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Reading thin literature in the preparatory group. Perspective planning for reading fiction in the preparatory group. Subject: Late autumn. prewinter



Child in the world of fiction

In the seventh year of life in children, there is a deepening and differentiationrenciation of reader interests, there are preferences inboron of types and genres of literature. Children of this age perceivework in the unity of its content, semantic and expressiveon the positive side, feel and strive to interpret the beauty of the literaryturn speech, project events and images of the heroes of works onthemselves and relationships with others, seek to explain and youexpress the meaning of the work and your attitude to it in different formscreative activity. As a result, listening, perception and understanding of a literary text approaches the level of the naturaltic activity.

The tasks and content of the work in this age group will behave much in common with what was carried out in the previous groupne, in view of the generality of the stage of literary development of children 5-7 years old.

Tasks of education and development of children

1. To cultivate a value attitude towards fiction as an art form, native language and literary speech.

2. Contribute to the deepening and differentiation of readers' interests.

3. Enrich the reading experience of children through works that are more complex in content and form.

4. In the process of getting acquainted with literature, ensure the formation of a holistic picture of the world in children, develop the ability to creatively perceive reality and the features of its reflection in a work of art, and introduce social and moral values.

5. Contribute to the development of artistic perception of the text in
the unity of its content and form, semantic and emotional

6. Develop the ability to elementarily analyze the content and form of a work (features of the compositional structure, means of linguistic expressiveness and their meaning), develop literary speech.

7. Enrich ideas about the features of literature: about genera (folklore and author's literature), types (prose and poetry), about the diversity of genres and some of their specific features.

8. Provide the opportunity for children to show independence and creativity in various types of artistic and creative activities based on literary works.

Mastering the tasks of the literary development of children is carried out in
different types of joint and independent activities of children onbasis of a wide range of folklore and literary texts.

The main methods of literary development children 6-7 years old are the following.

Reading (telling) an adult, which introduces preschoolnicknames with literary texts, as with their "good friends". At the same time, the teacher draws the children's attention to the sources of obtaining the book: the teacher himself or one of the children brought it from home, they took the book in the library (including after the excursion), exchanged books with children of another group, advised to read interesting person etc. This will help to make acquaintance with literature not a didactic, but a humanitarian process, it will show children the interest in the book that is (or should be) in society.

Listening to recordings and watching videos , on which readers and artists perform texts, participate in productions. This will contribute to the education of the literary and artistic taste of children. to develop the ability to feel and understand the mood of the work, the meaning of the means of imagery of the language, to capture the musicality, sonority, beauty and poetry of the Russian literary language.

Viewing (listening to) recordings of the performance of literary texts by children. Joint discussion of sounding speech before-schoolchildren when reading, storytelling, in theatrical post-innovations will ensure the development of a conscious attitude towards correctness andfigurativeness of the language, the peculiarities of someone else's and one's own speech, will contribute toto develop the skills of analysis and introspection of correctness andexpressiveness of speech

Conversation after reading contributes to the deepening of the perception of literaturetext by children, formulating in speech their attitude toheard in the course of his analysis. The conversation includes questionsaimed at expressing the attitude of children to the work, on establishment of various causal relationships (betweenevents, between the structural parts of the text, lines of development plot, heroes, etc.), to a holistic understanding of the images of heroes with taking into account the peculiarities of their behavior and character, the whole conflict ofon understanding the meaning of figurative and expressive means of the language, on understanding the emotional and ideological subtextworks; as well as questions that encourage children to do elementarygeneralizations and conclusions. It is important to help the child "stand above the hero",consider events from the point of view of the author, understand the position of the author of the literary text and formulate their own judgments aboutwork and life events reflected in it.

Just like in the older group, the following methods will be relevant.

Reading with continuation including "multi-volume" stories,united by common heroes. These include, for example, fairy talesA. M. Volkov about the adventures of Ellie and her friends, stories about MummyTrolls Tove Jansson and others.

book talks, in which new tasks will be solved:commingle with the history of the appearance of books in the history of mankind, to helpunderstand the importance of books for the child himself.

Summarizing conversations about the main types and genres of folklore and
literature (“What is a fairy tale”, “What time of the year is more written about?
sano verses", "Tales and stories: about the same thing in different ways" and

Evenings of literary entertainment, literary holidays and theatrical performances, in the preparation of which more and morechildren will be involved, including organizing them for preschoolyounger nicks.

Thematic exhibitions in the book corner and art center but creative activity.

project method. In addition to the ideas of project activities, whichimplemented in the senior grouppreschoolers 6-7 years old will be important newtopics, the purpose of which is to help children master various means of speech expressiveness and fix the mastered ideas.

An important area of ​​work with children of the preparatory group will become acquaintance with writers and poets, illustrators of children's books, which involves communicating to children separatelyinformation from the biography of these people (it is desirable to select factsearly childhood, study, children's hobbies, relationships with childrenmi, that is, what is close and understandable to preschoolers); as well as the signrelationship with the works of these authors and their elementary analysis(for the purpose of orientation in the artistic manner of the author). Such workcan be built as a project activity, the result of whichRoy will be the decoration of the exhibition.

Section content integrates with other sections of the programwe. The most relevant relationships with the sections "Communication"(enrichment of the content of communication between an adult and a child and children withpeers discussing the texts they listened to, getting to know the bestwith our samples of the literary language, the development of the imagery of children'sspeech by means of familiarization with the language expressiveness of the artistcreative works, practical mastery of the rules for constructingdifferent types of texts, dictionary enrichment, etc.), “Knowledge” (for-formation of a holistic picture of the world, the development of intellectual andpersonal qualities, expanding horizons, developing the ability to thinkpour, analyze, compare, development of cognitive interestsowls and "heuristic" vision of the surrounding reality andetc.), "Socialization" (personal development of children as representatives;society, deepening knowledge and attitudes towards the basic moralvalues, familiarity with the norms and rules of conductrelationships in society, etc.). Equally important are the links withlamy "Music" and "Artistic Creativity" due to the presence of a commonconcepts of the formation of different types of artistic activitychildren: from the perception and development of special skills to independentto the creativity of children, as well as the focus of these subsections on the development of the imagination of preschoolers. Connections are possiblewith all other educational areas.

Orientation of children in the educational field

What children learn

Children have a rich literary experience, includingof different types, genres and themes. Names three or four favorite works of different types and genres. In the child's reading circle6-7 years old includes a variety of genres of works of Russian and Zarufugitive folklore, classical and modern poeticknowledge, prose texts (stories, were, fairy tales, fairy tales, hangingty, children's novels). Preschoolers are interested in works fromcomplex overtones, ambiguous images of heroes, basedon the clash of characters, the confrontation between the forces of good and evil. Themtexts with new cognitive information become available,elements of business style (fragments of children's encyclopedias). Childrenlove texts with continuation, including novels, stories, short storiescalling about new adventures of familiar heroes.

Preschoolers 6-7 years old understand that the book is special (hu-prehistoric) way of knowing the surrounding reality,human relationships and social values.

Children know the names of 5-6 writers, poets, individual facts of their biography, some features of their work.

Preschoolers understand the meaning of some means of language,expressiveness. Know the main stylistic features of literaryrature language of works of different types and genres, marking itbeauty and imagery. Mastering ideas about some featuresfeatures of such literary genres as fairy tale, story, poem, fable.

Children understand and reasonedly explain the meaning of the illustration.tions in the book, know the names of two or three illustrators, not-which are the features of their creativity. Understand that the book is rethe result of the activities of the writer, artist and printing house workers,realize the great importance of books for people and, in particular, for themselves.

Preschoolers have ideas about the theater: its purpose,the integrity of the building, the scene, the specifics of the activities of people of differentprofessions working in the theatre. They know different types and genres of theatrical art (dramatic, musical, puppet, star theaterray, clowning and others).

Children know and use different ways of expressing theirwearing to a literary work in various types of speechand artistic and creative activities.

Organization of the experience of mastering the educational field

What do children learn

We expand the reading interests of children

The educator supports and encourages the desire of children to constantlydirect communication with the book, the desire to learn to read and becomeactive reader.

Stimulates the development of the principles of aesthetic responsiveness and taste forhigh level literature. Activates the manifestation of children's love for fiction, interest in the content of the work andvalue attitude to its form.

The teacher supports the selectivity of preschoolers in relation toresearch to works of a certain type, genre, subject.

Provides for the realization of the needs of children in communication aboutliterary works with adults (teachers and parents) and other children (peers and younger children).

Problematic and game situations are created to deepen thechildren's res for storytelling, reading by heart artistic textscomrades, inventing creative monologues based on them, to discusstheatrical productions and independent theatrical performances activities.

We help the correct perception of the literary text

In the process of organizing listening to literature, reviewingillustrations and reproductions of paintings by various artists, listening toteaching musical works, conducting conversations with children teachercontributes to the deepening of preschoolers' perception of literaryworks in the unity of its content and form.

The educator ensures the development of general and special wayschildren's feelings, on which the artistic perception of a literary work is based. This is the development of emotional responsiveness byrelation to the content of the work, its semantic and emotionalsubtext, images of heroes, artistic form. Formiro-the formation of cognitive activity in the establishment of significant connections in the work, in the awareness of the integrity of the characters' images, in the comprehension of the author's intention. Education of aesthetic sensitivity to beautycell of literary speech, figurativeness of artistic language. teacherseeks to maintain the preservation of the unity of the directliving and comprehension by children of a literary text.

We organize creative activity on the basis of a literary text

The educator organizes communication about literarytexts, theatrical productions, theatrical games, ensuring the development of the ability to analyze a literary text and expressivethe quality of the speech of the performers, contributing to the development of literary speech,development of the aesthetic taste of children.

Create educational and play situations for the development of the following blowing skills:

Expressively retell newly read literaryworks close to the text; retell stories and tales fromface of a literary hero.

Suggest your options for continuing the storylineconduct, compose fairy tales and stories based on folklore and literatureoffice texts.

The teacher supports the desire of children to preserve the stylistic and genre features of literary texts in independentChevoy activities based on them.

Initiates the development of children's skills to use the complexmeans of expression in various types of artistic and speech activitiesactivities, including in the process of project activities.

The teacher plans creative tasks, literary and readingbody games for the active development of preschoolers means of medicalsic and intonation expressiveness, for the development of skillscreative speech activity.

An adult conducts conversations about books, about creative activitywriter, illustrator, graphic designer, acquaintancemit children with special features of typography for the development of skills, non-bypassed for the manufacture of preschool children's home-madebooks, magazines and encyclopedias.

During the organization of children's project activities children with improve the ability to reflect the results of the perception of literarytexts in different types of artistic and speech activity (retellingspeaking, composing, reasoning) and visual activity(drawing, application, design, decoration).

The teacher encourages improvisation and creativity of pupils inartistic and speech, game, visual and theatricalnoah activity on the basis of literary texts. Providesthe opportunity for children to show independence and creativity inthe process of selecting texts for children's productions, preliminaryjoint thinking and design of the "theatrical performance", infinding ways to embody the conceived image with the help of variousnyh means of verbal and non-verbal expressiveness.

The results of mastering the content of the educational field

Achievements of the child (What makes us happy)

1. The child shows an aesthetic taste, a desire for constant communication with a book, a desire to learn to read on his own.

2. Detects a selective attitude towards works of a certainlenny themes or genre, to different types of creative activityfeatures based on a work of art.

3. Names favorite literary texts, explains why he likes them.

4. Knows the names of four or five writers, some facts about their biosgraphs, names their works, with the help of an adult talks about the features of their work.

5. Knows the names of three or four artists who illustratedwhether books or painted pictures on fabulous and epic stories,designed theatrical performances, knows some features their pictorial style.

6. Distinguishes the main genres of literary works (poetryrhenie, fairy tale, story), has an idea about some of their special features.

7. Perceives the work in the unity of its content and form,expresses his attitude to the images of the characters, the idea of ​​the work.

8. Expressively performs literary works.

9. He is creatively active in speech, visual and theatrical-playing activities based on artistic texts.

10. Expressively conveys the images of literary heroes in theatricalbathroom activities, shows creativity, strives for improvisation zation.

Causes concern and requires joint efforts

teachers and parents

1. Interest in literature is not pronounced, literary experienceogre nichen. The child is reluctant to respond to suggestions himself learn to read.

2. With difficulty names familiar books, cannot explain what they are. he likes.

3. Does not know the genres of literary works. Distinguishes a fairy talethe story and poems on an intuitive level, cannot explain their features.

4. When perceiving a literary work, understands it co holding, finds it difficult to interpret the subtext, cannotunderstand the author's position, not sensitive to language, drawsattention only to traditional means of speech expression value.

5. Expressively reads short poems, tells fairy tales and race- fairy tales, cannot come up with a fairy tale by analogy, refuses toinventing riddles, participating in literary games.

6. Passive when discussing books, does not show initiative in visual and design activities based on literarytext. In theatrical games, it is either a spectator or inexpressively conveys a typified, simplified imagesecondary hero.

The circle of reading for children aged 6-7 continues to expand and become more complex both in terms of the content of texts and in terms of their art.feminine form (variety of compositional structure, stylesspeech, expressive means). Compared with the previous age group, it is mainly the prose that children listen to that changes. It becomes accessible and interesting for them "reading with continuationniem” works of large volume. First of all, this correspondsthere are fairy tales, stories, including fantasy and adventuresome content, in which more complex images of heroes are presented, various options for their social interaction.

Olga Kopylova
Perspective planning for reading fiction in the preparatory group

Month Name of the work Program tasks

September G. Sapgir "Counting and tongue twisters" fiction; replenish lite-Raturny luggage with poems, tongue twisters.

Reading and discussion of the poem by A. Barto "To school". fiction; replenish lite-Raturny luggage with poems; draw children's attention to expressive means.

Cognitive - speech development. Acquaintance with an excerpt from the poem by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" "Already the sky breathed autumn.". Continue to develop interest in fiction; replenish lite-Raturny luggage with poems; Encourage children to be interested in the meaning of words.

Cognitive - speech development. Reading and retelling of the work by K. Ushinsky "Four Wishes". Continue to develop interest in fiction; develop the ability to retell meaningfully literary texts, work out the intonational expressiveness of speech.

October Tale of F. Salten "Bambi". Fragments.

Continue to develop interest in fiction; replenish lite

M. Matusovsky's poem "Where does the Motherland begin?" Continue to develop interest in artistic word; replenish letter-tour baggage with poetic works, instill sensitivity to artistic word.

M. Zoshchenko's story "Great Travelers". Continue to develop interest in fiction; replenish lite- luggage of fairy tales; educate the reader, develop a sense of humor in children, continue to introduce illustrations artists.

Reading a poem D. Kharms “Very very tasty cake”. Continue to develop interest in artistic word; replenish letter- tour luggage with poetic works, to develop a sense of humor in children.

Nov-November Works of poets and writers of Russia. Reading and discussion of the poem by Yu. Vladimirov "Orchestra". Continue to develop interest in fiction; replenish lite

Russian folklore. fiction "Listen guys" artistically reading

Reading and discussion of P. Ershov's fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse". Continue to develop interest in fiction; replenish lite

Reading prose work "Short Wire" E. Vorobieva. Continue to develop interest in fiction; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book; continue to develop independence in children in organizing all types of games, following the rules and norms of behavior.

December A holistic picture of the world, primary value ideas. Literary speech. Word art. "Wolf and Fox" (arr. I. Sokolov - Mikitov) reading; replenish literary baggage with fairy tales; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book, to identify himself with his beloved character; develop a sense of humor in children.

Reading and discussion of Y. Koval's story "Stozhok". Develop interest in fiction characters

Acquaintance with the poem by S. Krylov "Winter's Tale" literary baggage poems to cultivate interest in the knowledge of nature through works of art.

Reading children's poems about the Christmas tree, New Year, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden. Continue to develop interest in fiction; replenish lite-Raturny luggage with poems; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book.

Jan-var Russian folklore. Reading and discussion of the epic "Dobrynya and the Serpent" (retelling by N. Kolpakova). Generate interest and need reading, replenish literary baggage bylinami; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book.

Reading and discussion of the fairy tale by S. Topelius "Three rye spikelets" (retelling of a Lithuanian folk tale). Develop interest in fiction; learn to retell the text, determine the character characters, to convey, when retelling, individual episodes in persons; help to understand the actions of heroes; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the characters of the book.

Reading and discussion of the poetic work of S. Yesenin "Birch". Continue to develop interest in poetry, replenish literary baggage poems; develop an interest in learning about nature works of art.

Reading and discussion of the Russian folk tale "Cockerel - a golden comb and millstones". Develop literary speech, to attach to verbal art, to instill interest in fiction; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book.

February The beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work. Poem by P. Voronko "Better there is no native land" (translated from Ukrainian by S. Marshak). Develop interest in fiction, draw the attention of children to the expressive means of the language; help to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work, instill sensitivity to the poetic word.

Reading and discussion of the tale by H.-K. Andersen "Ugly duck". Develop interest in fiction; help to understand the actions of heroes, to determine the characters characters; to teach to retell the text, to transfer individual episodes in persons when retelling; to educate a reader capable of experiencing compassion and sympathy for the characters in the book.

Russian folktale "Vasilisa the Beautiful". Continue acquaintance with the Russian folk tale, learn to comprehend the characters characters; to form figurativeness of speech, understanding of figurative expressions, to develop creative abilities.

Reading and discussion of the poem by R. Boyko “A soldier is walking down the street, medals are shining on him.”. Continue to develop interest in fiction; help to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work, instill sensitivity to the poetic word; expand ideas about the Russian army through reading poems on the subject.

March Tale H.-K. Anderson "Thumbelina". Continue to develop interest in fiction; replenish lite- luggage of fairy tales; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book.

Russian folklore. song "Mother spring is coming". keep improving artistically- speech performance skills of children with reading a folk song; continue to develop in children independence in organizing all types of games, following the rules and norms of behavior.

Looking at scene pictures. Introduction to verbal art. A. Prokofiev "Russian birch". Continue to develop interest in fiction; help to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work, instill sensitivity to the poetic word; replenish literary bag of poems.

Reading poetic work of V. Zhukovsky "Lark" (abbreviated). keep improving artistically- speech performance skills of children with reading

April Tale "White and Rose", per. with him. L. Kona. Continue to develop interest in fiction; replenish lite- luggage of fairy tales; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book.

Reading chapters: "Workout", "What is the view from the window". "Celebration"- from lite-rature work of V. Borozdin "Starship". Conversation on reading. Continue to develop interest in fiction character; improve the ability to use different parts of speech in strict accordance with their purpose and purpose of the statement; help children learn the expressive means of the language.

Looking at scene pictures. Introduction to literary art. S. Alekseev "The first night ram". Continue to develop interest in fiction; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book, to identify himself with his beloved character; ensure optimal motor activity throughout the day, using physical exercises.

Reading and discussion of a literary tale. Sokolova-Mikitova "Salt of the earth". Continue to develop interest in fiction; draw children's attention to the expressive means of language (figurative words and expressions, epithets, comparisons); to educate a reader capable of experiencing compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book.

May Literary tale A. Remizova "Bread Voice". Continue to develop interest in fiction; replenish lite- luggage of fairy tales; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book.

Russian folklore. fiction "Listen guys". keep improving artistically- speech performance skills of children with reading folklore song - fiction; continue to develop independence in children in organizing all types of games, following the rules and norms of behavior.

Reading and discussion of the fairy tale by A. Lindgren "The Princess Who Didn't Want to Play with Dolls". Continue to develop interest in fiction; replenish lite- luggage of fairy tales; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book; ensure optimal motor activity throughout the day, using physical exercises.

Reading poetic work "Here comes the red summer." (Russian folk song). keep improving artistically- speech performance skills of children with reading poetic work; continue to develop in children independence in organizing all types of games, following the rules and norms of behavior.

long term plan
"Reading Fiction"

1 week "Kindergarten"
1. Reading poems by A. Barto from the cycle "Toys":

Purpose: to arouse in children a desire to tell familiar poems by A. Barto; develop a positive attitude towards poetry.

2. Reading the fairy tale "Winged, furry and oily"

3. Reading the story of L. Tolstoy “Nastya had a doll”

4 . Reading a poem by G. Novitskaya "Silence".

Objectives: to continue to form the ability of children to emotionally perceive and understand the figurative content of poems; develop figurative speech. Promote the development of arbitrary memory. Cultivate a love for oral folk art.

Week 2 "My city, my country"

1. Reading the fairy tale "The Cat and the Fox"
Purpose: to cultivate the ability to carefully listen to a fairy tale.

2 .Reading and learning poems about the city.
Objectives: to develop memory, the ability to expressively read poetry.

3 . Reading a poem by S. Yesenin "Birch"
Purpose: To form the ability to see and feel the beauty of Russian nature in a work of art.
4 . B. Zhitkov "In Moscow on the streets."
Goals: continue to acquaint children with the works of famous children's writers; to form the ability to answer questions on the content; cultivate love for the capital of our Motherland.

Week 3 _ "Family"

1 . E. Permyak "How Misha wanted to outwit his mother."
Objectives: to help children understand the meaning of the work; maintain a negative attitude towards lies; cultivate honesty.

3 . V. Dragunsky "What I love."

Objectives: to form in children a holistic perception of a literary text in unity with the content and artistic form. Develop intonation expressiveness and auditory perception, encourage children to convey their impressions, evaluate the actions of the heroes of the story by S. Prokofieva.

Week 4 "Autumn. Signs of autumn.

1. Reading A. Grishin's poem "Autumn"
Purpose: to develop memory, the ability to speak expressively
2 . Reading proverbs and sayings about autumn.
Purpose: to develop memory, thinking.
3 . Reading the story of E. Charushin "Hedgehog"
Purpose: to form the ability of children to carefully listen to the work to the end; cultivate love for the animal world.
4. Reading a poem by I. Belousov "Autumn"

Purpose: to develop memory, attention. Cultivate a love for poetry.

1 week "Autumn. Trees"

1. Reading the poem "Autumn Song" by A. Pleshcheev
Purpose: to form the ability of children to carefully listen to the work to the end; develop a love for nature.
2. "Birch" S. Yesenin (reading a poem).
Purpose: to form the ability of children to expressively read a poem, conveying admiration of winter nature with intonation, to feel and reproduce the figurative language of the poem. Develop memory, imagination, intonation expressiveness of speech. Cultivate love for nature, aesthetic feelings.
3. I. Bunin "Leaf fall" (excerpt)
Purpose: to develop attention, memory, to form the ability to clearly pronounce words, to be able to maintain a conversation. To form the ability of children to emotionally perceive the figurative basis of poetic works, to develop creative imagination, expressiveness of children's speech.
4. I. Tokmakova "Firs"
Purpose: to form the ability of children to emotionally perceive the figurative basis of poetic works, to develop creative imagination, expressiveness of children's speech.

Week 2 "Autumn. Vegetables"
1 . Riddles about vegetables.

Purpose: to acquaint with a small folklore form - riddles; develop children's thinking, speech.
2. Reading the fairy tale "Puff"

Purpose: to cultivate interest in fairy tales.

3 .Reading a poem by Y. Tuvim "Vegetables".
Objectives: to continue to form the ability to perceive poetic texts, memorize passages; expand the horizons of children; consolidate knowledge about vegetables.
4. N. Egorova "Radish, carrot, pumpkin ..."

Purpose: to cultivate a love for fiction.

Week 3 Garden. Fruit"
1 .“The Old Man and the Apple Trees” by L. Tolstoy.

Objectives: to introduce children to the fact that fruit trees are planted in spring

Cultivate respect for nature.

2. Riddles about fruits.

Purpose: to continue acquaintance with a small folklore form - riddles; develop children's thinking, speech.
3. Reading the fairy tale by V. Kataev "Flower - seven-flower".
Objectives: to lead to an understanding of the moral meaning of the tale, to a motivated assessment of the actions and character of the main character; consolidate knowledge of the genre features of the fairy tale.

4 . G. Yudin "How to cook compote"

Purpose: to form the ability to listen to the work, answer questions.

4 week Forest. Mushrooms and wild berries.
1. Reading "Autumn in the Forest" I. Sokolov-Mikitov.

Purpose: to form a desire to listen carefully and memorize the read poem. Develop memory.
2 .I AM. Thai "Mushrooms" - reading a work

Objectives: to continue to form the ability to carefully listen to the work,

to convey intonation the characters' characters, one's attitude to the characters;

3 . Reading the Russian folk tale "Under the fungus".
Purpose: to form the ability to correctly convey the dialogues of the characters intonation;

Use the expressive means of the language when retelling.

4. Listening to the fairy tale of V. Bianchi "Gingerbread Man - a prickly side"

Purpose: to form interest in the work. To develop knowledge about the animal world.

1 week "Clothes"
1. S. Marshak "Gloves" - work on the content of the poem.

Objectives: to continue to form the ability of children to understand the content of poems;

Help to comprehend the meaning of figurative expressions in the text; control in the conscious use of means of intonational expressiveness.

2 . N. Nosov "Patch".

Purpose: to instill a love for fiction, teach competently, answer questions. Develop attention, speech.

3. Sh. Feather "Little Red Riding Hood".

Purpose: to educate emotionally - figurative perception of the work, to teach to comprehend the idea; clarify children's knowledge of the genre features of the fairy tale; develop creative storytelling skills. To bring the idea of ​​a fairy tale to the consciousness of children, to educate children in good feelings, the need to take care of loved ones.

4. S. Marshak "That's how absent-minded" (listening)

Purpose: to form the ability to notice and understand figurative words and expressions in the text. Develop creative imagination.

Week 2 "Shoes"
1 . Reading Konovalov's story "Stubborn Boots".
Objectives: to continue to develop interest in fiction, to promote understanding and correct understanding of the content of the work; to teach to evaluate the actions of the heroes of the work; expand ideas about shoes; - develop attention, thinking, visual perception, motor skills; - educate respect for things.
2. Reading and solving riddles about shoes.

3. Reading the fairy tale by Ch. Perro "Puss in Boots".
Objectives: to form the ability to understand the meaning of a fairy tale, the moral contained in it; to form the ability to understand the characteristics of the character of the characters; form figurative speech.

4. Reading a poem by E. Blaginina "I will teach you how to put on shoes and brother."

Objectives: to form the ability of children to emotionally perceive a poetic work, to realize the theme, content. Arouse the desire to remember and expressively reproduce quatrains. Develop auditory memory, emotional-volitional sphere, improve the intonational expressiveness of speech. Raise the desire to help those who need help.

. Week 3 "Toys"
1 .Repetition of poems by A. Barto from the cycle "Toys"
Purpose: to arouse in children the desire to expressively recite familiar poems by heart; develop a positive attitude towards poetry.
2 . S. Marshak "The Ball".
Purpose: to help children remember and expressively read a poem, remember the works of S. Ya. Marshka.
3. Agnia Barto "Rubber Zina".
Purpose: to help children remember and expressively read a poem, remember the works of Agnia Barto.

4 week "Dishes"

1. K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief".
Objectives: to continue to develop the ability of children to listen carefully to poetic works; create conditions for children to express their perception of the text in external action.

2. Reading A. Kondratev's poem "You can many, many times."
Objectives: to develop in children the ability to listen to a poem and understand its meaning; help memorize the poem clarify and expand children's ideas about dishes; learn to use sentences in affirmative and negative form in speech; develop hand-eye coordination, attention, memory; cultivate careful handling of dishes.

3 . V. Karaseva "Glass"

Purpose: to form the ability to listen to literary works, evaluate the actions of heroes, talk about help around the house.

4. Reading the story of N. Kalinina "Mom's Cup".
Objectives: to form the ability of children to convey the content of a small literary work; to teach to ask questions to the text of the work and answer questions, logically building the answer correctly; develop auditory memory.
1 week “Winter. Wintering Birds»
1 . Reading S. Mikhalkov "About mimosa".
Objectives: to expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle, how to dress in winter, how to improve your health in winter; help children understand the content of the work correctly.
2 .Reading the story of G. Skrebitsky “What does a woodpecker feed on in winter? »

Objectives: to encourage children to emotionally perceive the figurative expressions of a literary work, to understand the semantic meaning of the content of the story; Enrich children's vocabulary with figurative words and expressions. Pay attention to the formation of grammatically correct speech, make sure that when answering questions on content, children use words in the correct grammatical form. Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, love for them.

3 . I. Surikov "Winter".
Purpose: to continue to develop interest in fiction; to instill sensitivity to the poetic word.
4. Reading the fairy tale "Two frosts".
Purpose: to cultivate interest and love for fairy tales.

Week 2 Pets. Domestic birds.

1. Telling the tale "Mitten".
Purpose: to form the ability to emotionally perceive the content of a fairy tale.
2. N. Nosov "Live Hat".
Goals: continue to develop children's ability to perceive large texts; to bring to the consciousness of children the humor of the work; cultivate interest in literature.
3 . Telling the tale of V. Suteev "Chicken and duckling".
Objectives: to help children correctly comprehend the content of the tale; learn to empathize with the characters and evaluate their actions; expand children's ideas about poultry; enrich the vocabulary of children with verbal vocabulary; develop auditory and visual perception, memory.

4. "Resin Goby" (telling a Russian folk tale)

Purpose: to introduce children to a new fairy tale, to teach them to understand its content. Teach children to answer content questions with common sentences or a short story. Develop attention, memory. Raise interest and love for Russian folk tales.
Week 3 "Wild Animals"

1 .Reading the fairy tale "Winter hut of animals".
Goals: develop memory, attention; cultivate a love for fairy tales.
2. Reading the tale "The Fox and the Rooster".
Objectives: To develop the ability to listen carefully. Remember what you have read.

3 . Reading the fairy tale "The Hare and the Hedgehog".
Goals: develop memory, auditory attention; develop a love for animals.
4. "Little Mouse's Big Journey"storytelling)

Purpose: to introduce children to a new fairy tale of the peoples of the North, to form the ability to answer questions about the content. Develop memory, thinking, attention, cognitive interests. Raise interest in fairy tales of different peoples.
5. " Forest newspaper” by V. Bianki (reading stories).

Target : continue to form the ability of children to answer questions, using in speech the simplest types of complex and complex sentences.

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the life of animals in winter, how they prepare for winter.

Develop thinking, memory, imagination, cognitive interests.

Week 4 "New Year"

1 . Reading and solving riddles about winter.
Objectives: to encourage children to answer questions, to consolidate the ability to solve riddles.

2 . Reading Fiction: "Poems about the New Year".

3 . Reading the poem "Christmas Tree" E. Moshkovskaya.

Objectives: to continue to introduce children to the national children's art. literature. To form the ability to answer the questions of the teacher. Develop speech, memory, logical thinking of children. Cultivate a love for poetry.
4. Reading: “Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree” by V. Petrov.

Purpose: to develop the desire to listen. Create a joyful mood in anticipation of the holiday.

1 week "Vacation"
1 .Reading the fairy tale "Snow Maiden".
Purpose: to form the ability to carefully listen to a fairy tale. Answer questions on the text.

2. Reading G. Andersen "The Snow Queen".

Purpose: to note the characters of the characters, their positive and negative sides, to reveal the educational value of the fairy tale.

3 .Guessing riddles about winter games.
Objectives: to develop memory. auditory attention; develop an interest in solving riddles.

4 . Reading thin. literature. N. Nosov "On the hill".
Objectives: to continue to develop the ability of children to listen to stories; help children correctly perceive the content of the work, empathize with its characters; help develop a personal relationship to the work.

2 week "Furniture"

1. Reading S. Marshak "Where did the table come from?"
Objectives: to enrich and expand children's ideas about furniture; to form an interest in fiction; learn to answer questions with a phrase; activate cognitive activity; develop speech, auditory and visual perception, thinking, motor skills; cultivate respect for the surrounding pieces of furniture.

2. Reading the fairy tale "Three Bears"

Purpose: to cultivate interest in fairy tales.
3 . Riddles about furniture.
Purpose: to cultivate the ability to guess riddles, develop thinking.

3rd week "Freight and passenger transport"

1. V. Klimenko "Who is more important than everyone on the street."
Objectives: to expand children's knowledge of transport by meaningful listening to the work; help to understand the meaning of the story; educate the desire to follow the rules of behavior on the street.

2 . Reading and solving riddles about transport.
Objectives: to help understand how to correctly guess the riddle: you need to look for the hero of the riddle who hid, according to his description (with whom or what he is compared to). Exercise in the selection of comparative turns to objects. Develop fantasy, imagination.
3. Reading the Tale of N. Pavlova "In the car."
Objectives: to encourage children to emotionally perceive the figurative expressions of a literary work, to understand the semantic meaning of the content of the story; to form the ability of children to describe the various properties of objects. To form moral concepts: friendship, friends, mutual assistance.
4. "Train" Y. Taits (reading the story).

Target: develop the ability to listen carefully to a new story. Develop attention, memory. Cultivate an interest in reading.


1 week "Professions"
4 .Reading a poem by S. Marshak "Policeman"
Purpose: to form a desire to listen and remember the read poem; develop memory; cultivate a love for poetry.

2. "Uncle Styopa" S. Mikhalkov (reading of the work).

Purpose: to introduce children to a new work, to teach to characterize the actions of the hero. Continue to learn to answer questions about the content of the work.

Develop attention, thinking, memory, cognitive interests.

Cultivate respect for adults, interest in their professions.

3. The story of the Belarusian folk tale "Zhikharka".
Objectives: to form the ability of children to perceive and realize the figurative content of a fairy tale, to notice figurative words and expressions in the text; exercise in the selection of synonyms; to form the ability to understand the content of sayings, to invent new episodes.
4. Memorizing the poem "The Driver" by B. Zakhoder.
Objectives: to clarify children's ideas about the profession of people in transport. To form in children an emotional perception and understanding of the content of the plot of a poetic text. Continue to improve the artistic and speech performing skills of children when reading a poem (emotional performance, natural behavior, the ability to gesture, facial expressions, convey their attitude to the content of a literary phrase).

Week 2 "Indoor plants"

1. "Privereditsa" Russian folk tale.
Objectives: to develop the ability to listen to a piece to the end.

2. Poem by E. Blaginina "Balzamin".
Objectives: to continue introducing children to the structure of the plant, the features and purpose of its parts. Develop practical skills in caring for indoor plants.

3. Andersen Hans Christian "Thumbelina".
Objectives: to cultivate interest in fairy tales.

4.G. Cancer "Violet", "Aspidistra", "Ficus", "Begonia".
Objectives: to contribute to the expansion of children's knowledge about indoor plants and their importance in human life.

Week 3 "Our Army"
1. "Border Guards" S.Ya. Marshak (reading a poem).

Target: to introduce children to a new poem - about border guards, soldiers guarding our Motherland. Learn to answer questions about the content of the work. Develop memory, attention, intonation expressiveness of speech.

Raise interest in the soldiers of the Russian army, respect for them.

3 . N. Teploukhova "Drummer".
Objectives: to continue to develop the ability of children to listen carefully to stories, answer questions about their content.

Develop thinking, memory, learn to actively participate in the conversation.

4. Reading poems for the Defender of the Fatherland Day.
Objectives: to develop expressiveness of speech, a sense of rhythm.
5 . Reading a poem by Z. Alexandrova "Watch".
Objectives: to form the ability to understand the nature of the work; Express your feelings in connected sentences.
Week 4 "Construction. Professions of builders"

1 .Reading Permyak "What are hands for?"
Objectives: to help children understand and correctly comprehend the content of the work; encourage them to answer questions with a phrase; enrich the vocabulary with verbal vocabulary. Develop thinking, auditory and visual perception, motor skills; educate the ability to listen to the answers of other children.
2. Memorizing B. Zakhoder's poem "Builders".

Objectives: to introduce children to various professions and their features. To give knowledge about the qualities that a person who wants to get a particular profession must possess. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of adults. Encourage creativity in role-playing games about professions.

Raise pride in parents and respect for them.
3 . Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs"

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of fairy tales, to arouse a desire to participate in staging, to develop acting skills.

4 . Telling the tale "Zayushkin's hut".

Objectives: to form the ability of children to emotionally perceive a fairy tale, to realize and remember the plot, characters; to teach intonation accurately repeat songs from a fairy tale. Practice word formation. Cultivate a desire to listen to each other, not to interrupt.

1 Week Spring. Mom's holiday. The first flowers.

1. "Mother's Day" G. Vieru (reading a poem).
Purpose: to introduce children to a new poem. To form the ability of children to answer questions on the content, clearly pronounce words and phrases. Develop memory, attention, intonation expressiveness of speech. Raise love and respect for your mother.
2. Memorizing a poem by Y. Akim "Mom".
Objectives: to evoke a joyful emotional mood in children, to help them express their attitude, love for their mother through poetry, creative activity. To replenish the vocabulary with emotional and evaluative vocabulary.
3 . Reading the story of N. Kalinina "Mom's Cup".
Objectives: to form the ability of children to convey the content of a small literary work; to form the ability to ask questions to the text of the work and answer questions, logically correctly building the answer; develop auditory memory.
4 . S Kaputikyan "My grandmother".
Objectives: to evoke a joyful emotional mood in children, to help them express their attitude, love for their grandmother through poetry, creative activity.
Week 2 "Professions of mothers"
1. "Work" by D. Gabe (reading the story).

Purpose: to continue to form the ability of children to listen carefully to stories, answer questions about their content. Develop thinking, memory, learn to actively participate in the conversation. Raise interest in the work of adults, the desire to help them.

2. Reading Mikhalkov's work "What do you have?"
Purpose: to develop a desire to talk about their attitude to a specific act of a literary character, to help children understand the hidden motives of the heroes of the work, to introduce them to verbal art.
3 . Reading the story of E. Permyak "Mom's work."
Objectives: to consolidate children's knowledge about the features of different literary genres;

To form the ability of children to emotionally perceive figurative content

works, comprehend the idea; learn by answering questions

build sentences.
4 . Reading fiction: "Aibolit"
Objectives: to continue to introduce children to the national children's art. literature. To form the ability to answer the questions of the teacher. Develop speech, memory, logical thinking of children.
3 week "Underwater world"

1 .“The First Fish” E. Permyak.
Objectives: to develop the ability of children to listen to large literary works; continue to acquaint children with the features of wildlife; develop respect for nature.

Continue to acquaint children with the works of children's writers; help to understand the meaning of the story; nurture love and caring attitude towards loved ones.

2. Reading and memorizing the song “Grandfather wanted to cook an ear ...”?
Purpose: to help children remember r. n. etc., expressively read it by heart, develop a sense of rhythm, consolidate knowledge about river fish, methods of catching fish (rod, nets).

3. Fairy tale "At the command of the pike."

Objectives: to develop the ability of children to listen to large literary works; continue to acquaint children with the features of wildlife

4 .Learning poems, riddles about fish.
Purpose: to develop the ability to solve riddles.

Week 4 "Our city (country, street)"
1. Reading and learning poems about the city.
Purpose: to develop memory, the ability to speak expressively.

2. "In the theater" A. Barto (reading a poem).

Purpose: to form the ability of children to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a poetic text, to understand the means of expression. Develop memory, imagination, the ability to answer questions. Cultivate a love of literature.
3. Reading poems by A. Kardashova “Our palace is open to everyone”
Purpose: to form the ability of children to carefully listen to the work to the end.
4. P. Voronko “There is no better native land” - reading.

Objectives: to form the ability to participate in the collective learning of a poem during choral pronunciation; expressively read a poetic text; perceive the meaning of proverbs, expressed figuratively (“Everyone has his own side”, “There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland”); cultivate love for the native land.

1 week "We read"
1. "Visiting a Book"(acquaintance with the work of illustrators)

Target: to introduce children to the work of illustrators Y. Vasnetsov, V. Chizhikov, E. Charushin, how important drawings are in a book, how many interesting things can be learned by carefully examining book illustrations.

Develop voluntary attention. Cultivate aesthetic taste.

1 .Reading a poem by Y.Akim "Neumeyka".
Objectives: to develop the ability to listen to literary works, answer questions on the content with a phrase; develop auditory and visual perception, logical thinking, fine motor skills of the hand.

2 . Ch. Perrot "A boy with a finger" - telling a fairy tale.

Objectives: to continue to acquaint with the genre features of the fairy tale;

To form figurativeness of speech, understanding of figurative expressions;

develop creative abilities, the ability to play fragments of a fairy tale.

4 .Reading the work "Moidodyr" K. Chukovsky.
Purpose: to develop children's interest in reading, to cultivate a love of cleanliness.
Week 2 "Cosmos"

1. V. Borozdin "Starfighters"
Purpose: to form the ability to listen to the work and answer questions

2. Riddles about space.
Objectives: To develop the ability to solve riddles. Train memory and attention. To cultivate respect for the work of astronauts.
3 . The story of V. Borozdin "The first in space".
Objectives: to expand children's ideas about space. To promote the correct perception of the content of the work, to form the ability to empathize with its hero.

Week 3 "The birds have arrived"

1. Reading A. Pleshcheev "Children and a bird".

Purpose: to develop memory, auditory attention. Cultivate an interest in listening.

2. Reading a poem by M. Klokova "Winter has passed (Sparrow jumped from a birch onto the road)."

Objectives: to exercise in the selection of definitions for a given word. Cultivate a love of poetry.

3 . Reading the story of V. Vorobyov "Clean"
Objectives: to continue to form the ability to listen carefully to the story, to develop coherent speech; expand knowledge about migratory birds; develop attention, memory,; cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.
perception, memory; educate the ability to expressively recite poetry.

4. “The jackdaw wanted to drink ...” L.N. Tolstoy (reading the work).

Purpose: to form the ability to form the plural form of nouns denoting baby animals. Develop thinking, memory. Cultivate cognitive interests in children.

Week 4 "Health Week"
1. Reading and discussion of the poem by M. Bezrukikh "Talk about proper nutrition"
Purpose: to develop the ability of children to answer the questions posed according to what they have read. Develop memory.

2 . Senchenko Holy Bread.

3. M. Glinskaya "Bread" - reading.
Objectives: to expand children's knowledge about bread, to introduce the works of various authors dedicated to bread; develop cognitive interest;

To cultivate respect for people who grow bread, a careful attitude to bread. S. Topelius

4. "Three rye spikelets" - reading a Lithuanian fairy tale.

Objectives: to form the ability to comprehend the content of what is read;

Coherently convey the content of the read by means of the game;

To form an evaluative attitude towards the heroes of the fairy tale.

Week 2 "Victory Day"
1. "About the boy Tishka and a detachment of Germans" (reading the work).

Purpose: to acquaint children with the events that took place during the Great Patriotic War. To form the ability to maintain a conversation on the topic, answer questions and ask them. Develop children's cognitive interests.

Cultivate love for the motherland.

2. "Victory Day" A. Usachev.

Purpose: to introduce children to a new poem, to learn it by heart. To form the ability of children to answer questions on the content, clearly pronounce words and phrases. Develop memory, attention, intonation expressiveness of speech. Raise respect for the defenders of the Motherland.

3 . Reading a poem by V. Guseva "Motherland".
Objectives: to form the ability to expressively read a poem;

Develop the ability to change the strength of the voice and intonation depending on the context of the work; exercise in the selection of epithets, comparisons. develop memory.
4 . Reading a poem by E. Trutneva "Victory".
Objectives: to form the ability to emotionally perceive a poem, to understand its content; stimulate the expression of their impressions in independent statements.
Week 3 "Rules and traffic safety"
1 .Learning the poem "If the light turns red" From Mikhalkov.
Purpose: to develop memory, attention, to cultivate a love for poetry.

2 .Reading N Kalinin "How the guys crossed the street"
Purpose: to cultivate the ability to listen carefully, memorize the read work.

3. Reading V. Timofeev "For pedestrians."
Goals: develop memory, auditory attention; cultivate vigilance on the road.

4 .Three wonderful colors” A. Severny, “If only…” O. Bedarev(reading poems)

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with new works about the rules of the road, to form the ability to emotionally perceive and realize the figurative content of a poetic text, to answer questions. Develop thinking, cognitive interests in children. Cultivate a culture of behavior on the road.

Week 4 "Summer"
1 . I. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant".
Objectives: to introduce children to a new literary genre - a fable; help understand the idea of ​​the fable; develop a positive attitude towards work
2 . Reading the Slovak folk tale "Visiting the sun".
Objectives: to continue to form the ability of children to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale using the modeling method; memorize the characters and the sequence of events.
3. "Dandelion" by Z. Alexandrov (reading a poem).

Purpose: to continue to form the ability of children to memorize short poems, answer questions about the content with lines from the poem. Develop attention, memory, intonation expressiveness. Cultivate aesthetic feelings, love of poetry.
4. The story "Ants" by E. L. Naboykina (fairy tale therapy).

Goals: awareness of the main idea of ​​a fairy tale, awakening interest in the actions, motives of the characters' behavior, their inner world, their experiences; stimulating children's responses to the content of the tale. Simulation of characters' behavior, expressive depiction of individual emotional states (fear, anxiety, joy, pleasure); sequential reproduction of the events of a fairy tale; speech development; creating a positive emotional state. Cultivate a positive attitude towards others.

Familiarization of children with fiction in the preparatory group of the kindergarten takes place by different methods. They use works of both folk art and copyright in any class, in games, theatrical activities, and holidays.

The Role of Reading in Children's Development

Children who are often read fiction, have grammatically correct speech, can express their thoughts beautifully. In addition, acquaintance with the book helps kids to learn about the world around them, develops value judgments, develops the ability to distinguish between good and evil, teaches moral values, develops patriotic feelings, love for nature and much more.

Let's consider an exemplary card index for reading fiction in the preparatory group, as well as how these literary creations influence the formation of the child's personality and prepare him for further studies at school.

Program objectives

  • To develop interest in literary works, the desire to listen to fairy tales and stories, to teach expressive recitation of poems, to recognize the continuation of a book that has been started, to examine pictures and illustrations for works with curiosity.
  • To acquaint with a variety of literary forms: proverb, saying, nursery rhyme, lullaby, riddle, tongue twister, counting rhyme, poem, story, fairy tale. To be able to recognize and distinguish them, to understand the meaning of proverbs.
  • To acquaint children with the means of expressiveness of works, how to figuratively describe an object, person, event. At the same time, it is important to teach children to understand how it is possible to characterize a literary character with such figurative expressions, epithets and comparisons.

  • To teach children to expressively recite poems or retell a fairy tale, using the volume and strength of the voice, changing the timbre and choosing emotions suitable for this work, develop arbitrary memory and attention.
  • Develop grammatically correct literary speech for successful schooling.
  • Learn to empathize with the heroes of the works, develop a sense of humor.
  • To introduce children to Russian and foreign writers and poets, as well as to famous illustrators, to teach them to recognize their images in portraits.
  • To acquaint with the history of the people with the help of epics and legends.

Fiction in the preparatory group for the Federal State Educational Standard

An approximate list of literary works that are recommended for familiarization by children in kindergarten is given. Of course, no teacher stops there. Teachers are creative people who cannot be placed in a rigid framework of censorship. In addition to the main ones, a number of additional works are also used.

The card index for reading fiction in the preparatory group has the main sections. These are small literary forms - songs, nursery rhymes, for example, "Chigariki-chok-chigarok", "Mother-spring is coming", When the sun rises ...", etc.

Small poetic forms are used in calendar ritual songs. When getting acquainted with the traditions of folk culture, they read and memorize carols, for example, “Kolyada, carol, you give me a pie” or “How did the carol go ...”, on Maslenitsa - “Like on Shrove Tuesday ...” or “Tin-tin -ka...".

They teach to laugh at the shortcomings of the joke - "Fedul, what did you puff out your lips?" or "Where jelly - here and sat down." Fables develop a sense of humor - "Yermoshka is rich" or "Listen, guys."

The card index for reading fiction in the preparatory group also provides for acquaintance with the poetic works of Russian poets, such as A. Blok, "The wind brought from afar", M. Voloshin, "Autumn", S. Yesenin, "Porosha", M. Lermontov, " In the Wild North", F. Tyutchev, "Spring Waters", etc.

When children are introduced to poetry

The perception of fiction in the preparatory group occurs not only during individual classes. Educators read poems to children in classes to familiarize themselves with the outside world. For example, when studying the rules of the road, they read poems about traffic lights and how to cross the road.

At the lessons on familiarization with nature, riddles are made about animals, vegetables and fruits. For example, when children are introduced to the life of birds, fiction about birds is used. In the preparatory group, you can read V. Zhukovsky "Lark", A. Pushkin "Bird", V. Orlov "You fly to us, starling". The seasons will help to study the creations of such authors: I. Surikov, "Winter", P. Solovyova, "Snowdrop", F. Tyutchev, "Winter is angry for a reason", Ya. Akim, "April", P. Voronko, "There is no better native edge", L. Stanchev, "Autumn gamma".

Reading poetry while playing

In theatrical productions, such poetic works are often played out as: K. Aksakov, "Lizochek", S. Marshak, "Cat's House", L. Levin, "Chest".

During role-playing games, you can invite children to sing a lullaby. And on holidays (for example, on Christmas) to walk around other groups and classrooms of the kindergarten, arranging costumed caroling with a bag for gifts.

In addition to program works, many poems are involuntarily memorized by children in the course of outdoor games or physical education sessions, which are held in their free time or for the purpose of resting from a static seat in class.

What is a holiday without poetry

When preparing for matinees or organizing performances, children also memorize a huge number of poems and songs, both their own and those of others, which, according to the script, are intended for other children.

All this develops memory and interest in poetic works. There are also a number of word games used by the teacher in speech development classes, which enable children to invent rhymes themselves.

Moral education through fiction

While reading literary works, children get acquainted with different characters, both positive and negative. Listening to the text, the guys learn to empathize with the characters, sympathize with their troubles and troubles, take care of their neighbor, distinguish between good and bad, good and evil. After reading the work, especially such a moral meaning, the teacher necessarily conducts a conversation, trying to strengthen the children's confidence in the moral principles understood during listening to a literary work.

The list of fiction for the preparatory group of the kindergarten contains a number of such works.

Let's consider a few of them.

V. Kataev, "Flower-seven-flower"

This famous work of Valentin Petrovich Kataev, of course, is familiar to almost everyone since childhood. Based on this work, a cartoon was made for children. Let us briefly recall the content of the tale. The girl Zhenya, at the request of her mother, went to the store for bagels, got distracted on the way, and an unfamiliar dog ate all the bagels. When Zhenya tried to catch up with her, she ended up in an unfamiliar place and began to cry. An old woman who came out to meet her gave her a magic flower with 7 petals. If you tear off the petal and say the right words, then the desire will immediately come true. So the girl returned home.

Then she spent all her petals on all sorts of nonsense, except for the last one. Having met a disabled boy in the park, Zhenya devoted the last petal with a wish to the recovery of this stranger. After the magical effect of the flower, the boy jumped to his feet and ran with the girl to continue playing.

V. Kataev's work "Flower-Semitsvetik" teaches children to understand the importance of human life and health in comparison with unnecessary whims, such as going to the North Pole, repairing a cup or ordering a whole bunch of toys.

Education of responsiveness with fairy tales

No wonder wise people say: "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows." Each work of recommended literature, including fairy tales, teaches children wisdom, to observe the golden rule of life - as you treat a person, so he will treat you.

Let's take, for example, a fairy tale in the processing of a well-known writer and teacher "Don't spit in the well - it will come in handy to drink water." It is also included in the card index for reading fiction in the preparatory group of the kindergarten.

Responsive stepdaughter Mashenka treated the mouse to porridge, and she helped her to deceive the bear. For her kindness, the girl received generous gifts. And the old woman's own daughter Natasha was not so compassionate, the mouse remained hungry. Accordingly, the evil girl received solid cuffs from the bear instead of the reward, she barely carried her legs.

The same thread can be traced in many Russian and foreign fairy tales - "Puss in Boots", "Thumbelina" by H. Andersen, "Ayoga" and others.

word games

Often in kindergarten, teachers organize literary quizzes. You can think of a great many of them. One of the variants of the game can be guessing the name of a fairy tale from a short passage read. It is also recommended to play the game "Recognize the character of the fairy tale." The teacher reads out a passage or describes verbally some literary hero, and the children must correctly name him.

The next version of word games based on works of fiction is the games "Name the positive characters and their qualities", "Name the negative characters, why don't you like them."

You can retell or learn a fairy tale by algorithms. For example, the teacher gives several key words in the correct order (these can be pictures), and the children compose a fairy tale based on them. You can even, developing your imagination, invent fairy tales yourself.

The game "Name what it is?" Will help to remember the types of literature. The teacher reads an excerpt from a fairy tale, story or poem, and the children guess the type of literature.

The development of speech and memory of preschoolers

With constant acquaintance with various works, grammatically correct speech is deposited in children's memory, and memorizing poems and retelling prose - stories and fairy tales - consolidates these skills. Tongue twisters contribute to the development of phonemic hearing, kids pronounce words better, and this is important, since the children of the preparatory group are kindergarten graduates. They need to have correct speech skills in order to learn to read at school.

Memory involves voluntary and involuntary memory. When reading works in poetic form, children still remember passages or individual lines of the work.

Fiction for the preparatory group of the kindergarten is of great importance in the versatile development of children. After reviewing this catalog for reading, parents at home can also engage in the education of the moral qualities of the child with the help of works by famous authors.

Educational area

"Reading Fiction"

middle group

From 3September to 14 September

« BeforegoodbyeI amsummer, hello kindergarten!

1. Topic: "Kids and the wolf" in arr.K.Ushinsky th (fairy tale retelling )

Target: to teach children to coordinate words in a sentence, to improve the ability to use prepositions correctly.

Develop the ability to retell a familiar short fairy tale.

Cultivate love for Russian folk tales.

Vocabulary work: activate the dictionary - thin, thick-thick.

31 )

2. Subject: " What is good and what is bad» V.Mayakovsky

(reading a work)

Target: introduce children to a new literary work, teach children to understand the content, evaluate the actions of the characters. Learn to answer questions about the content of the work, use antonyms in speech.

Develop attention, thinking, memory, coherent speech.

To cultivate moral and aesthetic feelings in communication: in everyday life, games.

Vocabulary work: activate the dictionary - an act, bad, good.

Integration of educational areas:


"Autumn. Gifts of autumn»

1. Topic: "Autumn" K. Balmont ( h learning out poems )

Target: introduce children to a new poem, memorize it. Learn to answer questions on the content using lines from the text.

Develop attention, memory, thinking, intonational expressiveness of speech.

Cultivate interest in poetry, aesthetic feelings.

Vocabulary work: enrich the dictionary - sadder, shine, incense.

Integration of educational areas:"cognition"

(G.Ya.Zatulina "Summary of comprehensive classes on the development of speech" - p.26 )

2. Topic: "Autumn in the forest" I. Sokolov-Mikitov(reading a story )

Target: introduce children to stories about nature. Learn to answer content questions.

Develop memory, attention, cognitive interests of children.

Cultivate love for nature.

Vocabulary work: activate the dictionary - golden autumn, fine days.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity", "music".

(G.Ya.Zatulina "Summary of comprehensive classes on the development of speech" - p.30 )

3. Topic: "Spikelet" ( telling Ukrainian fairy talesand)

Target: introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to follow the development of the action, characterize the actions of the characters. Teach children to answer questions about the content of a fairy tale.

Develop attention, thinking, memory, intonational expressiveness of speech.

Raise interest in the fairy tales of other peoples, diligence.

Vocabulary work: enrich and activate the vocabulary - mill, spikelet, hardworking, loafers.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "socialization", "music".

(G.Ya.Zatulina "Summary of comprehensive classes on the development of speech" - p.17 )

From October 1 to October 12 monitoring

1. Topic: “If you are kind ...” ( conversation )

Target: to acquaint children with Russian folk art (proverbs and sayings) and the semantic coloring hidden in them.

To develop attention, thinking, the ability of children to answer questions.

Cultivate positive character traits, encourage good deeds and deeds.

Vocabulary work: enrich the dictionary - backfires, responds, unfriendly.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity", "cognition".

(E.N.Arsenina « Activities for older preschool children"- p.78 )

2.Theme: "Pitch Goby" ( Russian folk storytellingfairy tales )

Target: introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to understand its content. Teach children to answer content questions with common sentences or a short story.

Develop attention, memory.

Raise interest and love for Russian folk tales.

Vocabulary work: to activate and enrich the vocabulary - resin, wood, iron, paper.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity".

(G.Ya.Zatulina "Summaries of comprehensive classes on the development of speech" - p.5 2)

3. Subject: " About myself and about the guys» G. Ladonshchikova ,

"The Sun in the House" by E. Serov(reading a poemth )

Target: to teach children to emotionally perceive and realize the figurative content of a poetic text, to answer questions.

Develop speaking skills and listening skills.

Cultivate a love of poetry.

Vocabulary work: enrich the dictionary - moths, the ice will melt, leapfrog.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity", "music".

(V.Yu. Dyachenko,O.V. Guzenko"The Development of Speech. 64 )

1. Subject: " Like a dog looking for a friend» (storytelling)

Target: introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to answer questions about the content.

Develop memory, imagination, the ability to use homogeneous members of a sentence in speech.

Raise interest in fairy tales of different peoples, friendly relations.

Vocabulary work: activate the dictionary - cowardly, unimportant, friendly.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity".

(G.Ya.Zatulina "Summaries of comprehensive classes on the development of speech" - p.99 )

2. Topic: "Duck with ducklings." E. Charushin (retelling)

Target: teach children to retell the work close to the text.

Develop monologue speech.

Cultivate love for the environment.

Vocabulary work: enrich the dictionary - mud, worms, oars, rake in.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity", "socialization".

(V.Yu. Dyachenko,O.V. Guzenko"The Development of Speech. Thematic planning of classes "p.68)

1. Subject: " Three wonderful colors" A. Severny, "If only..." O. Bedarev (reading a poemth )

Target: continue to acquaint children with new works about the rules of the road, teach them to emotionally perceive and realize the figurative content of a poetic text, and answer questions.

Develop thinking, cognitive interests in children.

Cultivate a culture of behavior on the road.

Vocabulary work: activate the children's vocabulary - transport, traffic light, transition.

Integration of educational areas:"knowledge", "communication", "artistic creativity", "security".

1. Topic: “Riddles about vegetables and fruits» ( acquaintance with small folklore forms)

Target: to expand children's knowledge about the genre features of works of small folklore forms - ditties and riddles, to give new ideas about them. To teach children to guess riddles based on description and comparison.

Develop thinking, memory.

Raise interest in folk art.

Vocabulary work: replenish and activate the children's vocabulary based on deepening knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "health", "knowledge", "music".

(V.Yu. Dyachenko,O.V. Guzenko"The Development of Speech. Thematic planning of classes "p.82)

1. Topic: "Birch" S. Yesenin (memorizing a poem)

Target: to teach children to expressively read a poem by heart, conveying admiration of winter nature with intonation. Learn to feel and reproduce the figurative language of the poem.

Develop memory, imagination, intonation expressiveness of speech.

Cultivate love for nature, aesthetic feelings.

Vocabulary work: enrich the dictionary - covered with snow, snowy border, dawn, silver.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity", "music".

(G.Ya.Zatulina "Summaries of comprehensive classes on the development of speech" - p.55)

2.Theme: « Little Mouse's Big Journey» ( storytelling)

Target: to acquaint children with a new fairy tale of the peoples of the North, to teach them to answer questions about the content.

Develop memory, thinking, attention, cognitive interests.

Raise interest in fairy tales of different peoples.

Vocabulary work: enrich vocabulary - Eskimo fairy tale, north, tundra, ocean.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity", "music".

(G.Ya.Zatulina "Summaries of comprehensive classes on the development of speech" - p.75)

1. Topic: "Piggy on the Christmas tree" B. Zakhoder (reading fairy tales )

Target: continue to teach children to emotionally perceive and understand the content and idea of ​​a fairy tale, to notice figurative words and expressions.

Develop memory, thinking, the ability to use comparison techniques.

Cultivate interest in literature.

vocabulary work: activate the dictionary - lambs, important, important, piglet.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "socialization".

(V.Yu. Dyachenko,O.V. Guzenko"The Development of Speech. Thematic planning of classes "p.86)

2.Theme: "Christmas Tree" by E. Trutnev (learning a poem)

Target: to teach children to recite a poem by heart, to perceive the work emotionally.

Develop figurative speech, creative imagination.

Develop the ability to listen, answer questions clearly and distinctly.

Vocabulary work: activate the dictionary - ice, snow coat, flock.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity", "music".

(V.Yu.Dyachenko,O.V. Guzenko"The Development of Speech. Thematic planning of classes "p.87)

3 .Topic: "Forest Newspaper" by V. Bianchi(reading stories)

Target: continue to teach children to answer questions using the simplest types of complex and complex sentences in speech.

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the life of animals in winter, how they prepare for winter.

Develop thinking, memory, imagination, cognitive interests.

Vocabulary work: activate the dictionary - warm housing, cold winds, stocks for the winter.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity", "music".

(G.Ya.Zatulina "Summaries of comprehensive classes on the development of speech" - p.64)

1. Subject: " Bubble, straw and bast shoes"(reading fairy tale and )

Target: introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to understand its content. Teach children to answer content questions with common sentences.

To develop visual and auditory attention in children - the ability to listen to an adult's speech, guess riddles, and look for a way out of problem situations.

Raise interest in the book, in its illustrator.

Vocabulary work: activate the vocabulary of children with adjectives - thin, thick, bold, burst, low.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity", "music".

(O.A.Novikovskaya"Summaries of complex lessons on fairy tales with children 4-5 years old"lesson number 1)