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Sandwiches with cod liver on the festive table: recipes with photos step by step. Cod liver sandwiches - cooking recipes How to make cod liver sandwiches

Cod liver is one of the most useful products, it contains a huge amount of fish oil, rich in valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids. The calorie content of the product is high, but it is necessary to include it in the diet, especially when it comes to the nutrition of children and people who are under heavy stress, recovering from a long illness. Most often it is used for making salads, but it looks even more advantageous as a component of sandwiches. Even children like cod liver sandwiches, they are able to quickly saturate, suitable for breakfast or as a snack. Such an appetizer can decorate the festive table, since cod liver, although available, is considered a delicacy.

Cooking features

Cod liver sandwiches are prepared according to various, often very different recipes, there is no single technology for their preparation. However, the appetizer will come out tastier and more appetizing if you follow the recommendations of experienced chefs.

  • Be careful when choosing cod liver in the store. Pay attention to the weight of not only the canned food itself, but also the “dry part”, that is, the cod liver itself. With a total canned weight of 230–240 g, the weight of the liver itself ranges from 60 g to 120 g. If it is less than 40–50% of the total mass, you should refrain from buying. On sale you can find not only natural liver, but also products called Murmansk Cod Liver, Cod Liver and Caviar. For sandwiches, unless they require butter from a can, such canned food is fine, but an appetizer with them will turn out to be less tasty and healthy.
  • Both white and rye bread are suitable for making cod liver sandwiches, the choice depends on the recipe used. Bread must be slightly dried so that it does not absorb oil much. You can do this in the oven or toaster. Some cooks make bread slightly stale by simply leaving it out in the open air.
  • If you are making closed sandwiches, you can hold them under pressure for a while so that they are more compact and easier to eat when served.
  • It is not recommended to make sandwiches with cod liver long before serving, but you can prepare the mass for spreading on bread in advance by putting it in a glass jar with a lid and putting it in the refrigerator.

Based on the general principles of making cod liver sandwiches according to popular recipes, you can come up with your own versions of this tasty and healthy snack.

Puff sandwiches with cod liver

  • round loaf of rye bread - 0.7 kg;
  • cod liver (canned) - 0.23 kg;
  • chicken egg - 5 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumber - 150 g;
  • pickled cucumbers - 150 g;
  • olives stuffed with anchovies or lemon - 50 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • breadcrumbs - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the crusts off the bread. Shape the crumb into a hexagon or octagon. Cut into three layers.
  • Peel fresh cucumbers, finely chop, put in one plate.
  • Cut pickled cucumbers into small cubes, put in another plate.
  • Peel hard-boiled eggs, finely chop with a knife. Divide into two approximately equal parts. Put one to pickled cucumbers, the other to fresh ones.
  • Divide the cod liver into two equal parts. Crush with a fork and mix with the contents of the plates separately.
  • Finely grate the cheese, mix with breadcrumbs.
  • Cut the olives into rings.
  • Spread one layer of bread with cod liver paste and pickled cucumbers. Place a second layer of bread on top.
  • Spread the second layer of bread with the composition of cod liver and fresh cucumbers. Cover with the remaining bread.
  • Press down with a plate and refrigerate for half an hour.
  • Cut the bread into 6-8 pieces like a cake.
  • Sprinkle the edges of the sandwiches with a mixture of breadcrumbs and cheese.
  • Spray the top layer with canned oil.
  • Cut the lemon into thin semicircles, arrange on sandwiches.
  • Decorate sandwiches with olives.

Video recipe for the occasion:

Cod liver puff sandwiches made according to this recipe look like a cake, they are able to decorate a festive table. Children will love this dish if you offer it to them for breakfast or as an addition to lunch.

Mini sandwiches with cod liver and eggs

  • cod liver - 0.23 kg;
  • wheat bread - 0.4 kg;
  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - as needed;
  • salmon caviar - for decoration.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the bread into slices a little less than a centimeter thick.
  • Squeeze circles out of the bread with a glass.
  • Squeeze out the middle of half of the bread circles with a glass of smaller diameter to make bread rings.
  • Drizzle the bread with oil, grease full circles with a thin layer of mayonnaise, put bread rings on top.
  • Put the cod liver in a bowl, mash.
  • Boil the eggs, remove the yolks from them.
  • Squirrels finely cut, mix with cod liver.
  • Fill the bread "plates" with the resulting mass.
  • Grate the yolks, sprinkle them with the center of the sandwiches.
  • Spread the eggs around the perimeter.

Cod liver tartlets prepared according to the above recipe are suitable for a buffet table.

Sandwiches with cod liver and cottage cheese

  • toasted bread - 0.4 kg;
  • cod liver - 0.23 kg;
  • cottage cheese - 0.2 kg;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • pomegranate seeds, dill - for decoration.

Cooking method:

  • Dry the bread in the oven or microwave, cut each piece in half diagonally to make triangles.
  • Pass the cottage cheese through a sieve so that it acquires a delicate texture.
  • Cod liver mash with a fork and mix with cottage cheese.
  • Add minced garlic. Stir until the mass is completely homogeneous.
  • Cover the resulting mass of bread.
  • Garnish with fresh dill and pomegranate seeds.

If sandwiches are placed on top of each other, they will resemble a Christmas tree. It would be a good idea to prepare this appetizer for the New Year's table, although it is also suitable for other holidays.

Sandwiches with cod liver, cucumbers and cheese

  • cod liver - 0.23 kg;
  • loaf - 0.3 kg;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • hard cheese - 50 g;
  • leaf lettuce - 50 g;
  • pickled cucumber - 150 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 150 g.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the loaf into pieces a little more than half a centimeter thick.
  • Fry on one side in a dry frying pan.
  • Rub the fried side with garlic, lightly sprinkle with oil from a can of canned food.
  • Finely grate the cheese, chop the lettuce leaves, put on the bread.
  • Finely chop the pickled cucumbers. Mash the cod liver with a fork. Mix the ingredients, put a spoonful of pâté in the center of each piece of bread, flatten slightly.
  • Decorate sandwiches with fresh cucumber slices or mashed potatoes. To obtain mashed cucumber, it should be grated on a coarse grater, squeezed.

A simple but unusual appetizer prepared according to this recipe can be served on a weekday and at the festive table.

Sandwiches with cod liver and carrots

  • carrots - 100 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • cod liver - 0.23 kg;
  • rye bread - 0.7 kg;
  • leaf lettuce - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the bread into slices a centimeter thick, dry it in the oven or using a toaster.
  • Finely grate raw carrots.
  • Pass the garlic through a press.
  • Mash the cod liver with a fork.
  • Spread a thin layer of cod liver on the bread, using no more than half.
  • Place a lettuce leaf on each slice of bread.
  • Mix the remaining canned food with carrots and garlic.
  • Spread the resulting mixture on lettuce leaves.

You can decorate sandwiches as you like. Red caviar is well suited for this.

Sandwiches with cod liver and tomatoes

  • baguette - 0.3 kg;
  • cod liver - 0.23 kg;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • tomatoes - 0.3 kg;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 40-60 ml;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the baguette obliquely into oval pieces about a centimeter thick, dry them in the oven.
  • Coarsely grate cheese and hard-boiled eggs, mix with mayonnaise.
  • Knead the cod liver with a knife, combine with the cheese and egg mass.
  • Spread the resulting paste on the baguette pieces.
  • Cut the tomatoes into circles, put a piece on each sandwich.

Despite the simplicity of preparation, cod liver sandwiches made according to this recipe turn out to be tasty and elegant, worthy of a festive table.

Sandwiches with cod liver are prepared easily and quickly, they turn out tasty and beautiful. You can make them not only on a weekday, but also for a festive feast.

In everyday life, it often happens that you need to quickly prepare a simple but nutritious meal. Sandwiches with cod liver are best suited for this. They will decorate the festive table well, besides, they will take quite a bit of time. And this means that even a novice hostess will cope with their preparation. Cod liver is a delicacy, it is rich in vitamins and polyunsaturated acids, which are of great benefit to the body. Having applied a little imagination and decorating sandwiches, it will not be a shame to put an exquisite and tasty dish on the table both in front of home and guests. For a holiday, you can make such sandwiches with expensive fillings, for example, with avocado, kiwi. It will be a very rich flavor. A thin slice of cheese, pickled cucumber is also suitable. Incredibly tasty hot sandwiches with such fillings.

Sandwiches with canned cod liver, egg and cucumber

Breakfast will become hearty if you cook sandwiches with cod liver, egg and cucumber. For sandwiches, you can take stale bread. When we dry it, the middle will become soft and a thin pleasant crust will appear.

What we need:

  • loaf - 250 g;
  • canned cod liver - 1 can;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • boiled eggs - 2 pcs.

How to make cod liver sandwiches

Snack sandwiches are prepared quickly and easily, and they look very appetizing and beautiful.

Sandwiches with cod liver and tomatoes

These sandwiches will decorate any table. There is usually a lot of oil in a jar of canned food. So that the sandwiches do not turn out very greasy, you do not need to use all the butter. Take a couple of spoons, use the rest for spreading on bread. Appetizers should not be prepared long before serving.

Grocery list:

  • bread - 180 g;
  • canned cod liver - 120 g;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • refined sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • fresh dill - 2 sprigs;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking process

Garnish the sandwich with a sprig of dill. Cold cod liver appetizer is ready. I made 6 sandwiches, but the amount depends on the thickness of the liver layer. The thicker you spread on bread, the fewer sandwiches you get.

Sandwiches with cod liver pate

I usually make chicken pâté, but recently I was shared a great recipe for a delicious cod liver pâté, eggs and vegetables. The combination of all the ingredients is simple and quite affordable, and the result is the most delicate pate, which is suitable as a light snack with crispy croutons for a dinner party, breakfast or picnic. Such a delicious appetizer is prepared according to this step-by-step recipe with a photo very quickly, you can store the pate in the refrigerator in a glass jar with a lid.


  • cod liver in its own juice - 1 can;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • juice squeezed from lemon - 0.5 tsp;
  • ground black pepper, salt - to taste.

How to make these cod liver sandwiches

This is how simply and quickly a magnificent tender cod liver pate is prepared. Spread pate on freshly prepared rye bread snack toasts, add a few spicy capers, fresh herbs and you can serve a snack to the table!

Cod liver is not only tasty, but also very healthy. After all, it contains many nutrients that are necessary for the human body. We suggest you make delicious sandwiches with it.

Cod liver. Snack recipes with nutritious fish

Now let's look at different ways to create such sandwiches using healthy products.

To make sandwiches with cod liver and eggs, we need:

Half an onion;

Two eggs;

One can of cod liver;

10 baguette slices.

These ingredients are enough for ten servings.

cooking process

1. Pour chopped onion into a bowl of medium depth. Everything is filled with boiling water.

2. Eggs are boiled, peeled and finely chopped.

One hundred grams of hard cheese;

1 can of olives;

2 cloves of garlic;

Two hundred grams of cod liver;

Cooking process:

1. The loaf is cut. Fried in a pan without adding oil.

2. Eggs and cheese are rubbed on a fine grater.

3. The liver is warming up.

4. All ingredients are mixed.

5. Greens are chopped very finely, added to the filling. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

6. Then the fried pieces of bread should be rubbed with garlic.

7. Top with a thin layer of filling and sprinkle with herbs. Appetizing and beautiful sandwiches with cod liver and eggs are ready to eat. They can be served for breakfast, then it will turn out to be very nutritious. Also, such canapes are suitable for a buffet table.

Delicate sandwiches with cod liver and eggs

For cooking you will need:

1 avocado;

Two hundred grams of cod liver;

3 beets;

Making avocado sandwiches

1. First you need to boil the beets.

2. Then it is worth peeling the avocado and removing the stone from it. Cut the fruit into cubes. Sprinkle with lemon juice. This is necessary to preserve the color and structure of the avocado.

5. Beets are cut into thin plastics and spread on a fried baguette. Avocados are laid on top and, of course, fish liver.

6. Ready sandwiches are laid out on portioned plates and decorated with lemon slices.

Tip: The avocado should be soft, buttery, and ripe. Then the dish will turn out juicy. If the fruit is not ripe, then the products will have a bitter taste.

A small conclusion

Now you know that cod liver can be useful for making snacks. Sandwiches, the photos of which you see in our article, are not only tasty, but also healthy. If you like something, then cook this dish at home. Good luck! If you are asked how to make the sandwiches we have provided for you, tell them.

I really like to cook all sorts of such sandwiches in a hurry, which can be a quick and satisfying snack. I have had this since my youth, when friends often came to us unexpectedly, but we were always very glad to see them anyway. It was necessary to treat them quickly, and now I had to get out.

At that time, cod liver, like sprats, like many other canned foods, could only be purchased on a grand occasion. Such a case, fortunately, was often given to me, so there was always a jar of something like that in the refrigerator!

I have always loved cod liver and always knew that it is very useful. But only recently and, by the way, thanks to the Internet, I learned how much!

It turns out that in addition to the fact that it contains potassium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, calcium and other minerals and trace elements, cod liver is also very rich in vitamin A. It is necessary for good vision, for the functioning of the brain, for skin, for nails, for hair, etc. In short, a magical product, we will take it!

We will need:

  • one can of cod liver
  • two eggs
  • 4 square slices of wheat bread
  • some mayonnaise
  • green onions (optional)

We start cooking. Follow my recipe and photos. So,

How to make sandwiches with liver and eggs

  1. Let's prepare the bread slices first. Cut a loaf of white bread into squares, and then again diagonally.
  2. Lightly toast the pieces in the toaster.
  3. Drain excess liquid from a jar of liver, mash the liver itself with a fork.
  4. We grate two hard-boiled eggs on a coarse grater and combine with the liver:
  5. Season everything with mayonnaise (you need a little, just for a bunch and taste):
  6. Put the resulting mixture on bread.
  7. Finely chop the green onion
  8. And decorate them with our sandwiches.

One can of cod liver and two eggs made the filling for eight sandwiches, and we cooked them in just 5 minutes. I think that such simple recipes should be used by every housewife!

The most popular source of fish oil is cod liver oil. Canned cod liver was in short supply in Soviet times, but now you can buy it in almost any grocery store. And its price is not high compared to a jar of red caviar.

Some are skeptical about this product, believing that cod liver is of poor quality compared to meat.

But they are deeply mistaken. After all, cod liver is very useful for the human body, especially for small children and pregnant women. It contains vitamins B and D, ascorbic acid and polyunsaturated acids, as well as zinc, copper and iron. A medical preparation called "Fish Oil" is obtained from it, which is included in the composition of nourishing face masks.

But you should not get carried away with this product. Eat little and not every day. And of course with bread.

For people who are intolerant to fish and allergic to seafood, cod liver is not recommended for eating. Also, it should not be eaten by those who have an increased amount of thyroid hormones.

You can cook a lot of delicious and original dishes from cod liver. It goes well with potatoes and can be an ingredient in many salads and appetizers. And the pates from it are tender with an amazing aroma.

Also, festive sandwiches with cod liver do not lag behind in taste. They are nutritious and easy to prepare. And, of course, such sandwiches will also be a great decoration for any holiday table.

Here are some simple and not expensive sandwich recipes with this product.

Cod liver sandwiches: recipe

Required products:

  • 1 baguette;
  • 1 cucumber (fresh);
  • little creamy;
  • a bunch of fresh parsley;
  • red caviar (for decoration).

Cut the baguette into pieces one centimeter thick. Spread a little butter on each such piece of baguette, put a circle of fresh cucumber, a sprig of parsley and a piece of cod liver on top.

Decorate sandwiches with red caviar.

Snack sandwiches with cod liver and tomatoes

Required products:

  • 1 baguette;
  • 1 jar of canned cod liver;
  • 200 gr. hard cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • some mayonnaise;
  • 2 pcs. fresh medium tomato;
  • ground black pepper.

Grate hard-boiled eggs and cheese on a fine grater.

Mash the canned cod liver well with a fork and combine these two masses. To make the resulting mass homogeneous and soft, you can add a little canned cod oil. Then add salt, pepper and mayonnaise and mix well.

Spread the finished mass on pieces of a baguette (here you will learn how to bake a baguette at home), cut into slices, one and a half centimeters wide and decorate with small tomato slices.

Required products:

  • 1 baguette;
  • 2 jars of canned cod liver;
  • 4 eggs;
  • some mayonnaise;
  • 1 bulb.

Cut the onion very finely and pour boiling water for 5 minutes. Finely chop the hard-boiled eggs, and knead the cod liver well with a fork.

Mix all the ingredients and add a few tablespoons of canned oil.

Sandwiches with cod liver

On the eve of any holiday, every housewife thinks about how to put such a tasty and original on the table. I propose to cook these very beautiful and tasty sandwiches with cod liver. See how appetizing they are, and how the eggs burn in the rays of light. So, I tell the recipe, although everything is clear))).


  • 1 white bread or baguette
  • 1 jar of cod liver (230g.)
  • 1 fresh cucumber
  • butter
  • small bunch of parsley
  • red caviar for decoration

  1. We take fresh white bread, a thin baguette is best. Cut the bread into slices about a centimeter thick. If you bought ordinary bread, then you can cut it into triangles or small squares, you will also get very original canapes with cod liver.
  2. Open a jar of canned cod liver, drain the fat. Spread the cod liver, and then carefully cut into small plates. It's okay if the liver pieces are a little different.
  3. We take a small fresh cucumber, mine, thinly cut across.
  4. We wash fresh parsley or dill, dry it, and then separate the leaves from the twigs. For cod liver sandwiches, you will need very little greens, just a few branches, it is important that the greens are fresh and beautiful.
  5. Well, now the most interesting. We spread butter on each piece of bread with a thin layer, by the way, it should be put out of the refrigerator in advance so that it warms up and spreads better.
  6. On top we put a circle of cucumber, a few leaves of parsley, and only then a piece of cod liver. And finally, we decorate all this splendor with red caviar. Is it really very beautiful?
  7. Delicious sandwiches with cod liver and red caviar are laid out on a dish. Yes, these canapes will become a real decoration of the festive table!

P.S. Of course, caviar and cod liver are quite expensive, and not everyone can afford them every day, but holidays are holidays, especially if it's New Year, Christmas or Birthday.

Let's cook! Cod liver is considered a very useful and indispensable product, it contains everything a person needs - vitamins, biologically active substances, trace elements, all the necessary substances to maintain the musculoskeletal system, mental ability, and the cardiovascular system!

In Soviet times, in children's institutions, children were given a portion of fish oil for prevention and saturation with vitamin D, a little pleasant memory. It is much nicer and tastier to eat a piece of cod liver, especially since this unique product can be used to prepare salads, snacks, and cod liver is also suitable for side dishes and, of course, for our sandwiches! Let's make quick sandwiches with cod liver.

Quick sandwiches with cod liver

Step one: we need - a baguette or a white loaf (one loaf is enough!), one can of cod liver, three hard-boiled eggs, half a fresh cucumber, green onions, white onions, a bunch of dill or parsley to your taste.

Step two: open a jar of cod liver and put it on a plate, do not pour out the fat from the liver, we will need it for salad dressing.

Step three: boil the eggs in a steep one, put them under cold water to cool (in cold water, the eggs will be better peeled).

Step four: chop the onion, cucumber and greens on a grater, preferably on a fine one, so that the vegetables are airy and in harmony with the delicate cod liver.

Step five: three hard-boiled eggs on a fine grater and add to our grated vegetables.

Step six: combine all the ingredients, knead the cod liver with a fork and add the grated cucumber, eggs, onion and dill, mix everything thoroughly, but carefully so that the mass is airy, season with the juice left from the cod liver, season with salt and pepper.

Step seven: cut the baguette or loaf into slices, the slices should be of medium thickness, about 1 centimeter.

Step eight: on a sliced ​​baguette, gently spread our mass of cod liver and vegetables, decorate with dill, put on a plate, our cod liver sandwiches are ready! Such sandwiches will be very useful for breakfast, during a snack, it turns out very tender, tasty and appetizing! Very useful and healthy snack, treat yourself!

Cod liver is a storehouse of a bunch of vitamins and fats, which are so important and necessary for our body. It is very soft, tender and literally melts in your mouth. Many people like its taste. From this product you can cook a lot of excellent dishes that absolutely everyone can love and cook.

Today we will show you how to make an appetizer with this amazing delicacy. Our recipe for Cod Liver Sandwiches will show you how to make wonderful sandwiches that are not only tasty, but also healthy!

To prepare them, we need:

  • 1 can of cod liver (can be bought at the supermarket);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 0.5 onion heads;
  • parsley or dill;
  • 10 slices of baguette.

As a result, we will get 10 sandwiches, in 10 minutes!

  1. Finely chop our half of the onion head and pour the chopped with boiling water.
  2. Boil and cut eggs. Then chop them just as finely.
  3. Mix onions and eggs. We put cod liver in this mass and mix everything with a fork.
  4. There is no need to throw out the jar from under the liver! We take a few tablespoons of fat from it and pour it into a plate with mixed cod, eggs and onions.
  5. Next, put the resulting substance on slices of baguette. If desired, the bread can be slightly browned using a grill or dried in a toaster.
  6. The resulting sandwich can be decorated with a sprig of parsley or dill. Sandwiches are best served as an appetizer for something. The cooking process for this is over!

These sandwiches can be used as a snack on the festive table, take them with you on the road, for a walk or on a hike. Your guests and loved ones will always be able to appreciate the ingenuity you have shown in preparing and serving these sandwiches. Their biggest plus is the speed of cooking.

You do not have to stand at the stove for a long time, which, of course, will appeal to any housewife. We sincerely hope that our recipe has helped you achieve your culinary goals. Bon appetit and stay healthy!

Sandwiches are a great option for a quick snack, so almost everyone had to cook them in their lives.

If you have the opportunity and a suitable composition of products is at hand, be sure to try making these cod liver sandwiches. Fragrant, juicy, they are ideal both as a snack and simply as a separate dish for breakfast or dinner.

How to make cod liver sandwiches

We take the products necessary for making sandwiches:

  • Rye bread - 4 slices,
  • Canned cod liver (chopped) - 1 can,
  • Carrot - 1 pc.,
  • Garlic - 3 cloves,
  • Lettuce leaves - 4 pcs.,
  • Greens of parsley and dill.

First, we spread cod liver on slices of bread with a thin layer. Grate carrots and garlic on a fine grater and mix with the remaining liver.

Put the lettuce leaves on the greased slices of bread and spread the evenly prepared pate on top.

Chop the parsley and dill and sprinkle over the pate. It turns out simply excellent, satisfying and tasty sandwiches. Enjoy your meal!

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

More recently, there was a case when a jar of stored cod liver helped me out in an awkward situation, when, completely by chance, after the last movie session, friends came to us and we decided to impromptu build a small party from what we had available and what the guests brought.
I must say that as a result, we did a very good job with the buffet, because everything was tasty, satisfying and, most importantly, cooked very quickly. The king of this table was my sandwiches, which were the first to go. Well, it was quite predictable, because when I tried the pasta that I spread on, I just wanted to take it and, without a twinge of conscience, eat it with the most straight spoon.
I don’t even remember where I got this recipe from, but when I found a jar of cod liver in the refrigerator in stocks, I realized that I still need chicken eggs, hard cheese, mayonnaise and spices. I must say that it was from these ingredients that I prepared the pasta, adding more finely chopped greens. Well, while I was cooking it, a friend in the toaster made crispy French baguette toast and rubbed them with garlic. Can you imagine the flavor of our sandwiches?
What I especially liked about this dish is the simplicity and speed of its preparation, the longest stage is boiling chicken eggs, but at this time we are engaged in other processes - we cut a loaf and cook croutons. So in the end, in 15 minutes, we had a whole tray of delicious snack sandwiches on the table.
Well, today I offer cod liver sandwiches, a recipe with a photo. A very tasty and easy way to prepare mouth-watering snacks for lunch or dinner.
The recipe is for 10-12 pieces.


- canned cod liver (natural) - 200 g,
- chicken eggs - 3-4 pcs.,
- French baguette (can be a loaf),
- hard cheese - 100 g,
- garlic - 2 cloves,
- greens,
- mayonnaise.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Pour the eggs with cold water and cook for 8 minutes from the moment the water boils. Next, we cool them, clean and rub them on a grater.
We take out the cod liver from the jar and gently knead it into a homogeneous mass.
We also add finely chopped greens and mayonnaise.

Now we prepare the croutons, or fry the pieces of a loaf in a dry frying pan on both sides, or use a toaster for this.

Coat warm croutons with garlic on all sides.
And then spread the lettuce mass on each toast.
Sprinkle with herbs and serve.

Also you can do