop of P. E. Todorovsky.

Diploma short film "The sea is worried" banned from showing at festivals on behalf of VKSiR for "moral and ethical considerations" (according to the artistic council, the film had "mocking overtones"). However, in 2005 her graduation film won the Grand Prix of the international festival New Cinema. 21 century".

Katya Gordon - The sea is worried

In July 2008, she received scandalous fame after a skirmish with Ksenia Sobchak on the air of the Mayak radio station, which caused her dismissal from the radio station.

She became the winner in the Internet nomination of the Young People of the Year 2008 award organized by the Aktsiya newspaper.

She was the host of several radio and television programs, in particular: “Moscow Speaks”, “Megapolis” (“Swedish Evening”, “Daring Morning”), “Echo of Moscow” (co-host of “Good Hunt”), “Culture”, “Mayak”, "Silver Rain", "Russian News Service", "Moscow Speaks".

She worked on O2TV channels (“Conversation without rules”), Channel One (“City Slickers”), Zvezda TV channel (“The Other Side of the Legend”).

She was a columnist for the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

From under her pen came the books “State” (pseudonym Katya Vevo), “Kill the Internet !!!” (a novel-utopia), "The Finished", "Life for Dummies".

In 2009, she created the musical pop-rock band Blondrock.

In February 2010, the group sent an application for participation in the Eurovision Song Contest with the reggae song "War is bad", with which the group made it to the semi-finals of the national selection.

In October 2010 the group blond rock released her debut album "Love and Freedom", in which Katya Gordon is the author of music and words. The sound producer was Andrey Samsonov (known for his work with the Aquarium group, Butusov, Mark Almond, Nick Cave).

The next album "Tired of being afraid!" released in April 2012. It is recorded in a manner reminiscent of the early Zemfira and also contains elements of synthpop, pop and disco. So the song "Gently", according to Mazhaev, "reminiscent of the manner of Angelica Varum."

In July 2012, Ekaterina Gordon presented her first solo album "Nothing Extra" (8 songs written at the 7th month of pregnancy), the presentation of which took place right on the Arbat.

Katya Gordon & Blondrock - Leave in English

In 2013, it became known about several performers who included Katya Gordon's songs in their albums: Dmitry Koldun "Heart" (album "City of Big Lights"), Angelica Agurbash - "Empty Heart", November 30, 2013 received the "Golden Gramophone" for the song " Take Paradise”, authored by Katya Gordon.

In 2012 she organized her own agency Lilab for online promotion.

Active blogger. In September 2010, she filed a lawsuit against the Lurkomorye resource, demanding that her personal data and images be removed from the article posted there, as a result, the article was replaced with scanned copies of the case materials.

Public activities of Catherine Gordon:

In 2008, Katya Gordon founded the Kill the Internet project, designed to unite Internet addicts.

In August 2010, he takes part in a rally-concert in defense of the Khimki Forest.

Since 2010, she has been participating in the “Strategy 31” campaigns dedicated to freedom of assembly, on May 31 she took part in a rally on Triumfalnaya Square.

In June 2010, Katya Gordon released the song "Mathematics", dedicated to "Strategy 31". The video for the song, with footage of the dispersal of rallies, is becoming popular on the Internet, in the press the song is called "the anthem of the Dissenters", "the voice of the Triumphal". Katya also took part in subsequent liberal protest actions.

He is the organizer (since 2006) of the Waste Breed movement, which promotes the fashion for outbred dogs. In April 2012, she was one of the organizers of a charity rock festival in defense of homeless animals.

In 2012, together with colleagues, she organized the Rocksobaka charity festival, the proceeds of which went to the needs of several city nurseries in Moscow.

In November 2013, together with Marina Dubrovskaya, she opened a company Saferoom, which specializes in solving legal and psychological problems. The company gained fame thanks to the conduct of noisy cases and stellar clients, such as Anna Grachevskaya, Ekaterina Safronova, Ekaterina Arkharova, Artem Korolev.

Also Catherine Gordon is known as wrestler with psychics. In particular, Saferoom is ready to pay anyone who proves their abilities.

Alexander Gordon also became Daniel's godfather.

In 2013, Katya had a relationship with Mitya Fomin, at one time there was even information about the upcoming wedding. But then the couple broke up.

Ekaterina Gordon and Mitya Fomin

In 2014, Katya Gordon and Sergey Zhorin got married again. But two months later they divorced again.

However, in the fall of 2016, it became known that she was pregnant, but Katya did not disclose who the father of the child was. February 21, 2017 Katya gave birth to a son, whom she named Seraphim.

She told about the father of her second son: "My current man is not an oligarch, he is not a public person, but he is promising and very good."

Filmography of Catherine Gordon:

2008 - Photographer - Sukovich
2009 - Pickup: Filming without rules - journalist
2011 - Falshak (documentary)

Directed by Ekaterina Gordon:

2005 - The sea worries once ... (short)

Katya Gordon is known as a talented journalist, writer, radio and TV presenter, as well as a singer. However, not only this young and, of course, attractive celebrity managed to become famous. In the press, new sensational information about Katie Gordon's personal life. The girl loves directness and frankness in everything, therefore she sometimes gives exhaustive comments to all events that are associated with her name.

The biography of Katya Gordon (at that time still Prokofieva, and a little later - Podlipchuk) began on October 19, 1980. Despite the brilliant successes that the girl made in the economic field while studying at a humanitarian gymnasium and an economic school, she did not choose the profession of an economist for herself. After graduating from high school, Katya Gordon received a diploma in social psychology. Then the girl also decided to graduate from the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors, where she studied with Todorovsky himself. Even then, the straightforward nature of Katya Gordon appeared - her thesis (short film) was banned from showing for mocking overtones. Nevertheless, it was this film that won the Grand Prix at the International Film Festival in 2005.

The professional biography of Katya Gordon brought her to the air of radio stations, and to television, and to the stage as part of her own created group. And just a couple of years ago, she was the initiator of the opening of the Saferoom legal and psychological assistance center. A variety of ideas overwhelm her talented head, from songs to handbag modeling.

In the photo - Katya and Alexander Gordon

But Katya Gordon's relationship with men is no less interesting. If everything was quiet and smooth with the first husband Alexander Gordon, then this cannot be said about the subsequent hobbies of the star. Ekaterina married a well-known journalist in 2000 and lived in marriage for about six years. The parting went quietly and peacefully, the former spouses communicate quite closely even now. Moreover, Alexander Gordon became the godfather of Katya's son.

In 2009, the journalist admitted that she began an affair with a much younger novice actor Kirill Emelyanov, known for the series "Kadetstvo". Their relationship did not last long. It still remains a mystery whether Katya Gordon had any real feelings towards the guy or was it just a PR move. Although Kirill Emelyanov himself admits that the break in relations hurt him.

In the photo - Katya Gordon and Sergey Zhorin

But with the father of her son Danil, lawyer Sergei Zhorin, the journalist managed to marry twice and divorce twice. For the first time they registered their relationship in August 2011, and already in September there was information about assault in the family. In December of the same year, this marriage ceased to exist. And the following year, the son of Danila was born, who became a new bone of contention between uncomplicated spouses. After a while, everything seemed to calm down. In 2013, rumors even spread about the relationship and wedding of Katya Gordon with Mitya Fomin. However, like a bolt from the blue, the news about the marriage of the presenter and ... Sergey Zhorin in 2014 sounded again. True, this time the marriage lasted only a couple of months.